Roe V. Wade

Give me your honest opinion, Jow Forums.

WILL it be overturned?
SHOULD it be overturned?


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Immorality only begets immorality. You can't seriously think promoting nigger abortions will not bleed into precious white society as it so clearly has. Anyone who posits otherwise is a braindead summerfag.

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niggers exist so no

I don't give a fuck if you want to murder your baby kike, I want SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED emblazoned on diana fienstiens forehead.

A federal law isn't necessary.

That much is obvious. Washington should get out of as many lives as we can force it to.

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Yes. Abortion is a sin against God

you should be retroactively aborted

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>WILL it be overturned?
>SHOULD it be overturned?

Will it be overturned? Who cares.
Should it be overturned? Probably. The rights of the states has caused a civil war.. and this is something that could probably be handled better at the state level. I know, I know..
>B-b-but that means some people won't be able to have abortions in their state and they can't afford to go elsewhere!
That's where organizations like Planned Parenthood should step in. Assist those who want abortions but can't get it in their state. That is the more logical solution to this. No matter how you feel about the issue of ability to abort (personally I don't really care either way, but I wish we'd make it law that aborted fetuses must be donated to scientific causes) .. the tax payers of states where it can not happen should NOT be paying for it.


Will it be?
Still, I think it unlikely.

Should it be?
Absolutely, the Court has no buisness writing legislation from the bench.
The Fed's have no buisness regulating abortion either.

Should be a choice by individuals. Should be called McRoe vs McWade.

Yeah dude just let the states make their own degeneracy laws why should we stop CA from being a bunch of faggots, trannies, niggerlovers, and degenerates of all sorts? It's not like their culture is imported all across the country. Decency laws are literally violence.

ban it faggot, moral reasons aside it makes women sluts

>why should we stop CA from being a bunch of faggots, trannies, niggerlovers, and degenerates of all sorts? It's not like their culture is imported all across the country

Why not create your own state that bans niggers and gays and all nigger and gay shit
Oh wait
Because that's banned by the federal government.
You cock sucking retard.


>muh statists
lolbergs are same as commies, no difference except economics

States rights issue. Once again the feds overstepped

Morality is subjective.. which is why there are two sides to this claiming moral superiority. As for it "making women sluts" .. I think you're putting too much effort into making that statement. It's not a logical one.
>Women are sluts because the only way to not have a baby is to abort.
No. They'll be sluts regardless.. because of this thing called "birth control".

Personally, I have no issue with it.

On a political level though, it should be up to the states like all other issues. If a state wants to ban it and has enough support from its populace, go ahead and restrict or ban as much as you want.

Same goes for all other rights. Let the people choose how their home state operates when it comes to things like gun control, abortion, etc.

Each state is a completely different political climate. What works for California or Texas might not work for Arkansas or Maine.

I don't know why this is some new Shareblue talking point but I don't think a single one of you fuckwits has read the constitution or understands how our system of government works.

No. States rights. Let each state enact its own common sense abortion control.

abortion is the only thing that removes all personal responsibility for a woman in regards to sex
birth control does not work 100% of the time

It's legal for a woman to kill, equal rights dictate it shold be legal for a man to kill people then too.

>morality is subjective
do you some learning, blood
this is ancient knowledge known by the lines of our forefathers. post-modernist thinking has poisoned the soul of man.

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>roe v wade thread
liberal slide garbage

Abortion is murder.
Reproductive rights are as much as a right as Senicide rights are.
Regardless of the above, nowhere in the constitution does it say that the federal government must ensure that murder is legal.

Abortion laws could be used to deter idiots (m/w)from having unprotected sex, and being forced to bring children into less than desirable conditions. But shit happens you know? I think abortions should be done in the first month and not a moment later. 10 weeks is kinda crazy

Go kill them.

Solve your own fucking problems. Stop hiring bullies to inflict yourself upon the world.

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What the MAGAtards don't tell you is that these abortions mostly affect shitskin babies. If you think about it, this is good for the whites in this country in the long run.

I WANT to FUCK weasel

>Plato said some things so it must be true!
Yeah.. I wouldn't trust you in explaining how attaching a battery to a wire causes light to shine. It'd probably turn out to be something along these lines
>Edison said it happens, so it must be that it happens!

Roasties are going to die from coat hanger jobs and chop shops, and that's a GOOD THING


Yeah those same philosophers supported the idea of "pederasty". But they did alot to expand the human conscious

Batteries and lights can be reproduced/replecated, absolute morals should be reproducible as well.

life and death seems like a pretty big difference to me

If you want to make a federal law, go through Congress and ELECTED officials. Not just ask the appointed justices to make up laws because muh feelings. Overturn.

