The Soyboy Paradox

What kind of upbringing produced "men" of this caliber?
How do we prevent them from multiplying?
Can any of them actually ever hope to restore their test counts and start acting somewhat masculine?

Personally speaking... These things are worse than niggers to me. Something about that face that's just begging to be stomped.

Attached: SoysGetTheRopeFirst.gif (224x224, 3.8M)

Other urls found in this thread:

american "men" look so beady-eyed

too much fluoride?

He's probably one of yours, Schlomo.

The guy in your gif is
>a gamer
this should answer all of your questions

It’s onions but also a strangely impressive feat

That guy is literally an Israeli lel

It's called Peter Pan Syndrome


does anyone know the name of the song in the original vid?

Single mothers are the cause.
He's an Israeli


post the original upload then, shylock

Attached: 5096191__f4a1dfd9be5ad3c245c8fc187d4bbf92.png (2262x1596, 257K)


Nothing to see here goys.
Fucking kikes just can't help yourselves can you?

Attached: 1yoa9u.jpg (408x330, 34K)

Why is his face is all over this channel then? It's obviously him, fag.

nah you're not getting off that easy cunt jew

Attached: jewfaggot.png (607x97, 8K)

What I don't get is that slightly older generation of Jow Forums neckbeard types have the man tits and gaming addiction but even the biggest classic sperg/neckbeard stereotype doesn't do the mouth gape thing

Attached: 1501173119369.jpg (600x566, 36K)

run away little Jew, you've been found

scurry off

Attached: 1482519514844.jpg (600x600, 139K)

The Mii Plaza song

You can't help them. Just hope that they don't breed.

Attached: SHUT IT DOWN.png (794x149, 10K)

This butthurt is really making me giddy. Please do continue to bitch.

they are just the male equivalent of women who use tumblr

OP is

Attached: 27052DA0-7BED-47F9-BF12-521F6F935FB2.jpg (1178x654, 100K)

It was the only way they could get attention because they lack everything else.

not much of a difference

scott's such a dick

Attached: PatheticJewishRAT.png (444x281, 15K)

i had some childhood friends turn out to be s0iboys, basically i believe it is caused by dysgenic breeding, being poor, and autism

Nah, even dual parent households produce these "men". The real cause is the lack of a strong father in the home. Having a beta bitch father is almost as damaging as single mother households.

I'm not too concerned, because most of them aren't getting married or getting anyone pregnant.
Even if they do get married, they don't often have a lot of sex or reproduce very effectively.

Meanwhile confident and contributing American men get off to an early start, find a woman in their early twenties, and have two kids or more by the time they're thirty. These are men that are the head of household in their homes and teach typical Christian morals and values to their children.
I'm not worried about Basedbois reproducing, in worried about niggers reproducing because they're reproducing like horny rabbits. We're soon going to be overrun by lazy, selfish, destructive niggers.

Everything wrong with our country is due to shitty parenting.

I still don’t get it, they act goofy on camera and that means they’re a plague to society? How young are the people itt?

It's his glasses that give that look, you retarded kike.