Join ukip

The conservitive party is full of fox hunting pedophiles
The labour party is full of male feminist pedophiles
Join UKIP, deus vult

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Sargon has openly said he doesn't he doesn't care about the white race, he's prevented me from ever voting UKIP ever again

Also what's up Danks nose ?

Scottish nose spikes

You sound like a true incel. No one's going to fix the white race for you, you neet to fuck to have white kids and it isn't sargoys fault if you can't do this.

Sargon is a flip flopping faggot. When he talks to white nationalists he pretends to not know what white people are and says that he wouldn't mind if they died out, when he is on his own channel and talks to his own subscribers he seems to know exactly who white people are and doesn't want them gone.

The guy is a fag who will be a contrarian just for the sake of being contrarian. He used to suck up to Jow Forums but when people started making fun of him raising another man's child, he went insane and started attacking what he perceives to be ''the alt-right.''
In reality he is a white nationalist who is well aware of the JQ, but he is so butthurt about some dudes calling him a cuck, he will work against the white race just to spite them.

>white nationalists
You do realize these people consist solely from teenagers and retards, right?

>just have children bruh hurr
t. brainlet
You have 3 kids, now the government imports 3 refugees, and every refugee has 5 children. What now? Have 15 kids? Now 50% of the babies are white.

literal faggot + civic nationalist
epic memer + leftist LARPING as a non-leftist
closeted faggot + civic nationalist + "center" left

Just because they're not hard leftists doesn't make them any less shitty.

>now the government imports 3 refugees
Sounds like the government should be changed then, doesn't it? And who's gonna change it? Retard britbong said he wouldn't vote for ukip but the fact is they are the ones that can close the borders. There will be no white movement, a bunch of edgy virgin teenagers don't start a civil war.

>implying that "white nationalists" is a clearly defined term
For example, I don't take any pride in my race, but I agree that we should stop all 3rd world immigration in large part because of IQ, and that lower-IQ societies don't function as well.
Does that make me a white nationalist, in your opinion?

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You don't even know what white nationalism is.
>white movement
Are you fucking retarded? What do you even think you're talking about? Explain what you think white nationalism is, give a definition. What the fuck are we talking about here?

This was unironically my thinking until Sargon, PJW and the Count joined.
Firstly, terrible optics. Have you met British people? Have you paid attention to British media?
Sargon has said and done way too much dumb/cringy shit. Not just calling us niggers. Too much dumb shit. Total lack of verbal discipline.
PJW is Alex Jones tier. Count Dankula is known for a joke about gassing the jews.
They will help finish off UKIP. Easy to smear. Turn off too normies. Still support liberal theocracy. Dead end street politics. Wooo.
Who's to say these aren't the seedlings of the next generation of liberalist pedophiles?

>and that lower-IQ societies don't function as well.
*and the fact that lower-IQ societies don't function as well.


I know what white nationalism is. You need to grow the fuck up, you CAN NOT start with a multicultural country and end up in a white nationalist country by the means of democracy so you need to have a civil war and also win it if you want to implement a white nationalist system in a country like US or UK.

Define what white nationalism is, you fucking retard. What the fuck do you mean when you say that a multicultural country can't be a white nationalist country?
Definitions, retard.

While the civnat route isn't great and neither are the people in the OP, we don't have any real options at all. You can doom and gloom all you like, it's not going to translate into votes. Voting for UKIP is the closest thing we have to a direction at all. Maybe a first stepping stone.

>You sound like a true incel

Nice Ad hom
You don't know I don't have kids already, He has said that Europeans have no right to be the majority in our ancestral homelands. You shills are getting less talented by the day

You're just showing your ignorance of British Politics. UKIP had been dead since the referendum. Joseph Watson is pro Israel so is supportive of those who wish to flood us.

>you CAN NOT start with a multicultural country

O.K retard who started with a multicultural society ? It certainly wasn't England or Austria

UKIP is dead, I'm voting Green.

At least they're pro-bennies and support a devolved English parliament.

