Michael Jackson was a Castrato

Michael Jackson was a Castrato.

That means he was castrated at a young age so that his voice would not change.

Michael Jacksons own Dr. has said that his father had him Chemically Castrated.


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No wonder why he hated to be black so

Can you break the points of the vid for me, i dont like to click yt links just to find out the guy tells fake facts

you spelled pedophile wrong

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Micheal Jacksons personal Dr. says Joe Jackson was a terrible father to Michael and Chemically Castrated him to keep his singing voice.

Basically he says that Joe Jackson was a bad person who abused Michael.

Probably a Jew Dr. who helped Michael's father do the Chemical Castration.

is that the same guy who killed him?

Fact: Michael Jacksons accusers all later withdrew their claims, stating that they made the accusations in the hopes of getting money in civil lawsuits.
Fact: Michael Jackson repeatedly NAMED THE JEW.

He tried to warn us, so they destroyed his life, his reputation, and then killed him, all to make an example of him.

Conrad Murray, who was Jackson’s personal physician and was imprisoned for two years for the involuntary manslaughter of the pop music icon

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I looked deep into it and I think the pedophile accusations are all lies.

I`m not aware of him naming the jew ever

He fathered children while castrated?

Hmm...Ok, so he is a ZOG agent, so what's the point of his new video? Trying to ruin Michael's legendary image by saying he's a castrati?

yeah those are not his

interesting. thats what ive always believed.

He absolutely did.

Even the famed Chess champion Bobby Fischer mentioned it.


I believe this

Yea White kids you moron.

>(((They))) don't really care about us.

So that means he couldn’t be a pedo?

>jew me sue me everybody do me
>kick me kike me don't you black or white me
t. MJ

>Jew me, sue me
duckduckgo.com/?q=jew me sue me&t=ffab&ia=videos&iax=videos&iai=RjDJfVbKn1o

what does that even mean though?

It does not really ruin his legendary image is sort of solidifies it.

Castrato were highly acclaimed singers hundreds of years ago they were Famous people too.

Its the reason for his Peter Pan Syndrome.

He was permanently a little boy.

You guys cant just overlook that.

did you see the song title/chorus? lol

The skin color of his "children" is a big tip off that they aren't his

It means that jews just fuck everybody over
(((They))) don't really care about us

he would get boners on stage tho

Being castrated doesn't mean you can't get hard lad

Jackson associated with Peter Pan and built his Neverland because of his Castration.

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Dear God this is some fucking KIKERY

they went after the guy and made a fucking NYT article in 95, when there wasn`t clickbait, just to publicly harass him.

Fucking unbelievable, these are demons. Hitler was too lenient.

I read that ~20 years ago but its nothing but a rumour

It's just a rumor but it fits pretty well
>Extremely high singing voice well into adulthood
>The entire Peter Pan, Neverland thing
>Hanging out with children
Not having gone through puberty because of chemically castration would explain it all

So did he turn white because he didnt have the testosterone from his balls to maintain his melanin?


>Not having gone through puberty because of chemically castration would explain it all
Would it? Do you know much about that and how it affects people long term psychologically?

I mean I am not a Dr. but it seems he had a hormone problem.

I dont claim to understand his health issues. I just heard stories like sleeping in an Oxygen tent.

Maybe the Castration lead to other problems for him later in life because his body was not regulating processes like an adult.


As it should be. We rope the gays and blacks as minorities together for a reason. Niggas think they filling out the venn diagram when they are both