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Is there a US president who fucked over whites worse than him?
Dylan Hernandez
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Sebastian Powell
Wyatt Lewis
Ronald "Amnesty" Reagan
Evan Green
tbf he also fucked over blacks pretty bad.
Luis Foster
FDR and the New Deal.
Connor Smith
He fucked everyone over Op.
Jose Johnson
Woodrow Wilson, Herbert Hoover and George Bush Jr.
Nathan Rivera
Yeah, king nigger, and Bill the rapist Clinton.
Josiah Fisher
Kevin Watson
Well obama was pretty fucking shit.
Kayden Peterson
Just one
Thomas Baker
Abraham lincoln. All around worst president of all time. Fdr is a close second.
Jackson Williams
South lost get over it
Zachary Richardson
You are a fucking moron. He expanded executive power more than any other president and started a war that kill half a million of your countrymen for no reason. Wise up
Cooper Campbell
are those real quotes
I wouldn't be surprised if they are real
Ryder Cruz
No. The 1965 Immigration Act is what put America onto its doomed course. There is no greater crime committed by a President against the American white.
Evan Diaz
>LBJ: Immigration Act, Increased Vietnam presence and Macnamara's Game Theory
>Nixon: opened up to China which was the foundation of outsorcing
>Raegan: Amnesty for immigrants, CIA shit all over, closed down mental health insitutions
It's hard to pinpoint a single president, but everything went south after Kennedy, pretty much.
Lincoln Robinson
Luis Scott
imagine a communist insurrection in the USA fueld by racial tensions.
Mhhhh black niggers cats?
Any one?
I mean nigges armed and drilled by soviets instructors supplied by soviets. imagine a Vietnam but in the usa.
terrorist actions and so forth.
Ethan Hernandez
Sic semper tyrannus
Brandon Lewis
No, he is the worst president in US history. There was no reason to change the immigration system.
Logan Perez
Abraham Lincoln literally started a civil war so he could kill whites.
Anthony Murphy
>that shrine of Booth worshipped by KKK-Masons in Bioshock Infinite
unintentional redpill by Ken (((Levine))) right there
Ayden Mitchell
Nolan Perez
You lost, get over it.
Landon Hall
>hurr whites massacred each other but my side won! Now i am flooded with nigs
The whole country lost. Cant wait for summer to be over
Christian Richardson
Yes, they are.
Jonathan Edwards
he loved niggers.
Jayden Butler
>Mad that secession didn't work
Yeah so what if you became the North's bitch?
Just get over it.
Daniel Parker
Worst president ever. He hated niggers but gave them all gibs to get reelected. Terrible person.
Jacob Scott
>The south
>Saying anyone else is flooded with nigs
Your lazy proto-lard ancestors caused this
Jace Jenkins
Literally every dem of the 20th century has worked to undermine the white man.
Eli Green
Imagine being this guy
James Bailey
Leo Thomas
I am not from the south. Im about as north as you can get. I just dont celebrate white people killing each other, you turbokikes
Nathaniel Bell
Yeah i noticed right when i hit post. Its been a long time since latin class
Julian Robinson
Can you please stop perpetuating bullshit that is unfounded like a retard on facebook?
Jordan Ortiz
Woodrow Wilson
Bentley Phillips
You've also had classes? Nice
John Scott
Do you know where you are?
Jeremiah Perry
FDR banned Jew refugees and knew what to do with the Japs. He also started INS which is now ICE.
t. nigger lover
David Martin
>federal reserve
>income tax
not even a contest, wilson oversaw some of the worst policies the US has undertaken. but this is of course implying that presidents are the ones calling the shots
Josiah Perry
King Nigger was too stupid to fuck over whites, he and his Democratic Party blew their progressive load way too early and can't turn back without losing the support of coastal libs. Progressive fags won't vote for a Jim Webb in a presidential election and the rust belt won't vote for a uppity nigger like Cory Booker who can't fake being a civilized coon like King Nigger.
Hudson Long
Imagine losing a civil war and all of your slaves in 4 years
Christopher Lee
>Muh snopes
Drink a nice tall glass of drano.
Eli Hughes
Imagine celebrating the cucks who freed them.
Levi Cook
>Wah wah! Lincoln bad! Lee good! South didn't nuffin!
