
Do you support this Bill Jow Forums? I vant imagine any of you would be against it. You’re not that pathetic right?

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If he touched her it's assault and should be prosecuted.

But taking pictures of someone in public should not be illegal.

>It’s another “roastie bitch claims she was harassed with no evidence to back it up and the public takes her word for it” episode
She couldn’t possibly just be saying this for attention, could she?

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>gets accused by some crazy womyn
>cell confiscated, no pic found
>still have to go to court and defend yourself
>18 months in jail

300k+ people liked it so I assume she got what she wanted

Holy fuck you arent wrong

Surely it's harassment/voyeurism and is already illegal ?

As hot as upskrit photos and vids are. Its pretty messed up to do that to somebody. I agree with her. It's no different from being a peeping tom outside somebody's window.

Yes but this whore wants to make it a sex offense, meaning you have to be registered and bear the shame your entire life. If roasties could they would make it illegal to look at them in public without permission

If you take pictures of someome without consent it should be illegal
You say "taking pictures should not be illegal" but what about militant leftists taking pictures of alleged nazis and using them to ruin their lives?

not illegal if you don't want to show your face cover it or stay at home in your cuckshed

Most people would support a ban on upskirt photos. (((They))) just had to drag it out and make it seem hard won so that feminists actually believe they are locked in a fight against society and public opinion and keep on with the pointless fighting. Meanwhile there’ll be some ridiculous claim by ‘feminists’ saying all men need to provide DNA so rapes can be solved quicker, and this will get men fighting against imaginary feminists.

>not wanting to provide DNA to prove your innocence
Rapist identified

It's already covered by sexual harassment laws.
There's no need for a new law.
Adding laws isn't always good. This probably doesn't matter either way, but endlessly relegislating covered legal terrain isn't actually a good use of resources.

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Anybody have the pictures? A friend of mine is doing a research paper for his Women's Victimhood class at the state University and was asking.

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>women are just as capable as men
>someone did something i dont like
>help me daddy government!

Wear pants. Stop listening to me fuck my wife through my smart tv, bitch.

Stop complaining about where i fuck my bf, bigot

>prove your innocence
No it's up to them to prove your guilt bootlicker.

If you wear revealing clothing in public, you have no reasonable expectation of privacy.

If someone can see your privates without the aid of mirrors, or special positioning, or other tools, then a picture of that sight is legal and protected.

Stop wearing miniskirts and bending over then getting butthurt when your ass is in full plain view.

Slippery slope....
Outlawed, upskirt pics
Outlawed, pics of legs in skirt
Outlawed pics if girls in skirt
Outlawed pics if girls
Outlawed pics of women

Anyone should be free to wear what they want without being victimized by incels

>meaning you have to be registered and bear the shame your entire life
why don't we already do this for all crimes?
or even just immoral behavior in general?

Sooo... Where are the pics? Also, feet pics would be appreciated as well.

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of course, laws stop criminals

Because women would abuse it you colossal retard, like they already do
If you moon someone you can be labeled a sex offender
If you pee in public, sex offender
If a woman can see your penis bulge in your pants and you refuse to have sex with her, sex offender

I'd like to see passing trannies get up in miniskirts and see how fast upskirt ends when guys stop wanting to risk the surprise penis

Nobody said you couldn't wear that, just realize you have no expectation of privacy when you do.

>If you moon someone you can be labeled a sex offender
>If you pee in public, sex offender
I don't see a problem with this though

Posting inflammatory shit to get a reaction. No faggot, tell her to provide proof and then take it up with harassment charges instead of writing a law that makes women even more victimized.

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Totally agree that taking upskirt photos of women in public without their consent should be a crime. She comes off as such an unbelievable cunt in her post that it makes me want to disagree though. Fuck.

I am male, tell me again how you're okay with a male going out in skimpy clothes you fucking faggot

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>be woman
>guy gives you too much/little/wrong kind of attention
Boom, sex offender

Reminder, women are always the victim

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it's already easy enough to get a neverending supply of seemingly real upskirt pics of paid actresses desu

In the US there is no expectation of privacy. You can, and often times do, have your picture taken anywhere you go in public. Bathrooms and changing rooms are the only exception.

