I'm actually becoming a unironic commie

I'm actually becoming a unironic commie.

Its just boggling my mind how for the past 20 years we have been experiencing economic growth (atleast in the US) and at the same time wages have been either staying the same or even FALLING. The rich have been getting richer, the middle class smaller and the poor have been getting poorer and more dependent.

This is all going to get even worse in the near-future, the middle class is going to shrink at even more accelerated rate taking into account automation culling most of their jobs and the same can be said about the bottom.

Current US president is also literally doing NOTHING to help this, making it worse even.

I can already predict the sort of replies i'm going to get with this thread already: hurr durr im a bottom % and i still go through the mental gymnastics of justifying a broken system because hurr durr one day i will also be rich (a temporarily embarrassed millionaire) and other sorts of brainlet tier ad-homs.



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really made me thihnk

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Sick ad-hom retard.

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>and at the same time wages have been either staying the same or even FALLING.

Because the elites have imported an army of off-the-books illegal workers, for the express purpose of depressing wages. (Also white genocide in the case of jew / leftist elites.) It's no coincidence that the labour market is tightening under Trump and wages / benefits starting to rise as a result.

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Mass immigration, same as the UK

yeah man fuck Jews

Mass migration is a flaw of capitalism, endless growth and migration adds to growth.

Tfw commies support the immigration of 3rd world shit holes which doesnt help le economy

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Commies deserve death.

i hear you op fuckin kikes

>justifying a broken system because hurr durr one day i will also be rich
you stupid commie faggots always make the same mistake... you believe this is a zero sum game or you feel some sort of inferiority so you claim to be "fighting for the under dog" when really all you do is justify more fucking government and the same system that caused all this trouble in the first place.

make the government smaller and youll get everything you want...


atm I support anything that's anti-capitalist

>The rich have been getting richer
yes, under the democratic system they created, they are also becoming more "socialist".

You have to see them "the establishment" for what its worth.
The left will protect them till the day they die because the academic left is bought and used as a tool to reinforce political correctness in youths.
But do they care about the working class or anyone poor? No, they hate the poor.

>Current US president is also literally doing NOTHING to help this
Wrong! He has done more than ANY OTHER president to prevent this and to change the decline at which people are getting poorer and losing their jobs to companies whose outsourced to utilize slave labor.
By opening the border you destroy the opportunities for the working class, brining down wages to a point which the weakest (the ones not receiving benefies) dies. That is not the solidarity and it is ANTI-Marixst. It does however benefit the companies, but only the biggest and most prolific ones.

Communis,/Marxism does not care about race and racism user, that's why you and the other idiots who bought the SHITcake you have been served by the establishment are tools. Tools to be discarded when the champaign socialists are done destabilizing the Real opposition, the populists.

Why do you think the richest people in the World hate Trump and are CONSTANTLY pumping out anti Trump and pro EU propaganda, while at the same time larping as fucking commies.

Learn to fucking think user!!!!!!

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>left wind democrats

>experienced economic growth for the last 20 years
Where you in a coma during the Obama administration? We’ve only seen growth since Trump got elected.

Don’t conflate inflation with economic growth.

immigration u cretin
i'd tell u to lurk but ur a shill

Do you inow why wages are remaining low or falling? Let’s do a quick economics lesson: 1) businesses largest cost center is labor wages 2) no business is going to pay more for labor than it must to attract and retain the workers it needs to stay in business 3) wages vary according to the value of the work performed 4) the only way to get to a high value, high wage position is through education and work experience 5) universities and education have been subverted by marxism over the past 20+ years 6) the entry level job market has been flooded by cheap migrant labor over the last 20+ years. 7) the mid to executive level job market has been flooded by underqualified diversity hires over the last 20+ years.

Conclusions: depressed wages are produced by a combination of poor educational standards and cheap/unqualified workers taking positions that would otherwise allow people to start young and rise through the ranks of value production and wage earning ability based on merit. Your wages are shit because your job options are shit because your education is shit because shitty people are being hired and promoted before you. The cause is not “greedy capitalists” but rather marxism and feminism and multiculturalism.

