Share your 1st thought

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As someone who's worked in software development out in Silicon Valley before, let me tell you exactly how this lady behaves:

>She comes in around 10:30 even though she was supposed to be here at 9
>When she's working she's actually decent, but she burns out way too easily while the chinks, pajeet, and white dudes are literally putting in a solid 12 hours a day.
>No one ever says anything about her performance because "muh racism"

I'm glad I got out of there.

I have literally never met a woman with an EE postgrad.

I'm not saying that to be funny but EE is arguably the most sausage-fest subject you can do, even more than shit like physics.

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They put up these kind of pictures to deter white people from applying to IT jobs?

..... Shouldn't that black women be replaced with an asian man?

In the states all the big Liberal Arts schools make it a point to shove as many cunts into these programs as possible.

Isn't chipset architecture stuff written in C and/or assembly?

Ain't no woman studying that shit. They can barely get a grip on Python.

>a black woman working in an environment where architecture matters


You can't even download an Intel reference manual without being reminded of 'Diversity Über Alles' these days.

I think I'll use a text based browser from now on.

why did they use a picture of an astronaut

As a software engineer, this is 150% accurate.

100% more realistic or the next Kumar from Bangalore.

> They can barely get a grip on Python.
Try HTML user. I've seen women with masters degrees in my company who say that is their favorite programming language.

As someone who has worked in Silicon Valley let me tell you exactly what happened :
> It was built to serve defense/military :

Whites outsourced and insourced (H1b-visa) lots of the labor to increase profit margins. The valley functions on exploiting labor. Illegal immigrants are exploited by all of the liberals. Whites don't give a shit about them nor minorities. They just see them as a means to lower wages. Pajeets/chinks are used to lower wages and add competitiveness. People who come in early don't do shit in the morning hours besides eat the free food/drinks and far around. Real work begins at about 9/10 a.m. Engineers aren't productive in the wee-hours. The great work occurs after lunch. This image is indicative of white people and kikes trying to market to demographics that they see as growth markets. Minorities are hired in order to fill quota publications so hopefully their demographic ends up buying a particular product. Software development is shit tier becuase companies don't care about their developers or development tools. Most of your time is spent fixing pajeet tier code. They tell you in interviewers that you'll be writing tons of new code but this doesn't actually occur at the big corps.

Pajeets and chinks fill the ranks. Whites try to exploit/manage them to extract the most shekels. Classic Minorities are rare but are produced by universities. Companies exploit them and don't actually give them an equal or fair chance of excelling like whites, chinks, and pajeets. They encounter racism all throughout their career. Unironically not by whites but by the chinks/pajeets whose cultural ways are still in the dark ages.


t. Spent a good 14 months in Naperville working on a project for Nokia.

are you me?

I 'love' when popular media uses the word 'coder' and then virtue signals by presenting a woman as 'coder'.

>but by the chinks/pajeets whose cultural ways are still in the dark ages.

even when they're the boss they would rather hire white people

You're a britbong. Top ranking universities are filled with chinese and indian females w/ EE degrees. A good number of them go on to grad school. I know a good number that are quite good at their craft. That being said, there's a good number of fob chinks/pajeets that are absolute shit tier.

I'm building a 6502.

Sorry, they largely hire their own.
It's why a good number of companies in the valley have gone down hill. Indians hire indian people. Some do it for unqualified individuals who pay off their family members back int heir home country. An indian guy told me he does it to fuck the whites for colonialism. A large number of asians are xenophobic and hire their own but they tend to be qualified. Whites not giving a shit about their own ethnic group are ok with this and do nothing to intervene and instead move up the stack and exploit the situation and its benefits from management.

Anyone whose actually worked/been in the valley will highlight that it feels like the majority of the engineering staff is indian/asian. Whites were so greedy to make extra profit margins that they even fucked their own race/country and continue to do so as long as they get that quarterly bonus. No one could have been as greedy/short sighted as whites to fuck their country out of a future as those whites in the valley.

1st thought: glad I got AMD

2nd thought: she;s definitely not a developer at Intel.

This analysis is beyond accurate

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>first thought
Grant me a boon and bin that coon

Very true. Liberals are digging the grave of white societies on every front.

To be fair she also has the lowest salary

As a woman or minority the only way to fail is to drop out, so yeah.

That'd actually be the non English speaking illegal immigrant cleaning the stalls 8 times a day and the cooking staff. Then again, they aren't on company payroll as they work for independent contractors who pimp out their labor. They protest sometimes about their compensation packages but usually are in after lunch to ensure the bathroom facilities are pristine. It comes as a cultural shock at first when you first arrive to the valley but it becomes normalized over time as you drink the liberal koolaid and hire one to clean your tiny apt you share w/ a handful of other wage cucks.