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you're focusing too much on women
i'm just wondering why we don't publicly shame degenerates
including women

it would of course have to be proven in a court of law that you did what was claimed, but that's a separate issue

I could then sue or press charges on anyone who happens to take a pic of me in public while they are taking selfies etc. could i sue whoever owns cctv or stores/gasstations who have cameras pointing toward public streets?

Taking upskirt pics is deviant and degenerate. Death by immolation.

if she is running around half naked in public i don't see the problem
don't want someone to take pictures of your saggy titties, then don't show them around
its the typical female mental handicap
not taking responsibility for their actions but blaming it on others

I disagree. If some creep took upskirt pictures of one of my daughters I would bash his face in. Putting a camera on your shoe and taking pictures up girls skirts is degenerate

If you had a fucking camera strapped to your shoe and was trying to take a pic of my wife or daughters panties I'd break your fucking neck. That's is very inappropriate and you deserve whatever happens.

Checked. I love when women who clearly never get hit on EVER talk about facing harassment by way of cat calls. I’ve never seen this happen to hot chicks let alone fatties

Wearing short skirts in public is degenerate
Public photography is not a crime

The problem with Jow Forums is that all of the betas and autists will never have children (probably for the best) so they never consider things from the prospective of a father

There is taking creepshotting too far. Most people are going to feel uncomfortable as hell taking a creep shot. But for those that get around that discomfort, I would say it’s probably a slippery slope leading you away from common sense. A bigger question is, can anyone explain how a creep shotter can get a quality upskirt photo millions of dudes online would want to jerk off to? That’s a mystery to me. You’re either a super creeper, or the woman was a willing subject, or a just enough of both. Imo, 99.99% of hot upskirt photos have willing subjects posing for the photo.

My parents' next-door neighbour was prosecuted for it 15 or 20 years ago, he was very embarrassed about it, so I was surprised to see that they were talking about making it a specific offence. It sounds like a waste of parliamentary time desu.

You can do this shit to women that wear perfectly respectable dresses. It is a step beyond public photography as it taking pictures of children in swimming with underwater cameras.

Degenerates get hurt

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Ok, Mr. perfect Jow Forums Moslem man.

this. I don't get women who walk around half-naked but have problems with people staring or taking pictures of them.

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I support this, perverts make me sick.

If ever men would find an alternative to women, we'd abandon them forever without a single fuck given.

When I lived in Japan there was a magazine on sale in the local supermarket that consisted almost entirely of upskirt pics of schoolgirls. It was called "Candid Attack On Gals". We have much to learn from their culture.

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No. Japs though a great race are often creepy weirdos

If you strap a cam to your shoe you are a sex offender imo. Whores wearing skimpy clothes are different but cam shoes are malicious and grossly disgusting.

I don’t even understand how some people here think this is acceptable? Hitler would gas these creeps

all they will have to say is "I saw him try to take the picture but he wasn't successful or deleted it"

Speak for yourself.

taking your daughters around creeps dressed like whores is a big part of problem, user

are you a sex offender if you can see up a woman's skirt who's at the top of the escalator when you're at the bottom?

Yes I agree such a thing needs to be forbidden.

I have a feeling that they are (((kvetching))) for a reason desu

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I just reap the benefits of the brave souls that do it.

I'd say so if you broke out a high magnification camera in an attempt to savor the moment under more private circumstances, no?

lol, dont care, fuck off

so looking is fine but photography makes it a crime

A good solution to this to protect women is to have some kind of camera fitted within the skirt, possibly connected to the internet, so that concerned observers can warn her when a foul miscreant deems to thrust the lens which juts out of the camera in his grubby cheeto sweat laden hands under her skirt for those pictures he's trying to obtain.
Later, using photogrammetry we can use the images from his camera and those from the skirt security cam to create a 3D reconstruction of the crime so as to enable a wider audience to better appreciate the nature of this situation.

fpbp. If it is his (((sexual orientation))) he should be allowed to satisfy it, because he isn't getting physical. Making this illegal is very oppressive and discriminating against minorities.
Just because they are born this way, you cannot force them to be someone else.

honestly it's pretty hard to get an upskirt unless you're right fucking next to somebody and only a complete idiot wouldn't notice the stranger standing inches away suddenly trying to angle his foot under you. even on /b/ upskirt creepshots are practically non-existent. more common is women bending over wearing leggings as pants, and that's really all their fault

This. I'm tired of bitches and faggots trying to do away with due process. You can't just convict someone without evidence. Not to mention if it gets media attention, your life is ruined even if you were wrongly accused.