Close the borders, fire the unqualified and unproductive workers and restore the high standards of education we had 50 years ago and your wages will rise again. It’s that simple. Believe me, rich people can only get rich by creating good jobs, products and services for you... quit trying to “fix” them and let them do what they do best... for your own good.

Agreed, but what can we really do? nothing

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>I can already predict the sort of replies i'm going to get
Can you predict who has so far reacted to Trump and why they own most of the worlds wealth?
Can you predict why they call themselves commies?

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Pretty much me.

I am a few missed paychecks from Marxist but I still want a white ethnostate.

Strasserism or even Abetzism is what we need.

You can have aspects of a command economy without going full USSR starvation time.
National socialism has proven itself to be vastly superior alternative to communism.

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The problem with the government is it pretends to be a neutral arbitor in society while it is not.

The rule of law is the problem. The government should declare policy goals and then adjust actions to reach them as opposed to today where the government studies methods and tries to reach targets but fails.

How it should work
>little to no government regulation
>businesses pop up constantly
>more jobs for the people
>higher wages as there is more competition for workers
>better products and prices as there is more competition among businesses
How it currently works
>strong government oversight and regulation
>it’s more and more difficult to start a new business
>less businesses pop up
>everyone goes to work for established companies
>established companies outsource their manufacturing and/or development
>less people have jobs because less jobs are being created
>wages stagnate because companies don’t need to compete for workers
>products and pricing go to shit because products are outsourced and there’s no real competition to undercut or price you out
How it works in communism
>State runs everything
>State underestimates need for bread
>does not produce enough bread for the people
>hundreds of thousands die of starvation
>all talent leaves the country because their talent isn’t rewarded due to communism
>society stagnates and revolts or the state collapses and it becomes Mad Max

Jews control our money supply. If we actually printed our own money instead of paying interest on kike loans then inflation wouldn't be nearly as bad. That combined with immigration is just a terrible position we're in. Although it's still better than being in a gulag so sage.

You don't have to become a retarded commie to address this problem. There is also a third position and should know it.

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>USSR starvation time
only starvation in the USSR was the so-called Holodomor, which is akin to the holohoax in terms of evidence

>National socialism has proven itself to be vastly superior alternative to communism
Indeed, but what are the chances of a Fascist or National Socialist revolution habbening after 70 years of absolute brainwashing? Almost zero.
Fascism > Stalinism > C*pitalist Democracy

Good for you OP

Remember that in the US being a Fascist or a child rapist is ok for the ACLU, but Communism is considered too far

You've taken your first step into a larger world


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>The rich have been getting richer, the middle class smaller and the poor have been getting poorer and more dependent.
Who cares, we're having a demographic shift. All western culture and our way of life is going down the shitter in about 50 years.

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Communism oppresses the people. Why do you think people flee communist countries, we even see the contours of communism In the EU, the ghost of Communist Germany.

the bureocracy, the corruption and the despair.
The poverty still remains, its just hidden alongside all the problems the political system doesn't want to acknowledge.

in a communist system you are born nameless you and you nameless. Its a petty worthless existence. There is no life, no action. nothing. Just service to your "betters" the unelected leaders of the system you pretend to believe in to avoid punishment for political dissent (just like political correctness).

Eventually only the friends and family of the unelected leadership of the communist state are given the best positions, in art, architecture, politics and dimplacy, military leadership and other public offices. In every known case they have stolen a lot of the wealth paid for by the comrades, the slaves which is supposed to be us if we lived in a communist state.

There is no end result in communism, no goals, no light at the end of the tunnel.
Its a menial existence, a pointless one.
It's better to die user.

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How can you be on Jow Forums and still not know that there's a third option?

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Wages falling has absolutely nothing to do with the flood of immigrants.
You are too stupid to live. Please kys for the benefit of humanity

>3 crosses
>4 stars of david
>4 muslim moon things
>5 hammer and sickle

really makes you question the agenda


Wages decline because we allow immigrants (legal and illegal) who are willing to work for less.