You're talking to one of those retards who never looked into white nationalism and think it means having a 100% white country with purity tests and all that. Their entire view on what white nationalism entails comes from Buzzfeed.

carl a cute

UKIP is a dead party and always has been. Even at it's top tier peak people only voted for them because of Farage and even then it was never enough to get him elected as an MP after 7 times of trying and they never got more than 1 MP total and even then they needed to run a Tory that defected. Two shitty e-celebs that 90% of the UKIP demographic don't even know aren't going to change that.

I've seen loads like him this week, either the shills are declining in quality or it's summer holidays IMO. But yeah could be a buzzfeed watching mouth breather

>Join UKIP, deus vult
holy fucking cringe
UKIP is THE exemplary definition of controlled opposition, It doesn't suprise me you retards don't see it, BNP is the only choice, but (((they))) won't allow them to win.
How deluded one must be to think revolution can be done in democratic vote .. holy fuck you're delusional faggots

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PJW is such a dreamboat. I'd love to tongue-punch his fartbox, if you know what I mean.

I don't care about the e-celebs, I joined back in January.
I sure do love your alternative:
Doing nothing

Wow, powerful

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Nick Griffin endorsed Corbyn.

Is there any bigger coward than somebody who disavows the survival of their own race? All three of these alt-lite cucks are intellectual and moral cowards.

This is the definition of controlled opposition.

Only oppo allowed against the euro dictatorship is a party of these fucks, whose only purpose is to discredit the opposition.

Just start a real fucking commie party, guillotine the british monarchy, and march into berlin again.

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>How deluded one must be to think revolution can be done in democratic vote .. holy fuck you're delusional faggots
Cowards will never accept this. They don't have the will nor the courage to risk becoming a martyr for our people. They just don't care as much as they pretend they do.


>support a devolved English parliament.
Wait really? They are a meme party but that's still respectable

The fuck's wrong with fox hunting? Don't be a bitch.

>a pencil necked mush-mouthed faggot, a quadroon and a Scotsman

Oh yeah that really makes me want to vote for UKIP.

But what if... WHAT IF... The SJWs have gotten so fucking bad, WE are the normies now?
I'm not even right or left. I think gays should be able to legally marry, but Affirmative Action should be abolished. Pro Choice and Death Penalty. Legal immigration should be easier and we should be harder on illegals, even going as far as to kill anyone who enters illegally after having already been deported once. I believe in comprehensive sexual education, unlike many on the religious right, but also in only two genders, and if you think you were born in the wrong body, your mind is the part that is wrong, not your genitals.
The fuck do I call myself? The apparently contradictory list goes on, and none of the political labels I have ever heard of apply to me. Especially because all the big ones do intellectual purity tests harder than the Klan does on their biological ancestry.
Back to my main point, there are huge numbers of people who agree with me irl on all that shit. I almost don't even hide my power level, the only race I don't hear conversations about are the jews. Blacks, South Americans, and Arabs all come up even if I don't initiate it. A lot of normies are fed the fuck up with snowflake pronouns and open boarders. Even the ones who respect well meaning but poor illegals who only broke the immigration law and just want a better life, I can get to agree with me that our society would be better off if we had a genuine reform and then increased boarder security and punishments.

The only reason I don't call myself a leftist is because leftists hate white people, even the white leftists, and I actually like myself. I could never be as unhappy to be me as they are to be them, and they can't handle it. I'm not going to act like a member of a servant caste to appease them. I'm not a leftist because they reject me due to their own racism. Just like the three faggots in the photo.

I don't see YOU holding a gun or firing the first shot, motherfucker. You have a lot to say about the courage of other people from the comfort of your own home. Hypocrite.

Yeah, and UKIP is full of old racists and losers. They're also doomed to remain irrelevant seeing as they were a party based on the personality of one Ponce who's gone and fucked off somewhere because he couldn't deal with the consequences of his actions

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They arent just fox hunters tho
They are fox hunting pedophiles