How can Americans be so fucking ignorant of their own history? Abraham Lincoln is a hero to both North & South, a strong man. For the uninitiated, the Confederacy was run by Jews. There were Jews in Jefferson's cabinent, most plantation owners were Jewish or had Jewish roots, throughout the war the Confederates were financed under the table by the Jewish families in NYC. The Confederate government knew they'd never win, and they didn't care. The Jews knew they were going to lose massive sums of money when slavery was abolished, and even feared a mass exile of Jews from the United States. They started the civil war, provoked the north so they could fuck the country over as much as possible, despite the damage that was done it's no where near as bad as what wouldve happened if the South was allowed to secede.
Sure, Confederate soldiers had no idea they were fighting a kikes war, most generals probably weren't even privy to it, but it didn't matter. It was either brutalize the south through a war of subjugation now or let the poor white southeners suffer while the Jewish aristocracy grew more powerful, slave population increased, blacks eventually outnumber whites, rise up and the Confederacy becomes a mongoloid country, and hey at least the Jews get rich.
Lincoln fucked the Jews over every chance he got, had he not been killed by another Jew named John Wills Booth he would've kicked the blacks and Jews out of America.
Nono but you dumb cunt Americans wanna demonize one of the few nob-zog president your countries ever had but then grovel to Trumpy who takes Jew cock up his bunghole daily.
If Lincoln could see America today Id think he would've just abandoned the south and the rest of the country to the Jews. And who could blame him
William Bell
>Lincoln fucked the Jews over every chance he got, had he not been killed by another Jew named John Wills Booth he would've kicked the blacks and Jews out of America.
Booth wasn't Jewish and Lincoln was never going to deport the niggers.
Zachary Lewis
Cucks lose wars. You lost, get over it.
Jeremiah Stewart
Giving niggers equal rights isn't being a cuck? Time to go back to Jow Forumsthe_dottard faggot.
Gabriel Roberts
Ayden Hughes
Booth wasnt a jew you bogan. And the majority of plantation owners werent jewish (though jews did disproportionately own slaves). Because those two verifiable facts are incorrect, im going to just go ahead and give you a (citation needed) for the whole post.
Luke Walker
we took over anyway you dumb aussie, also kiss your Jewish master toes and make me tea
Jonathan Smith
Robert Reyes
Juan Smith
Gas yourself
Asher Flores
They didn't give niggers equal rights they freed them. Get over it.
Joshua Flores
For every confed killed 3 union soldiers and one negroe died
Most American Jews are over 50 years old.
Brody Flores
Why was he the worst? He just continued what previous presidents done, namely legalized Africans, ended segregation, legalized illegals, legalized family reunions and change the term white migrant. All that happened before Lyndon B. Johnson. If Americans wanted to reverse his policies they could do it, but they didn't. Donald Trump could reverse it, he reversed Obama's laws.
Carter Rodriguez
And you still lost. Get over it.
Bentley Martinez
Your sister probably has a black boyfriend
Sebastian Wright
i don't have any gas
i know i love them old too
Noah Butler
Explain the 14th and 15th amendments or the Freedman's Bureau or the Civil Rights Acts of 1866 and 1875. There were a bunch of nigger congressmen in the late 1800s cause of that and in South Carolina and Mississippi niggers made up a majority of their state governments for a few years, even repealing anti-miscegenation laws for a little whilte so they could ooga booga afta da whyte wimminz.
Jim Crow only came about as a result of the 1876 elections.
Christian Rodriguez
Im sure iran has some for you, you filthy rat.
Christian Howard
And you still lost. Get over it.
Robert Kelly
Most Israelis, regardless of what they are, are under 30
Jaxson Cox
Lmao go back to T_D already
Mason Richardson
nope, apparently they only have missiles, maybe some chlorine though
Jack Powell
Go buy a gallon of gasoline
Samuel Ortiz
but it's liquid, I mean I can do it but then it misses the irony
Aaron Turner
At least FDR had the new deal
Ayden Smith
It's because ultra orthodox and hasidic breed like rats
Cameron Edwards
>using time and politifact as sources
You don't fool me southernzog with your revionist history trying to paint Lincoln as a good goy. He was a bad goy, the baddest got there ever was. Read any text regarding Lincoln when he was alive or shortly after he died or his OWN writings, you'll see what he thought about kikes and coons alike.