>who are willing to work for less.
No. They're not any more willing than we are. They just exist. That creates a surplus of workers, which lowers the wages. Willingness has nothing to do with it.

Yeah but its fake

Go be a commie somewhere else faggot, and stop pretending you were ever anything but. Communism requires a special type of retardation, you dont "become" a communist, you just realize you are one.

>Remember that in the US being a Fascist or a child rapist is ok for the ACLU, but Communism is considered too far
not really, you're thinking of cultural differences, in asia most communist states didn't turn into total drone hierarchies so people retained some of their culture and traditionalist views on relationships.

the retards whining about pedophila now are commies/anarchists or associated with commies and anarchists.

but ofc we're not talking Real communism, because real communists account for 0,0001% of ll communists and you have 0 real communists in the USA. only faggots who larp for open borders and cry about Trump who is the closest thing to a president representing real working class values you will ever have.

What you do have is a lot of bourgoise student groups filled with idiotic professors whining like its still the 60s about issues which no longer represent the real world.

Like the billionaires who fund them they want global economic centralization.

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Do not stray from the light of knowing that all peoples are united in chains

every day we get one of these... fuck of lefties no one is convinced.

it can't possibly be increased supply of labor.

>really makes you question the agenda
not really and it is official EU propaganda. Its to appeal to idiots who believe in communism, just like Antifa.

It is used to plant the idea of a centralized global political and economic system which populists around the world can never topple. That's their end goal.

Global committees of oil and gas magnates and political representatives had over 30 years to fix climate change or at least do something about it. They were given funding which would even make Hillary Clinton blush, but they haven't even made a concrete proposal on how to tackle the issues, why?
Because they don't care about them. Its just another way in which they steal funding and people are stupid enough to belive in that shit.
Now its state mandated, people pay into it by paying to the EU without even knowing where the money goes.

When Obama won the first time people thought he would make political and international business transactions more transparent. But he didn't and the lefty press, like TYT stopped talking about it. They slowly began to change the narrative over to race instead.. strange huh?

What's also strange is how all these larp socialists and commies held most of the public offices in the world for the last 50 years, and yet the rich are richer than ever before.

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>literally nothing to help this

Are you fucking retarded or something?

If people are not willing to pick fruit for below minimum wage as illegals do, the employers are forced to raise the wage. This is the very basis of collective bargaining.

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not just that, but they're also allowed to outsource... to take advantage of countries with lower living standards.

>and at the same time wages have been either staying the same or even FALLING.
thats because your country has an extra 50 million mexicans
communism is antinationalist, enjoy more mexicans fagot your wages might really go upwards when bernie sanders starts expropiating companies and the government manages them

Well, the good news are that capitalism is currently in its death throes. The bad news are that some faggots have their heads up their ass so deep that we’ll live probably atleast a century in misery. The saying goes that it’s either socialism or barbarism, the west has chosen barbarism. And about immigration, it is part of capitalism, how is pointing a problem caused by capitalism a counter argument against socialism? In a communist world there would be no immigration.

Here are the largest reasons for stagnant wages even though productivity has gone up. Also why the rich has been getting richer. These are extremely complex issues but the largest factors will be explained in a detailed as possible way without becoming too much

1: women entering the work force. The labor pool has almost doubled over night while the jobs did not. Making it harder for the employee to negotiate effectively for pay.
2: immigrants. Same as reason 1 but not nearly as big of a deal, still something to deal with. While keeping the labor pool larger than jobs available that means employers can be more picky.

3: less employers and self employed people. 40 years ago 1/4 people were self employed/business owners it is now 1/10 compared to around 50 years ago. This is due to government regulations/restrictions. There are some good and necessary things but there are too many unnecessary things preventing people from becoming self employed.

4: government sanctioned and government cosigned loans of the housing market. To prop up the dot com bubble the government decided to stimulate the economy by giving people easy access loans. (if you do not understand this one please do not comment on it, because you'll likely be inaccurate). this allowed the intelligent rich people to trade in their favor with no risk due to the governments fault.

