Yo pol

redpills on the IRA?

Attached: Irish-Republican-Army-1.jpg (500x333, 35K)

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Jewish financed, Israeli trained and supported by neocons and american Jews to do everything they could to destabilize the UK because Jews and Israelis HATE the united kingdom for snubbing them after the Balfour declaration.

>Jewish financed
any evidence of this

Soldiers in a war, war never changes. Its good peace was reached. Nobody wants to live in a warzone. What a grim time. So much waste on all sides. No more brother wars, please.

bunch of pissed off micks financed by americans to undermine british authority ultimately earning them their independence from britain... only to be cucked by their faggot lefty government and betraying everything that they stood for.

Yeah, they're marxists

oh no no no no

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>on top of all other flegs

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You and your a I and agents don't actually think there's pro IRA posters here with connection to guns and drugs and human trafficking and terrorism, do you? Cause this is a board of peace officers. Have you seen our peace frogs? They are very nice. No need to post pro IRA then neg IRA and pro SAS and neg SAS and pro independent Ireland and pro loyalist etc etc just to rattle up some info on who to SWAT.

GO STOP THE CHILD RAPIST ECONOMIC IMMIGRANTS FROM MUSLIM COUNTRIES. they are dirty as fuck. Or are you scared of 2 billion Muslims? Alert, not alarmed. Fucking jokes son. What a shitty Intel outfit. You glow nig.

Fuck the IRA and Sinn Fein.

Radical socialists, marxists, and sell out pieces of shit who'd give Ireland to the Somali hordes if it meant they could get a whiff of a United Ireland.

If they we're genuine nationalists, they would have overthrown that gay half Indian by now. But no their belief is "brits out blacks in."

Yeah that totally negates the fact that the IRA is a Judeo-Marxist funded organisation, Mickey

Goddamn I love Australia.

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Literal Marxist faggots. Not to mention Catholics.

Terrorists who killed Irish & British civilians. People today have no idea how bad it was in the height of the Troubles, these Muslim attacks are few and far between.

If the Irish want a United Ireland so bad, they should have stuck to the Irish Free State.

>Judeo-Marxist funded
>gets funded by Libyan bros and amerimutts
>meanwhile in actual Israel itself

Attached: PAY-Peter_Robinson_to_step_down_within_weeks_42JPG.jpg (615x448, 46K)

>the jews don't fund both sides of every war
You can tell this mick is a real good goy.

>Goddamn I love Australia.
You seppos are aight mang.

But fuck off we're full, you can crash on the moon if you want, or Darwin or pine gap, same diff.

A great man once said (((they're))) behind all wars.
Behind every revolution there's a jew.

They're the quintessential example of how a militia can overthrow a government.
They were not even trying that hard and they rekt shit.
Anytime some anti 2nd Amendment faggot brings up "muh Waco you don't need guns anyway because duh guberments will stop you like muh Waco." tell them about the IRA.
They only had between 1000-2000 people at any given time. Imagine a group 100x that size with a goal of actually overthrowing a tyrannical government. They could not be stopped and that is why we need the 2nd Amendment.

They were supported by gaddafi and palestine
When will you guys understand that neoliberalism and capitalism are the jewish bastion now

"Many Irish Jews supported the Irish Republican Army (IRA) and the First Dail during the Irish War of Independence. Michael Noyk was a Lithuanian-born solicitor who became famous for defending captured Irish Republicans such as Sean MacEoin. Robert Briscoe was a prominent member of the IRA during the Irish War of Independence and the Irish Civil War. He was sent by Michael Collins to Germany in 1920 to be the chief agent for procuring arms for the IRA. Briscoe proved to be highly successful at this mission, and arms arrived in Ireland in spite of the British blockade"
Source: In Search of Ireland's Heroes, Carmel McCaffrey

"The Irish Constitution of 1937 specifically gave constitutional protection to Jews. This was considered to be a necessary component to the constitution by Éamon de Valera because of the treatment of Jews elsewhere in Europe at the time.

The reference to the Jewish Congregations in the Irish Constitution was removed in 1973 with the Fifth Amendment. The same amendment removed the 'special position' of the Catholic Church, as well as references to the Church of Ireland, the Presbyterian Church, the Methodist Church, and the Religious Society of Friends."

