Was born in 1999 and came to Jow Forums the beginning of 2017 and have been redpilled to the extreme. Everyone is saying that "Gen Z is redpilled," well send some questions and see if I live up to that statement.
Other urls found in this thread:
>beginning of 2017
>redpilled to the extreme
come on now gryphon
(You). Do you seriously think anybody on this board is older than 25?
Are you circumcised?
i am not talking about age faggot
Post a few photos of your hot bulge in speedos.
Speedo bulge or GTFO.
yes, I see threads constantly of millennials constantly crying about not getting a white gf
Sadly I must report I am circumcised.
post cock let's see if they really ran you under the bus or did a fair job of it
don't have a camera bud.
Lame. I took my first dickpix ever last week and I was out of high school before you were born.
Never knew the underside of my dick looked like that tbqh
Born in 2000. Been here since 2015. Started on Jow Forums. Found this hell hole around election time. Keep fighting the good fight brother.
Oh and I used my $200 Best Buy laptop since I don't do the phone thing myself. First time I ever took the tape off the webcam.
I got rid of my phone as I saw it as a distraction and I now run my computer off a widescreen tv moniter
I thought projectors were cool back in the day. At night you could project on the whole side of a building and play vidya with your crew until folks came around and told you to quit it.
I'm more of a multi-screen guy for my battlestation and laptop for on the go guy. I just can't believe with all these widescreen laptops they don't put numeric keypads back in now that there's room. That used to be like an aftermarket option you could buy out the back of a catalog to plug in an external numeric keypad.
Behind every shitpost the Zoomer.
You aren't redpilled. You are a kid still trying on new political ideologies, and probably trying to conform some to fit in here.
Last time I checked gen z wasn't born until 2000 or 2001.
Do you know the hamburgercost ?
I was born in 2000 and came here in mid-2013, get out newfag.
>tfw will always be Reddit
take this cancer back to /b/
Unpossible. You would have been underageb&.
Senior gen Z here (1996) fuck off new fag
I was watching goku go super saipan in 1999, how does it feel knowing you will never experience this?
did you make this for the fair?
I was born in 1994 and came here in 2008.
Get out, Reddit
need sauce on this cartoon
Not if I didn’t say my age, user.
Holy shit, do you remember that? That was before everybody was going SSJ and had 34 new levels.
that was MADNESS
This board is full of children who were too young to even remember 9/11. Most of you shitstains were still in pampers.
>You aren't redpilled
On the contrary, I used to a conservative but sometime ago I read the Gulag Archipelago and learned of how the Marxist ideology can be boiled down to an atheistic materialistic point of view. And comparing our western civilizations to the USSR we can that current trends are heading to that direction so what can be done?
Well that is when I read Julies Evola's Revolt Against The Modern World as he went about how traditional civilizations where far superior than our modern liberal civilization and will soon collapse under the weight of it's corruption. traditional societies had their focus on God rather power and humbled themselves before said God if they received blessings and power.
Romans 8:6
>For the mind set on flesh is death, but the mind set on the spirit is life and peace
If our culture and heritage is to be preserved we must give ourselves to a king as God is King and his ideas and values are what will give life to our countries.
never been to reddit.
I'm staying I like it here
>t. actual boomer
See, every single new thing you read drastically affects your ideology. I stand by my initial statement that you are a kid exploring politics for the first time--which is perfectly normal and encouraged.
Yes, of course I remember. It was the first American dub of DBZ and my friends and I all lost our shit. I was 9 years old
t. 28 yo boomer
anime is degenerate faggot learn to read a bible.
Minds change overtime. You maybe now but who knows what you turn into as you experience first hand your own truth.
Do you even read shit here? There's an extremely large group of late millenials and early Z on this board
That's pretty much the only dub I've only liked. Are you mad jelly I have a handwritten note I got in the mail from Bruce Falconer's wife? :3
his addiction is just starting to take hold, he hasn't begun to know "extreme" yet
Fellow gen z here.
Nice to see a fellow gen z christian, but honestly where I live 40% or so are pretty strong christians. Another 20% are lukewarm. And the rest are retarded atheist edgelords who say "hurr durr muh logic ecks dee I'm too smart and science orientated to believe in God"
And the atheists are the ONLY ones who support the fags and trannies too, and the only one's that support the left, premarital sex, party culture, ect.
Holy shit fucking based
gen zyklon here as well
have you noticed that like 90% of new movies coming out have nearly all niggers as their protagonists and cartoonishly pasty old white men as the antagonists? fuckin
>the first purge
>the equalizer 2
>that one where the niggers are working in a call center and have to use their best “white voice” to be successful
and all my white friends eat all this shit up i dont understand
This place lives up to it's ironic sense of humor as it is considered the most degenerate place on the world-wide web. But at the same time is home to the most christian board on the internet.
Why are there 61 stars on that flag?
btw if you haven't read The Gulag Archipilago, you should. I could recommend a lot of different books depending on what you're in to, but that's a good one, and a good determinant of whether or not you're up for big books.