Morally I disagree with it, but its a form of eugenics so it can stay.

Also I've known roasties who've had one & it really weighs on them later in life. So their suffering is warranted & honestly I encourage that. They ultimately realize there really are consequences to immoral promiscuous sex, and they're usually damaged beyond repair.

Morality isn't real dude

It's a retarded ruling that basically says that because women have a right of privacy, that means they have a constitutional right to kill their children.

Regardless of how you feel about abortion it should be overturned on the grounds of it being a blatant example of hebraic pilpul alone.

Yes, the pro-life lobby has a number of trial cases in pending action right now that would justify a SCOTUS ruling. These cases are kept alive in the legal system for this purpose alone.

You baby killers need to get ready to move to Canada with the rest of the deviants. Your days of murdering babies are over.

>Reproductive rights are as much as a right as Senicide rights are.

Abortionists love to argue that because a fetus lacks full brain function that makes it acceptable to tear it limb from limb so it can be removed from the women in pieces, but I wonder how many of them would acquiesce to the idea of euthanizing their senile grandmothers in the same way. Imagine hospitals deploying teams of orderlies using steel tongs and high suction vaccines to dispatch those that society has dubbed mentally incapable by tearing them into pieces without anaesthetic.

I'm pretty sure there would be an outcry.

Maybe to both. I honestly couldn't give a shit about Roe vs Wade. On one hand it's prevented an explosion of the population of niggers and other undesirables but at the same time it would induce salt in roasties on the level no man has seen before.

>Morality is subjective.. which is why there are two sides to this claiming moral superiority.
retarded on so many levels
There are two sides to an argument, so they both must be right? This is the weak, modernist mind

>when you derail your own thread with your OP picture so you have to start another one but you choose some pokemon furries instead and it works

the absolute state of pol

You're an absolute retard. Yes, some whites have abortions. Which ones though? Almost exclusively liberals.

I just want common sense abortion control!!!

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>SHOULD it be overturned?
No. Abortion reduces the nigger population.

No it doesn't. An abortion is inconvinient and mentally and physically draining. Hormonal birth control is what allows women to be sluts, ban that instead.

Abortion is murder
The state has an obligation to protect the lives of citizens
The law in the U.S. ALWAYS considered abortion to be illegal
In the 20th century some states legalized abortion
But then the supreme court FOUND a woman's right to choose to abort. It was never seen there before. It is NOT explicit. The (((right))) was invented out of thin air
Justices who uphold it risk their eternal damnation, as abortion is the shedding of innocent blood.

>their eternal damnation
if you want to talk morals or ethics, leave the bible out of it, because scripture suggests that life begins at breath.

Yes and yes. Conception creates a growing life which is Human and has its own unique DNA. It is therefore entitled under the law to all the protections guaranteed to persons. The deliberate taking of that life is therefore unlawful.
Amendment 14;
No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Donald said he was gonna do it.

Third 2016 debate.

>WALLACE:But what I'm asking you, sir, is, do you want to see the court overturn you just said you want to see the court protect the Second Amendment. Do you want to see the court overturn Roe v. Wade?

>TRUMP:Well, if we put another two or perhaps three justice on, that's really what's going to be that will happen.

No it shouldn't happen. I don't support Russo-manchurian candidates or their backwater ideas.

You're a damn fool and will be the end of us all

_ ____ __ ____ ____ _______

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i.e. should pregnant unwed women who got raped by jamal or by their stepdad be jailed for life?

i.e. should we increase the welfare population tax burden by 100%?

i.e. should we increase the government's power over our lives?

i.e. should we let the pope in rome dictate our laws?

i.e. should the job of government be to legislate religious dogma?

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>WILL it be overturned?
Probably not; abortion is rather like the "left's 2nd Amendment" -- the NRA does constant fear-mongering about the "Democrat's are going to confiscate guns!" (and while the globalists *DO* want to take guns so they can impose control, it's worth noting that there are MANY globalists with an 'R' next to their name).

>SHOULD it be overturned?
It's a terrible ruling, if you read it you'll be amazed at how terrible the reasoning is.

Actually, the best thing to do would have been using it to fight the ACA: you see, the ruling Roe v. Wade was that a "constitutional right to privacy" applied to "doctors and medical records" and therefore those must be exempt from government inquiry to abortion, and yet the ACA mandates the medical records be made available to the government.


No, it should only be amended with a racial clause

>move to Canada

No, we have our own problems here without importing more SjW faggots.

As for abortion being overturned? No. Making it more difficult to procure and not paid for on the government dole? Absolutely.

Right now it's being used as birth control.. give the enforcement to the states and ban abortion after 12 weeks.

Government funded abortion should come with mandatory government sterilization. This saves on government health care costs.