They're coming for us!

>Jow Forums is getting blacklisted in Austria. Forums

Attached: 1280px-Flag_of_Austria_(state).svg.png (1280x853, 94K)

>Jow Forums

i dont know why this triggers me.

Isn't that just for the advertising stuff?

You're just the first. Soon it will just be Americans on Jow Forums.

Start learning cherokee or iroquoid then, nigger

Canada and the UK are definitely next.

i love it how the screen says "bewirb dich für die polizei" and in the background you can see "girls you wanna rape part 2"

u got the tism

germans should be banned as well


That aside, did you actually read what it said you mong

Fucking weak. Isn't Kurz running the show along with the FPO? How could they be such pussies and not stand up for freedom of speech?

Ganz grosses Kino :D

>Nach Hinweis von User "derbesn" und "re blizzard loot" wurde die Meldung mit dem Hinweis überarbeitet, dass die Anzeige in der App "Mimi" und nicht direkt über Jow Forums ausgespielt wurde


nothing more expected from the standard


I did but it is not a good sign regardless even if it just affects ads.

>girls you wanna rape part 2
>bewirb dich für die polizei
maximum überkek

Attached: whenthegasstartsworking.jpg (736x1023, 159K)

Feels good having actual free speech. Eat my rancid shit, traitorous, self-hating, anti-white Euroweenies.

Attached: DhtSTNOWsAEWr7Q.jpg (1110x1080, 159K)

Show your flag Ahmed.

Americans and Israelis...

>Censoring the internet
Pick one

>Linking to the pink toilet paper gazette
>Not being able to read
What's really happening is that police ads were shown on Jow Forums, thanks to google.
The interior ministry did not find Jow Forums an appropiate place to advertise, so it has been blacklisted for government ads.

The article was fake news and this thread is even more fake news.
The blacklist only refers to the list where the police doesn't want their ads to be shown.

>ads were shown on Jow Forums

they weren't, they were shown on a 3rd party app which the faggot who made the screen was browsing Jow Forums with.

so blacklisting Jow Forums does absolutely nothing, the ad still will be shown on this app while this little faggot is browsing Jow Forums.

Well then it is just straight fake news, as was to be expected by that paper.

navajo code talkers, google it.