>Implying the anglo menace isn't the original and ultimate kike enabler
fuck off nigel

"The anti-treaty IRA subsequently split in 1969 into the Official IRA and the Provisional IRA, with the Official IRA assuming a primarily Marxist orientation and the Provisional IRA developing a moderate left-wing political agenda. In 2011, former members of the Provisional IRA resumed hostilities under the name of the IRA."

>Says the Dutchman

>aesthetic as fuck
>inspired the best music of the troubles sorry Ulster boys there's really no contest here
>based Irish cuties with armalites
>produced top bantz like the sniper at work road signs
>mural artwork is usually better than the proddies
>unfortunately they were leftist marxist idiots
>infiltrated by British intelligence
>as time went on the turnes into leftist criminal organizations like antifa on steroids

Pretty sad desu. Shows Marxism is a virus that will destroy everything it touches. Reminder to new posters who want to participate to sage this obvious slide thread and participate in the important threads instead.

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Doesnt prove anything
Left nationalism is genuine nationalism unlike neocon right wing populism

>t-that doesn't prove anything!
It proves that they were marxist and therefore anti nationalist. Marxism does away with tradition.

Can't argue with you on any of these points.
Don't they have an Armalight song?
>best propaganda photos of qt3.14s with rifles
I'm certain all those photos were staged but they did a really great job of cranking them out

>Jewish financed, Israeli trained and supported by neocons and american Jews

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Yes, thats exactly why most communist regimes were very nationalist in nature, lile the one we had here in romania for example

Palestinians are literal semites too, they only allied with them because they were against Israel, and Britain sectioned up Palestine to give the Jews Israel so they could fuck off, a common enemy

>Yes, thats exactly why most communist regimes were very nationalist in nature
Mao's great leap forward, Stalin's justification of collectivization and forced industrialization, Lenin's cultural revolution etc....

Totally worked out great for them, oh definitely

Ulster belongs to the UK just like the Falklands

They're Marxist faggots

Here we fucking go again you gormless niggers, I won't let rampant Eireboos or retarded Ulsterfags lie about this shit again

Splinter from the remnants of the IRA that existed during the Border Campaign, who felt more needed to be done about Catholics in Ulster. They were terrorists, but they were fucking good at what they did. The members of the Provos with half a head on their shoulders turned to opportunistic politics, with others staying in shitty meme-splinters.

Utter LARPing retards no better than the Loyalist Groups, just gangs who pretend they have political pretence for their criminality

>OG Original IRA in the War of Independence
Decent guerilla force backed up by absolutely stellar covert operations acted out by Collins and his war on British intelligence. By the middle of the WOI they were extremely efficient.

Absolute mongrels who fucked up our operations in the Troubles and who are on paper noted by the British Army at the time as little more then "thugs." They have never been any use to anyone except the Irish themselves who use their rampant retardation to bring more over to their side.

Outside of the WOI, there exists no IRA which isn't an abhorrent enemy of the state. The Provisional IRA had in its ranks some arguably decent people with noble causes but by the end of the Trouble membership of it was in essence open avocation of the antithesis of not only Irish Nationalism, but also physical-force Republicanism itself.
The conclusion of the Troubles was a ceasefire with major concessions to the IRA/Sinn Fein and minor concessions to the Republic. Now for the love of fuck pack it in and give it a rest.

commies probably


Pic related is the most often graph used, however what it portrays is usually confused. Most use it to say either:

>lol, Loyalists literally only killed civilians, what a shower of retards
>lol, Britain didn't do shit
>wow, IRA killed so many people what horrid bastards

The reality is that the figures effectively show that during the Troubles there was no major belligerent not guilty of disgusting acts of needless violence. The Provisional IRA acted as "champions/defenders of the irish people" when in reality they exerted a reign of utter terror over many communities and only 1 or 2 examples exist where the Provisional IRA in an area were anywhere near decent or just protectors of the Irish in Ulster.
It remains true that the Loyalist groups killed almost only uninvolved civilians, however this is because unlike the IRA they have no military background; they were given legitimacy by the collusion with us however in reality they were arguably just angry mobs given a title. Their "intelligence" networks were dogshit and a majority of their operations were failures, and while they didn't go out "hunting" innocents as the graph may suggest they did cause countless innocent lives through sheer incompetence.

