How would you successfully argue for refusing to work with females in a professional environment without alienating...

How would you successfully argue for refusing to work with females in a professional environment without alienating everyone?

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trip them, they only are able to react to pure agression

Be a Muslim.


What if you're a straight white male who is rumored to be islamophobic or whatever after some drunken rant on a night out

>he reveals his power level

Never drink with strangers faggot.

>shitty meme flag
>shitty meme image
Go back.

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You can’t. Stop being an incel

>How would you successfully argue for refusing to work with females in a professional environment without alienating everyone?
if thats how you feel about it you just quit, because you're gonna get fired if you say that out loud at work

Great argument
Here you go, satisfited with my flag?

For me women are not colleagues, but entertainment. But its different here since nobody cares about muh sexism, so i can make fun of them, flirt or touch them and they like it.

You don't refuse. You work with them, and out work them. You make sure they can't take credit for your work. You make them feel comfortable, but make them useless at the same time.
You then have a perfect case to get them fired.

>straight white male

>and they like it
Sure they do, Vlad.

Start a company, don't hire women.

Attached: WhiteGirl1.jpg (1080x1920, 340K)

Say you are very sensitive to scents, most women pile on shitty Victoria secret body sprays to “feel sexy” if it’s not that it’s scented lotion or deodorant.

ay caramba, very epic amigo

dont. just let female workers do the damage themselves.

>t. warehouse worker.

Most people on this site can't find the ambition to wake up at the same time everyday.

Start a fucking company? Lmao

this is something you need to look into before you take the job, what the demographics are that is. with out specifics it would be hard to know if it is possible to help you

no bullying