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Ads like this aren't made to appeal to blacks, they are made to appeal to rich liberal whites that get off the diversity meme. You can practically hear them huffing their farts while looking at the pictures.

>unicorn Silicon Valley startup
>3 employees; only one of them is a developer
>highly experimental business model involving machine learning and AR
>have the single dev build a proof-of-concept to get a multi-million B2B contract, before...
>...outsourcing 100% of development to the Middle-East

If this company was real, how long do you think it'd take to go bankrupt?

Attached: gum_consider.png (540x540, 26K)

Feed me RISC things


>When she's working she's actually decent
Nigga please.

airbnb didn't outsource entirely to the ME, some of it went to india and russians

>Isn't chipset architecture stuff written in C and/or assembly?
Verilog or VHDL. Microprocessor design is one of, if not the, most autistic fields in existence. Theoretical physics has nothing on that shit.

>try to improve CPU design
>what should we do?
>fuck, make it denser
>do that
>literally everything breaks
>spend the next 6 months changing the layout and density of everything until it finally works
>send it to production and pray to god that you haven't fucked up

First thought:
She has never even glanced at the covers of those beautiful beasts. You can prove it by her eyes.


Attached: carlie-closs.png (1357x1281, 1.49M)

a female colleague with 3 years of experience asked me what "&&" meant.

So much for those leaks on Trump, fucking larper.

Try actual die design.

Attached: carliecoding.jpg (869x1776, 211K)

No thank you, I like scary shit but I'm fine with my sacrifices to Satan and my knife throwing hobby.

Can you blame them? The language makes sites like Jow Forums possible

I had another photo with actual proof but I lost it. There have been several Intel employees on here leaking shit.

No, I’ll ask you what paddsw means to start you off easy.

Why don't you just search for the PDF?

Why don't you already know all the relevant information?

back when we were doing senior capstone projects for CS, we had a Paki chick that was running Windows and didn't have a C++ compiler installed/didn't know how to use it

She didn't know what Git (or version control in general) was. Her only contribution was doxygenating our comments and writing some of the final paper.

We wrote scathing reviews of her, and she still passed with an A. She got hired on at Microsoft as a project manager with Max starting salary after 1 interview. I guarantee she couldn't even fizzbuzz, so I'm assuming they either didn't give her the practical interview or let it slide for diversity points.

/diy/ is rightful Jow Forums clay

Edit: I am a tard and thought you were asking. I’ll go kmsn.

If he bothered to distinguish the (((whites))) from the whites it would be more helpful.

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Pay debts first.

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how does she even wear headphones

>We wrote scathing reviews of her, and she still passed with an A. She got hired on at Microsoft as a project manager with Max starting salary after 1 interview. I guarantee she couldn't even fizzbuzz, so I'm assuming they either didn't give her the practical interview or let it slide for diversity points.
I'm ok with this. It means that such companies wont be around for much longer and will get rokt by the next wave of disruption. I've observed though that wealthy liberals literally get off on being able to institute such destructive behaviors and trends w/ little impact on them for some time. If hiring certain people is the best thing to do, they get bored and start fucking it up just to see how long they can get away with it. They do this for so long that they think such behavior can scale to broader society and its when things to to hell and a hand basket. It's why middle management is filled with so many idiots and why good developers leave a company. They don't leave because the company sucks but because their manager sucks. I always think its comical how many people have fantastical images of silicon valley. It's no different than LA.. It's lauded as this mecca of sorts and then you get there and you realize how much of a shithole it is. Most tech products don't require much intelligence. All of the hardware/firmware is done in chinkland now-a-days. Most development is difficult because the nigger tier tools are never updated. The bigger the market cap, the more shit tier operations are.

The headphones are white, so they allow her hair to phase through them in order to not be called rascists.

(((whites))) don't do any actual work nor will you find them near any. They control the capital. Two different beasts. If you want to have a discussion about the capital engine that runs the valley, we can do that. As for all of the outsourcing and H1B visa, that falls squarely on greedy whites who don't give a shit about anyone or this country other than themselves and what they can get out of it.

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Headphones are just for style. She talks on her phone all day so she doesn't need to wear them.

i fucking hate C#, faggot language made for pajeets.

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How do (((whites))) always manage to control the capital?

What is that thing on her head?

Attached: GOD'S PLAN.jpg (1140x720, 60K)

Usually they’ll get brought in as managers and executives to suit the wants of the shareholders. Little do those shareholders sometimes realize how much stupid shit these people do, even if not intentionally.