>redpilled to the extreme
okay, define fascism
the third way
2000 here Just turned 18 in June. Been here since mid 2016
I've read it.
>tfw 26 year old boomer
I know you've read it. He was fucking quoting your post you mong. Post your cock or don't reply to me ever again.
>Most christian board
That would go to the other Chan's /christian/ but it's alot more boring though.
because in the future we invade most of Europe and gas all of the Canadians.
go back to /lgbt/
Fascism is a like a mid-tier ideology. Not even the most redpilled but forms the basis of the other redpilled beliefs. Nazism is shit.
fascist are the real centerists
I went there once to see what was up. It was morose, boring, and devoid of pictures you'd want to look at. No wonder the interesting ones liked having that marriage with Jow Forums the other year to get away from it all.
This is the future
> we invade most of Europe and gas all of the Canadians
I understand that we will one day need to invade Europe to combat radical Islamic terror, but why all the hate against the hapas?
how conspiracypilled are you?
>tell me about pizzagate
>explain mandalay bay shooting
>tell me why jfk was killed
>what's up with operation highjump
Fascism, as defined by Il Duce, is the merger of state and corporate powers. You might recognize this same thing in other systems, such as Communism or Capitalism.
Are you familiar with US Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler's speech about, "War is a Racket?"
Hapas are gross. Full traditional asians, redheads, and some blondes are the only acceptable women.
No I never cared much for fascism or national socialism for that matter but enjoy their humor.
It's a good speech. You should read it.
Another one, if you're interested in the global government-corporate structure is, "The Secret Team" by Lt. L. Fletcher Prouty. It's about the CIA and exactly the same plan we see of globalism today from back in the day when he was the CIA-Pentagon go-between during the JFK era.
Pizzagate is real.
don't know anything about mandalay
JFK was killed because he slept with Malenkov's wife.
Don't know anything about high jump.
I'll check it out.
I used to be a libertarian conservative, then a fascist, then a Nat soc, then a monarchist, and now I've really came back to religion and am a theocracy/populist mix.
10/10 absolutely perfect definition
pizzagate was real but subverted by the media
mandalay bay was a saudi assassination attmept gone wrong (pic related) that had everything to do with the king of saudi arabia negotiating with trump to avoid a trade war based on undercutting american shale reserves.
jfk betrayed the mafia after using underworld connections to win chicago in the presidential election
highjump is a really funky one and i'm not sure how seriously to take it but i'll say this: antarctic nazi ufos
why are their 61 stars on that flag?
define racism.
Post dick on /soc/ or /b/ or whatever and link it here if you want more. We need more infos to talk about the serious political situation regarding genital mutilation and its methods.
The irrational hatred of other ethnicity yet I fail to what is irrational with hating niggers.
It has its uses.
here's an extremely extended JFK rundown
I transcribed it myself from a video - it details many interesting connections between several conspiracies including the propaganda due takeover of the italian government and the banco ambrosiano banking scandal and their connection to drug money laundering and various terrorist outfits.
this is a crazy video for the highjump memeconspiracy. again i haven't looked very deeply into this so it's mostly for fun but there's definitely some weird shit going on
wrong. you are not redpilled.
Does Gen Z get their ideas on how Millennials had it from TV? They always spout nonsense like how there was no bullying in our schools and how all of our colleges had safe spaces when neither was true for me.
its because you rugrats are on the internet 24/7, you seen some shit, you are the most based people around..
Crap you got.
What are you doing home in the middle of a workday with nothing to do but ask Jow Forums about your self-importance?
Yeah, originalfags like me.
I wouldn't know I evolved my political beliefs around my religion and not what I've watched on YouTube.
lol. stfu shill.
My parents are out of town and i'm at home alone.
35 year old nufag boomer autist here.
Ive been here since 2011 and I'm stuck here forever and you will wake up at the age of 35 one day and another nufag will be callling you out for being a teen LARPing as an elder.
Recently rewatched that series, was just as perfect as I remembered.
t. 26 year old boomer
They didn't make you get a summer job or anything? Anyway if that's the case this is the perfect chance to set up how to post your dick.
It's not like you're out picking up girls or doing anything else useful with yourself.
Stop lying, you were born after 9/11.
The majority of us only come to your ancap-treehouse to piss on the walls.
We have moved on to gaiaonline.
Gen Z too. Mutt boi. Redpilled in latter half 2015-2016
I have a summer job just not working right now and shut up about wanting to see my cock i already told you I am CIRCUMCISED!
>Was born in 1999
You're not gen z, stupid faggot. Gen Z was born January 1st 2000, at earliest. jfc the state of millennial is so fucking sad.
Are you black?
So am I. Post it anyway. I'd offer to do the same but my laptop is in the office and I don't want to move it to an unencrypted drive before I shoop the surroundings out.
gen z are late 90s to mid 2000
genz is degenerate like the milenials
t.genz 2000
Share a picture desu