The example you gave was a hypothetical scenario where as someone accidentally saw something they weren't intended to. Creep shots I've seen on here are shoe cams. And yes again, if you purposely hung out under an escalator with a high def camera just to take those type of photos you are in fact a menace to society.

No need to double dip on crimes. There are crimes on the books for this type of behavior.

I think anyone who thinks upskirting someone is 'normal' then imagine someone doing it to yer daughter or someone you really know, you'd knock the guy out doing it. Its fucked up

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Might as well make looking at people without permission illegal too. The fact is photos in a place where you had no reasonable expectation of privacy should not ever be illegal.

>not just replying with PICS OR IT DIDNT HAPPEN

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what if you purposely hang out in under the escalator just with no camera, jail time?

this is the next step in the #metoo movement. it will be illegal for unattractive men to even look at women without written consent

I will take upskirts of all youre women deal with it cuck.

Do we really need a bill to legislate upskirt shots? Why should the answer always be more government legislation?

Because you need to mind your own business. Quit getting off on telling other people what they can and can't do like some fucking authoritarian pervert.

Teach your daughter some fucking modesty and situational awareness, mother fucker.

Probably not but I suppose I don't understand this type of desperation and depravity. I got one better. If you were hanging out under some stairs that children use in the same circumstance, are you a pedo?

Let's see those pics.

You wouldn't do shit, faggot. You wouldn't even know. Tell the women in your life to dress modestly. Chances are if your wife or your daughter are wearing shit that exposes their bodies, they want to flaunt it. Get your fucking insecurities in check. Sure, upskirt fetishists are faggots, but this legislation won't do anything to fix that problem.

>You say "taking pictures should not be illegal" but what about militant leftists taking pictures of alleged nazis and using them to ruin their lives?
If you don't want your life ruined because you were at an Alt Right rally and someone took a photo of you, don't go. People shouldn't have their lives ruined for it, but it's the price we pay for our beliefs.

My very lucrative career and promising future was destroyed because I was a normie conservative. You want to fight for western civilization? Then be prepared to pay the price as I have.

In bathrooms and changing rooms you have a reasonable expectation of privacy.

>women go the beach essentially naked. Taking picture of literally the same thing is a crime.
:/ no back into the kitchen with you.
>A meme bill is seriously being considered
Governments are a mistake.

It isn't normal. It's creepy and degenerate. It should be socially shamed. But it shouldn't be illegal.

Pics or it did not happen vaGina

Oh yes the fuck I would little nigger. I hang around here enough to know never relax around blacks. You think a Jow Forumslack father would be out and about and not be on alert for shit like that? Think again.

>GINA Martin

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You know nothing about being a father, or the mental capabilities of young children. You are defending pathetic beta behaviour and any fascists government would have punished ruthlessly.

You will never marry, nor have children. You will be eternally alone with zero descendants.

So... did the dumb bitch stop wearing skirts?

I agree it should be illegal, all sexual explicit pictures should be banned. If you can't find a woman you shouldn't be allowed to look at them online.

Taking a pic of someone's face on the street is fine. You're in public. Get over it.
But taking a pic of something that is not being shown publicly (a girl's panties under her fucking clothes) is fucking wrong.
Not assault, but wrong nonetheless.
Should be treated the same way revenge porn is treated.

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those sicko's. those perverts. those rapists.


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When you go out of your way to surreptitiously take photographs of people's genitals without their permission, that is a form of assault, you dumb fuck. How would you like some sick motherfucker taking photos of your junk and getting off on same? Or doing the same to someone you care about?

>not posting the other one

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Exactly. People who do creepshots are sex predators

I enjoy upskirt porn as much as the next guy, but how is that not illegal?

Taking the pictures should be illegal. Uploading them should not be.

If you're skilled enough to take the pictures and not get caught then you deserve to put them up online