The Troubles was a dirty, dirty conflict and nobody has the moral high ground.

The Provos were Socialist in name alone until the beginnings of peace, at which point the political wing skyrocketed to the left to be seen as a counter to British Conservatives. Many members were Catholic and arguably quite conservative themselves however-as is still the case today-they didn't have many options for any political representation.

tl;dr- nuke Ulster, there's nothing there worth keeping.

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I'm fairly confident the one you think of (girl against wall, facing right, gun pointed right) is a man in a wig.

The IRA are Marxist cunts with the blood of many innocence on there hands. just look at the state of sinn fein they are an utter meme party with awful social justice cucked values


>tl;dr- nuke Ulster, there's nothing there worth keeping.
Even in the USA the lowest-caste worst-stock whites are invariably scotch-irish (I think they call them Ulster Scots over there). Before we became Shitskins: the Musical, it was genuinely WASPs at the top of the social hierarchy, followed by German middle class, Irish lower class and scotch-irish all piling into Appalachia to have raunchy incestuous sex. Even today New England which is the WASPiest part of the US is the richest/most successful/whitest, the Midwest is largely rural middle class and full of German stock, and Appalachia is still a shithole full of scotch-irish.

>spoonfed opinions
Sinn Féin are champagne socialists of course, but a majority of their electorate vote for them tribally, were they given the option to vote in all-Ireland elections (which they soon will be able to due to a reform of the voting rights in the ROI) SF would hit the dirt. As for the Provos, like I said they were socialists in name alone. A majority of them weren't fighting for political ideas as that, but rather in reaction to the conflict at the time and believing that if nothing else they were fighting to make life better for the Irish in Ulster. Thinking the Provisional IRA were actually a force for marxism is utter, utter delusion. Sinn Fein on the other hand are detested by their voters almost as much as the DUP are.

EPIC centrist at it again copy pasting the same shite over and over

desuarchive.org/his/search/filename/ 1458004604739/

the absolute state of you

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friendly reminder that the IRA is one of the very few paramilitary groups that actually attacked the british BANKS and similar institutions
if you know even one bit about what's going on in the world, you'd know that murdering bankers is one of the most noble things you can do
and the "ebil marxist" tag was put on them by you-know-who
if you want to deny that bankers and everything that props up modern capitalism, needs a good purge, you're a brainwashed little fucker

If you have an hour to spare you should watch or listen to this

calls itself an army, never fights a single battle.

why would you as a (((brit))) care about the IRA bombing banks
name 3 good reasons, you shitwit

Nah....IRA dudes actually trained and did deals with Palestinians and Lebanese in terms of bomb making/usage.

don't listen to bongs who are against the IRA. That's like listening to Jews for a redpill on the Nazis.

in the event of a united Ireland which is looking more likely, Sinn fein will be in power as they are the largest party assuming the prods wont vote for fine gail which they wont.

>learned how to make bombs from ME's
Nah cunt, they were marxist as fuck

underage mongs like you should really not bother posting
what the fuck even made you think that anyone might give even a single fuck about the idiot rhetoric some chimp like you can shit out
internet's gone to shit because of genetic mistakes like you

they bombed my country you div.

>Austrian flag
>keeps going on about praising killing bankers
Absolutely based

The IRA are still fags though

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they bombed "your" pedo government and their banker overlords actually
you're too fucking brainwashed to see it, obviously

>I'm fairly confident the one you think of (girl against wall, facing right, gun pointed right) is a man in a wig.
fugg I never noticed this before
you may just be right

Attached: trannyLOL.jpg (1100x1147, 351K)

>has no argument
>calls me underaged

The Birmingham pub bombings also known as the Birmingham bombings occurred on 21 November 1974, when bombs exploded in two public houses in central Birmingham, England. The explosions killed 21 people and injured 182 others.

don't talk about shit you don't know about.