5: government stimulation to the US stock markets same 4. allows intelligent investors to easily and reliably game the system thanks to the government.

6: poorly developed tax system as well as extremely bloated government programs. 1/3 of the money traded in the us economy is through government contracts. That means if you're a business owner statistically speaking 1/3rd of every dollar you make is from the government. The government is not a good spender of money.

this is as many as i could go into without getting overly complex If you feel/image a communist aproach to solving these issues would be ideal get help

If you're permitted to offer any wage no matter how crap it is, you are given incentive to push down wages so hard that you can employ an army of minions. That's how slavery works. Thats the fruit of right-wing economic schools. Oversupply of labor is solved by making labor expensive, but you'll never catch a conservative puppet of vested interests agreeing with that.

your complaint is justified. but communism is not the answer - it never is. the solution is serious limitations on immigration which lowers wages, cutting out corporate welfare and tax loopholes, and regulating/penalising when necessary corporate offshoring. national capitalism if you will rather than internationalist/globalist capitalism. id also consider a negative income tax and serious banking and monetary reform as well as corporate law to minimise rent seeking and maximise productive behaviour. infrastructure spending should also be considered

At a certain point which we’ve already passed you can’t make labor less available simply because there’s only a limited number of jobs available. The tertiary sector is entirely artifical and doesn’t produce anything valuable.

It would all be fixed if we had a National Minarchist state with citizenship only for whites and only extending voting rights to intact families

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true but not gonna happen

>the economy is a zero sum game

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we havent. its fake and based on debt. its all gonna come down soon

Wow, this is very gay.

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Then the total welfare state is already here.

The choices aren’t only communism or corporate capitalism. You can hate Corp capitalism and communism.

You need to learn what the Federal Reserve is. It's sucking up all that extra productivity that has resulted from improved technology.

read all your posts and agree with most of your analysis. spot on snownigger

Here, about the Fed:

you haven't given any explanation for why on earth you think communism would fix that shit. you can see similar problems to communists without being a retard.

A poor person, the POOREST, in america is middle class on the world stage. The poorest people in this country live better than the richest people did less than 100 years ago. Of course rich people get richer. Wealth creates more wealth because rich people buy assets while poor people look for deals in the now that become liabilities later. It's like buying one roll of toilet paper when you're poor vs. the rich guy who buys a year's supply. Apply this to pretty much everything in life and that's why "the rich get richer". BUT the poor can, and have, start making wiser investments of time and resources to get out of the poverty spiral.

Poverty is the DEFAULT state of man, do not forget that. On our own, without the big mean rich people and their investments we would be poor as animals and suffer as they do. But now thanks to the growth of our economy even what we consider poor in this country includes a car, AC, the internet, smart phones, etc.

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It indeed is. Look at california for the future of humanity, most people there live in squalor surviving off min wage jobs and gibs while a couple of pederastic bourgeoise rats live in absolute luxury. The only thing equal there is that everybody has hiv.

isn't it funny that some of the richest people in the world always want the poorest people in the world to be communists.

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neocon cliche boomertier answer - check out norway anons posts

You only need look at commie history to know communism isn't going to work. Quit assuming a broken ideology is going to fix what you think is a broken ideology. Try something new for once.

Thanks bro
i need to spread the truth in posts like these, can't have commies spreading too much lies

how pathetic are you that you have no diginity in making your own way but instead bitching about people who have more than you?


oh, European. of course

indeed - the corporate oligarch "communists" are utterly sickening - you probably are already ware that this intersectional sjw shit went into overdrive just after the 2008 financial crises - funny that
what a coincidence

i dont bitch - im well off and hate communist - but your simplistic answer is neocon cringe

Good read outlining some differences between communism and National Socialism in their view on economy.

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what's your answer?


>Neoliberal wellfare = communism
Please stop.


communists don't believe in private property, personal rights, belongings, etc etc. you won't be getting paid either because that money belongs to "The people" aka the government who will translate the fruits of your labor into fueling their statist machine that shares the people's bullets with you should you steal a potato or criticize the way things are run.

National Capitalism is the way to go.