>Whites were so greedy to make extra profit margins that they even fucked their own race/country and continue to do so as long as they get that quarterly bonus.


>masters degrees in my company who say that is their favorite programming language.

Masters in social justice?

her face

Attached: poole6.jpg (520x706, 71K)


can you do getters and setters like that in Java?

afaik no

what is Jow Forums's approved programming language?

Whites btfo

Getters and setters are common whenever OOP is involved. The problem is that the code is still a way to transmit pure cancer to whomever has the displeasure of reading it.

Go to Jow Forums and ask

That bash looks cool though.

I've actually had an opposite thought. Once you've been in industry (or even college desu), you realize there are "real" developers and meme developers. Real developers write terse, functional code at legitimately 5-10x the pace of meme devs. Dev leads are well aware of this, and will hire their core group of developers and know they'll get their shit done. Then they pack the rest of their budget with diversity points that they KNOW won't contribute just so management is happy with them. it's made it even MORE competitive for white males, because you have to be in the "real dev" tier to be hired in the first place.

Yes, it's horribly inefficient, and yes, it's not sustainable vs a company that doesn't bother with diversity hires in the first place. unfortunately, the market inefficiencies (primarily network effect) are so massive that they don't even need to be efficient to remain competitive.

Anything that’s not ‘kode’.

Tell me about the capital engine. How do you win them over and get them to fund you? Or do you need connections?

ROFL @ niggers doing ASM

> chimp using a typewriter
> cellphone rings
> monkey pulls banana out of his khakis and holds it up to his hear
> makes donkey kong noises
> puts on fedora and grabs briefcase
> leaves office
> office is microsoft redmond campus
> senior architect

You know it user
>Forced (((diversity)))

>computer starts clicking
>think something is wrong with it
>turns out it is just the developer's native language

It’s like that everywhere, when I work for Union Pacific in Nebraska their entire tech department was pajeets. It’s amazing how white Americans get fucked out of their jobs and just take, and beg for more punishment.

Imo the debts for colonialism have been paid off, time to stand up people.

I work at Intel. The number of black women on the server/SOC hardware dev can be counted on 1 hand. None of the women last very long other than some of the indians. The retention rates are shit over 5 years compared to competitors.
I've heard of cases in technical marketing where they're offering substantially more money to black women just get them hired. Everyone knows this. No one talks to them and they quit shortly there after.
The corporate culture in engineering here is basically balls-to-the-wall while you're at work. There is very little small talk while not at lunch, and even at lunch they typically talk work. Its not exactly a chatty atmosphere and took me a few months to get used to. Women find it difficult. I think we prefer it that way.

Attached: Intel_Logo.png (1140x799, 54K)

big companies get tax breaks for every employee that has a gash,a vet, or a minority

>developer manuals
is she reading the manuals?
is she reading?

It's a photo-op. She can't type more than 20 wpm and she doesn't know the definition of lithography or how to find watts when amps/volts/pf are given without google.

Holy sheeeeeeiiittttt
Cd ..
Cd ..
Cd ~/female/logic
No such file or directory
Cd ..
Cd ..
Cd ..
W-we koding now girls

Attached: image.jpg (480x441, 41K)

>Share your 1st thought
I wonder who she stole that laptop from

That’s zsh

Yep, they pay shitskins 100-200k to do nothing. It’s amazing really.

I work on server/soc at the CPU-Jew. Everything is Verilog for the design and system verilog for the test bench. We used to have our own simulators but everything is Synopsys VCS now.
Perl glues a lot of our flows together. Python is starting to creep into some of the flows. Things that are time intensive are carefully written in C/C++. Everything is done on linux for pre-silicon design and validation.

Attached: intel_dying.jpg (1000x1333, 204K)

come be a developer at patreon! where half your job isn't work and the other half is trendy dendy! doesn't that sound like fun?

oh you wanted an actual job? yeah you're going to have to talk with our outsource manager in chennai about that one...

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The kikes run the capital engine. They tease greedy whites with extra shekels as they always do if only they sell out their own race and country. > Some whites are so greedy to make extra profit margins that they even fucked their own race/country and continue to do so as long as they get that quarterly bonus.
^this group falls for it. The kikes tease you with shekels and compromised whites fall for it. You only have yourself to blame.

first thought is what an unrelated picture virtue signalling inclusion

ITT: retards arguing about stock photos.



I'm just puzzled about why there's an article about deprecated architectures in the current year. I even checked the wikipedia page, who the fuck thinks Itanium is relevant in any way?

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I do work at a microsystem firm of all Jew women in annapolis