Something sort of shocking is happening recently in the US......
I usually lean left on most issues but I really don’t understand wanting to get rid of standardized tests on the bounds of them reinforcing inequality. I am black and was able to score a near perfect score. I come from an upper middle class background, but I have also known blacks who have gotten above average scores (around 1300 new SAT) who come from poor single parent homes. The problem is not the fact that the test exists, but educational inequality and the lack of emphasis on education in our community.
Almost every developed country has a form of college entrance exam, but yet the US seems to be the only one calling college entrance exams “racist” instead of just addressing its poor education system as compared to Europe and Asia. For example, I am studying abroad in Japan right now, and if I were to explain this to Japanese people, the concept would just seem to foreign and illogical to them but we are just indoctrinated to believe in such ridiculousness, like that a measure of intelligence and aptitude can be racist. We know that richer people have more money to spend on their child’s education, but that doesn’t explain everything...
It just seems like a removal of a rite of passage and a temporary solution to a problem that is much deeper
Standardize tests ruin pedagogy and turn schools into factories churning out human capital. The correct answer is to either get rid of them entirely and just admit everyone into colleges for free. Not enough room? Just have a lottery system. Oh, what's that? Unfair? Yeah, and so is the birth lottery. What can you do. "The world is unfair", as the right-wing pundits enjoy saying.
If that's too radical for you, at the very least stop grading the SAT on the curve. That shit is pointlessly elitist. If you think your school is so special that it requires only the best of the best, set the standard to ridiculously high.
>the US seems to be the only one calling college entrance exams “racist” instead of just addressing its poor education system Because the USA's culture is utterly broken and its socioeconomical "national values" are shaped entirely by a wealthy elite that doesn't want to have its position in society questioned. To address the shittiness of the USA educational system would require to drop free market dogma on the one hand and to fight bloated complacent unions on the other hard. Difficult enough task in the best circumstances, but American political culture is so fundamentally broken that an objective, pragmatic and humane solution to ANY problem is an impossible pipe dream.
Jason Sullivan
>nip flag >i am black ;[
Jeremiah Walker
My 8th grade daughter just got a 1220 on her PSAT, hopefully affirmative action will be a thing of the past by the time she’s ready for college. I’m going to start researching the slowly degrading quality of professional services since the big affirmative action push of the last 20 years. Do you know what you call a black woman who gotten the lowest grades in her medical school? Doctor. Fuck that.
Jaxon Mitchell
>The correct answer is to either get rid of them entirely and just admit everyone into colleges for free. o i am laffin get a load of this jew
Ryan Hernandez
>I usually lean left >I am black Get lynched, negro.
Wyatt Hernandez
It's time Jow Forums needs to be redpilled on critical pedagogy.
Bentley Robinson
are you shocked? you wouldn't have the massive influx of retarded minorities banging drums and protesting classes if you get rid of sats
Connor Smith
>I really don’t understand wanting to get rid of standardized tests on the bounds of them reinforcing inequality i do.
>Standardize tests ruin pedagogy and turn schools into factories churning out human capital. that would be guaranteed student loans and affirmative action, kike. i hope you get shoah'd for real this time