>wages have been either staying the same or even FALLING

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Of course, the entire sjw world view is entirely constructed around increasing profits for their corporate overlords.
Immigration for cheap labor, check.
Faggotry and other stuff for cosmetics and surgery, check.
Ignore real economic issues and replace them with your meaningless ”problems”, check.
Advocate for consumer lifestyle, check.

I’m ironically communist in here but unironicay islamofascist. Liberal women are whores that hate themselves. They support Islam because in the back of their heads they crave patriarchy.

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If only the left dropped their social, migration, tolerance and globalism stances while embracing nationalism as something good and not necessarily harmful while also fervently defending freedom of speech without exceptions and respecting freedom and property while not forcing people to be "charitable" out of their own pocket through foreign aid paid through taxes, then and only if all of those conditions could be met could we start talking about socioeconomic equality.

Go to the wipedia page on bretton woods, it has a nice chart on this. The stats are from US bureau of labor.

exactly finnbro
it was also a massive divide and conquer strategy to neutralise the huge public anger at the banking industry - justified anger that hadnt been seen since the 1920s

These. Why raise wages when you have an endless supply of uneducated workers that you can take advantage of because they are here illegally.

the US dystopia is not a capitalist creation, it is a jew creation. that is like blaming consumer culture on white people. same goes for socialist dystopias. solve that problem and any economic system will function smoothly.

You don't understand how the economic system works. Sad.

So be a national socialist. You can want a fairer deal for the working man without also wanting to import infinity niggers.

Alright brainlet, listen up:

When you import a million niggers per year, obviously the economy is going to grow.

It doesn't have anything to do with per-capita growth.

islamopatriarchy is the worst form of patriarchy - the product of cousin fucking inbred low iq retarded savages

wages have stagnated because democrats have been importing third world peasant underclass into the united states for votes, assisted by republicans who want cheap labor. the left used to understand that their responsibility was to safeguard the native labor market but theyre retarded fags and got greedy for socialism votes from the third world.

literally the most retarded thing i've read on this website
especially coming from a country that has no minimum wage you should know better

the incentive remains to push down costs in any business. labor will always be a cost.
>Oversupply of labor is solved by making labor expensive
you can't even tell cause from effect. They try to increase labor by bringing in H1Bs to drive down wages.

The way to increase wages is to differentiate yourself from the labor supply, specialize so there are not so many competing with you. Also specialize in something in demand. There's little demand for art students

choose classical aristocratic republic patriarchy - suitable for the west and normal humans

Have you read wages of desteuction?

We could start by unifying Jow Forums. The first step to solving a problem is by unanimously admitting that there is one. Nobody can do shit if we are all scattered and fighting among ourselves. After that we can start thinking about the possible courses of action.

> Oversupply of labor is solved by making labor expensive

It can also be solved by punishing outsourcing with heavy tariffs. If they lose more importing than they do producing locally they will have no choice. Think of it like unionizing against globalist shitheads.

>wages have been either staying the same or even FALLING.

This is primarily because of government abuse and bad policy, user.

A few key sectors of the economy have been impoverishing Americans:

1. Healthcare costs rising faster than inflation - caused by government (majority of hospital budgets are spent on administrators whose sole job is to handle regulations).

2. Higher education costs rising faster than inflation - caused by government student loans inflating prices.

3. Housing costs rising faster than inflation - caused by federal government policy of forcing banks to hand out housing loans like candy, and local policies that prevent construction of affordable housing.

Also some major issues that have long plagued our society:

4. Never-ending inflation caused by the Federal Reserve - perhaps the biggest financial scam in existence. Never-ending inflation degrades the value of the poor's money while allowing the owners of capital, which is inflation-resistant, to preserve their value. The owners of capital therefore slowly gain a larger share of the economy BY DEFAULT.

5. Fractional reserve banking - allows the owners of banks in specific to create money out of thin air and leech an unfair gain from the rest of society who is forced to borrow this phantom money to run their businesses and such.

I hate/love how people deflect from capitalism by pointing at immigration. Who the fuck do you think is behind that immigration lmao?