Pol, say something nice about the country above you

Say something nice about the country or the people of that country above you.

Attached: flagsofworld2.jpg (727x433, 51K)

You had a kickass navy after your failed invasion to out country

You have the better half of Niagra Falls

You have a constitution and amendments that protect you and your rights

Hi, dad.

Kek, I like this mutt

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It has a tolerant and self-sacrificial approach towards our unadjusted muslim brothers. Also, respectful towards the weaker gender and the sodomites.

Our foreign policies mimic eachother
polak wegri dwa bratanki


You have lots and lots of oil... also Wayne Gretzky.

Your leader is standing up to the Jewmocracy in Brussels

Damn fine birthday party you threw last week. So proud.

Attached: ace29faa51c03af416697f447251e7873daf5931a94d5b7efd65ef4d70a5bc96_1.jpg (600x423, 28K)

You guys had an ok Empire

Your people respect the law so much they have an abundance of them for every scenario.

You guys gave me a home after my home was sold out by the west.

pic rel is my flag

Attached: Rhodesian Ticolour.png (1024x525, 105K)

meant for

High five my brotha!
Sadly, unlike Hungary, Poland is extremely russophobic.
There was a point when our mainstream media seriously discussed shooting down some russian jets over the baltic sea.


The 2nd amendment



>America is above UK
You filthy picaniny. Iceland, Greenland and Canada are MUCH CLOSER to "above" (geographically only, now anyway) UK than Goblino USA.


based penguins

Cheap prostitutes

i don't even have something nice to say about ourselves


>Leaf being leaf

he was talking the country above on the map

Your Prime Minister is much better than the president of my country

Your business and industry are coming here because our race is stronger and has a cheaper handwork

oof i got ignored

its above poster you 75 iq britard

You are true bros when you want.

Nigger where do you think penguins are?

You can die

great history and people
also the spanish falange

Mexican Chorizo is the superior chorizo

based kebab removal



Canada has Justine Jewdough, we don't.

Beautiful landscapes and BEST PRESIDENT

some states have beautiful nature

Leopold II

>hello were is de golds
Most based in the EU

Attached: 1529393045465.png (1024x900, 78K)

But they are all terrible!

>were is de golds
>Brazillian territory was part of the Kingdom of Portugal
>Brazil was western Portugal
>You can't steal from your own land
why must you do this every thread
Also your accent is a melodic version of portuguese and is pretty neat.

Alberto Barbossa is one of my favorite memes.


I like these threads.

>Something nice about paraguay or bolivia

i'll say something nice about brazil instead,... south brazil is WHITE

Poutine is delicious. But has to done with cheese curd

Well I believe this meme was created because of the high taxes the crown imposed on miners back in the so-called ciclo do ouro, and also because they didn't allow based bandeirantes to explore the gold they found during their explorations, starting the "Guerra dos Emboabas". And now faggots misinterpret it all.
I'm not sure, though, it's only a guess

bros, good at football and great churrasco

I believe it's something nice about the country of the poster whose comment is above yours.
Anyway, thanks, bro. Your churrasco and dulce de leche are great.

Southern Brazil is alright, I'd flee there if my attempts to gas the kikes fell through.

Christianity coming Rio de Janairo (sp?).

Attached: Marcelo_Crivella_Prefeito.jpg (800x1016, 95K)


you punch well above your weight in football

hello italia

uh oh

damn, can't think of shit

Attached: knifefrench.jpg (500x345, 12K)

Greetings to Polska, keep the spirit, fuck the EU.

Best at being hideously obese

hello mahmoud

Was the pulse of the world

At least your chocolate is worth something.

Is a great home to many muslim bosnians and turks

Great at dying for Israel

Whoops, forgot flag.

Learning your language was fun. It's nice.

I love olive oil. You habe the best hands down

well, I heard he has cut funding to nigger religions and carnaval, but
>trusting an elected p*litician on this day and age


Attached: download.jpg (287x176, 13K)

You elected Trump

forgot to change pic, fugg

You still live.

you had queen Victoria

my favourite monarch

Your abhorrent leaf posting brings a smile to my face

You created justin bieber which america turn it into stupid boy.

You are a more intelligent america

I like your style of breakfast.

Very few mosquitos, good for you m8.

America is the greatest country in the history of history.

Attached: alpha as fuck.jpg (690x840, 298K)

What kind of flag is this

There are no countries above me :(

Attached: 61aiNUBa31L._SL1100_.jpg (1100x1100, 61K)

pretty ppl and amazing nature

Attached: C70B33AC-B7AC-490D-ABB9-7C926C4AC4CE.jpg (720x1024, 172K)

well.. atleast you tried

you are the best antagonist in the Red Cross lore... keep it up! proud of ya!!

Your country's name rhymes with Uruguay which might be the nicest country in Latin America.

i like your burgers

Nice colors in flag

Slightly less faggy than Sweden

Your country ROCKS

Best president currently

Great at letting your little girls get raped by the tens of thousands by pakis without doing anything to stop it.
Great at dying out, in general.

Look at the moon user. Whose flag claims that clay?

All of us are full of kikes except for Japan, who has its own problems.


My nigga

Attached: a7b.png (986x1356, 295K)

French girls are sexy but they are going to be interbreeded out of existance