It's a commie organisation, the love pakis.

when you stop towing the line of major news media outlets, then you get "arguments"
as such, you're just another mong with nothing to say that we haven't heard before
and life really isn't gonna get much better for you if you managed to grow up and not question rudimentary lies like "the IRA BOMBD MUH KUNTRY", because that's even worse


A Sinn Fein Dail would dead in two GEs desu, they're simply too easy to hate. Talking to Republicans in NI reveals that they vote for them out of necessity, it's probably going to to be FG in the end

>tfw no NP to help us buddy cop europe

right, because the lovely UK is above a good old false-flag
the guys who openly stated their targets being the UK government "suddenly" bombed some pubs, makes perfect sense
do they feed you dogfood over there in britpakistan or are you an actual fucking retard?

In a place called Gibraltar, well known as The Rock,
Three I.R.A scumbags were counting their stock,
When along came some soldiers, they are Britains best,
And their known the whole world over as the proud S.A.S.

And the I.R.A, were blown away,
Three corpses were left in Gibraltar that day.

Well Dublin she was angry, And so was the Doyle,
For the bomb in Gibraltar the soldiers did foil,
For they planned to murder and leave many for dead,
But the brave S.A.S put their gun to their head.

And the I.R.A, were blown away,
Three corpses were left in Gibraltar that day.

That wanker Gerry Adams what a wonderful sight,
Behind an old Tombstone he cowered with fright,
The mad yellow provo didn't know what to do,
When faced with one Proddy so brave and so true.

And the I.R.A, were blown away,
Three corpses were left in old Milltown that day.

This strong loyal Proddy, He's called Micheal Stone,
Right in to the graveyard, he went on his own,
Five bombs they were thrown and yet only one missed,
But you couldn't see the fenians from the steam off their piss.

And the I.R.A, were blown away,
Three corpses were left in old Milltown that day.

Yes the I.R.A, were blown away,
Three corpses were left in old Milltown that day.

As much as its nice to have victories over them it feels ironic to sing about beating the IRA when in the end we surrendered to them and all of their demands other than letting NI leave the UK, in which case we just gave them an IOU. As for glorifying Michael Stone, it's another example of the short-sighted attitude the utter mongrels in Ulster have.

The Provisional Irish Republican Army has never officially admitted responsibility for the Birmingham pub bombings,[3] but a former senior officer of the organisation confessed to their involvement in 2014,[4] with an admission the bombings "went against everything we [the Provisional Irish Republican Army] claimed to stand for".

Bombing civs, calling yourself an army whilst dealing drugs and not standing as an army fuck them & their arselickers like your good self.

holy shit you;re right, look at the arms and hands, it's probably a dude in disguise, i always thought it was a girl

Tranny republican army.

They called themselves an army because they were well organised, well equipped and efficient at their acts of terror you utter fucking brainlet. It's no different than the UDA calling itself a "defence force" despite defending quite literally nobody throughout the entire conflict. The Provos deserve the noose but acting like they're the only ones guilty of horrendous shit and false-moral basis is sheer delusion.

White niggers who blow up kids

One famine wasn't enough.

Not a Tranny...intentionally disguised as a women for the purpose of appearing un threatening.

an army stands and fights, it doesn't scurry around kneecapping teenagers.
>efficient at their acts of terror

you now admit they are terrorists, good you see the truth now.

there is a very simple rule that has stood the test of time and will always continue to do so
it's called "cui bono" or who benefits for you illiterate monkeys out there
when this rule is applied to a "shocking event" it ALWAYS points towards the perpetrator
no matter how much astroturf any government can shit out
read up on this rule, and just read some books in general
might bump up your paki dogfucker iq by a couple digits
then check out that wiki paragraph you have posted
>the ira have NEVER admitted, but ONE guy LATER on "confessed"
does this not "make you think", you bumblefuck?
have you heard of torture, blackmail, and all other methods that can be used to FORCE a man?
who benefits
ask this very simple question, and if you don't start seeing through these low-tier lies, then there's probably no hope for you, seeing as how you've turned into exactly what "they" want you to be, a dumb illiterate chucklefuck who swallows agenda like a whore swallows dick

>mfw my country is too poor and empty for anyone to bother with and I get to watch this rage from the side in the whitest part of the UK :^)

Attached: pepe cymraeg.png (960x960, 657K)

a former senior officer of the organisation confessed to their involvement in 2014

What has Ireland done with it's precious freedom since the revolution? Pitiful little land that condemned itself to poverty by spiteing Britain.