He would've shipped those niggers back to Africa if it wasn't for that faggy half jew booth ( his mum was a kike whore ).
Booth was infact a hooked nose oven dodger, even if he was only a halfie.
You'll get yours Jewboy
Michael Thompson
If every law just had a termination date added to them, say 25 years, America would be a better place than it is today.
New Senate, New House could vote for a continuation, alteration or let it die.
Keep the Constitution intact, amendments as such with total state adoption and let the bullshit they tack on every year be continued as necessary.
Much better place.
Thomas Taylor
His mothers name was holmes. Is that jewish?
Evan Peterson
The bigger question is why didn't the next presidents ship niggers, who still didn't had any rights, back to Africa.
Samuel Allen
And it wouldn't matter if I gave you sources, you limp wristed Americunt because you'd never read them. And even if you did the redpill would go straight through you cos muh based Confederacy and muh honorably Lee XD XD XD
Jefferson was a dress wearing cock sucking kike faggot and Lincoln and Ulysses we're good damn alphas!
Dominic Brown
You seem really amped up man. Been /sip/pin?
Liam Lopez
Oh wow! U got me there!! Her father was a non Jew, the female line was Jewish you dippy, Jewish law states you're a Jew if your mum is a Jew get bent fag
Cause the southern aristocracy loved their niggers and Ulysses conceded 2 much to them
Bentley Bell
"You talk like a fag, and your shits all retarded"
Elijah Parker
Im aware that kikes are matrilineal. Put the petrol down and provide a source.
Nathaniel Evans
and that's not even mentioning the age old rumour that his father was a practicing Jew of Spanish ancestry, according to geanology though his mother was most deffo a kikeress
the truth is an exhilirating thing my friend
Luke Bell
Ayden Kelly
>Jefferson was a dress wearing cock sucking kike faggot
top kek
Dylan Rivera
Zachary Perry
This minus trump being pro jew
Reminder that Britain and France came THIS close to joining the war on the side of the confederacy (they were both jew run at that point), but the based Russians sent their navy to the east coast from 1862-1865 and said that if they tried to attack the union then Russia would go to war with them. It made them so anally annihilated that it factored into why the jews fucked over Russia so hard after tricking them into fighting for the Allies in WWI and then after getting fucked up taking over the remains and killing the royal family and brutalizing the population
Jonathan Phillips
just one, gave the Jews control of our money with the federal reserve act.
Daniel Sanders
Heard a story once that to relax he would drive in his convertible Cadillac on a road that traced the boundary of his ranch in Texas sipping scotch and smoking cigarettes. He would have a SS detail following him and when he would run low on scotch and need a refill he would slow down to a slow roll but never stop completely. Holding his glass out, one of the SS guys would have to jump off the chase car and at a full sprint with a bottle of Scotch, refill Johnson’s cup.
Michael Young
Nicholas Bell
Are you high? Lincoln wanted to send the slaves back to Africa, had he not been killed by (((Booth))) we would be nigger free
Jacob Martinez
FDR, Lincoln and LBJ.They make what king nigger did look like a party foul.
Cooper Turner
This is true, Russia was always an enemy of the Jews, Europe nearly had an equivalent of a UN back in the 1600s or 1700s, ( I forget ), talks were being brokered by the Jews and Russia fucked everything and rightly so and the Jews wished to destroy the nation and especially the Romanovs ever since
Ryder Mitchell
Fuckin' beat me to it.
Also that filthy Jew FDR.
Luke Sullivan
Reagan is a close second
Daniel Sanders
Really the only answer you'll ever need. He made white people worship him but then he introduced the one thing that turns the passive black community violent: Cocaine and guns
Jeremiah Harris
Every last nigger and nigger-loving Northerner will perish on the Day of the Rope
Camden Reyes
Yeah, FDR, the man whose inner burning desire was to destroy Europe and create a "new world" of "freedom and democracy"
He was successful and we're all living with the consequences of that. LBJ was fundamentally of little importance.
And the second is Lincoln, who single-handedly destroyed the US as a Republic of States united under a Federalised government for common purposes, in war and trade. He completely inverted the relationship of the States to the Federal Government, and of the individual to his State. He buried the organic roots of the United States for good, and it has been a grotesque perversion ever since.
Connor Jackson
Actually it’s dirty cousin, Crack.
Christopher Hernandez