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filled up with Africans lol

I think it's cute how you repeat yourself hoping to "convince" me
have a good day, dipshit

Ireland had two famines, the provisional IRA killed less civilians than the Loyalists did. Thank you for helping pro-Irish sentiment by not knowing the history of the events you have such strong opinions of.

I have said they are terrorists multiple times in this thread. The Provisional IRA executed several well carried out attacks against British Security and the British Army. They were a guerrilla army. So they use guerrilla tactics. The fucking British Army itself recognised them as the organised and well trained and equipped threat that they were. Nobody here is saying they were the good guys, you're just reading past that.

Nice memeflag you fake-greek nigger, but Ireland post-revolution has done pretty well and their economy only got fucked by a literal Global Financial Crisis before which it was much, much, much better than our own.
All in all they haven't really done any worse than other modern European states have done, if anything else (in terms of EU countries anyway) they've done pretty fine. The EU fucking hates them and they don't really pay any mind to what the big players say.

you seem quite unconvincable to anything but your own opinions.

Yes the Brits stiched up paddies over the pub bombing and yes the IRA later confessed they did it.

is a retard but acting like they weren't behind it is delusion and denial of the highest order

>holy shit you;re right, look at the arms and hands, it's probably a dude in disguise, i always thought it was a girl
kek me too. looks like the face is wearing a ski mask. the shoulders look a bit wide, too. The real tell for me anyway is how they're holding the rifle. A girl would never handle a rifle like that except with good instruction and even then. They don't lean into the rifle like that with their head down and the right arm is usually in a chicken-wing position. That's a shooting stance and not at all like a girl would do, they arch back away from it, just like you'd expect a girl to.
>its a trap
learn something new every day

The only photo I've seen of a female provo is the one of some girl frisking some guy for weapons.

wot m8 I've thought they're anti jewish anti israeli and more fuck these island niggers

grow up
read books
behind what
the pub bombings out of nowhere, that came after the IRA ONLY targeting "government" targets?
don't make me laugh
you could fill an entire encyclopedia on british terrorism and if you think the UK posing as IRA is some out of this world "delusional" idea, then you're the delusional one

Socialists and commies.

They killed limeys which I support.

But they're socialists and commies so they can 99% go fuck themselves.

It is astounding how many people continue to think that Sinn Fein being a shitty leftwing party mean that the Provisional IRA were, and of these people how many probably think the Provos are the same as the original IRA. What a mess

what the fuck do you know

The English have been greedy and genocidal ever since they came to these isles. What England is, is Germanics filling the power vaccum that was left by Rome. The took the best land, but have continued to try to grab the rest of the British Isles for themselves throughout history. What the Ira is, is Ireland asserting it's right to self-govern, and to not be subservient to another. Any form of Celtic self-assertion is good, but espescially when it is fought for and rightfully earned. I don't hate England or the English, but I hate the way they have interacted with the smaller nations around it throughout history, and I hate the belittling, anti-Celtic attitude that many have. Taking the right of a nation to self-govern so you can throw it in your "United" Kingdom does not make it a "United" Kingdom, it makes it a "United Subservience". Anglos can moralize and slander Paddies all they want, but at the end of the day this is about England taking land that is not theirs and expecting them to just go with it "ohhh I love being in the United Kingdom". Only Anglos tend to like the United Kingdom I think you'll find.

>Inb4 triggered British flags

>The only photo I've seen of a female provo is the one of some girl frisking some guy for weapons.
kek I havne't looked at that photo in years but always remembered it as a young qt. Now its obv its a man in disguise. Can't believe I never noticed LOL
> I can't wait to point that out to the next guy

>self-hating bong

grow up
read books

weaponised traps are part of the IRA war machine and their advanced tactics

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God Bless Michael Stone.

Michael 3-0 Milltown