Hillary Clinton losing to Trump was the best thing to happen for the left

The actual left I mean. It was literally the best outcome, short of Bernie getting the nomination and winning. Clinton losing to such an unpopular and obvious idiot was the final straw for millions. DSA membership sky rocketed in the months after the election. We never would have gotten AOC if Clinton was President- and her politics are just more of the same Republican-lite bullshit we’ve been getting for years. Now we might actually have a real shot on our hands of getting a Democratic Socialist in the White House in 2020, and it never would have been possible without thanks to Hillary losing. Thanks Hilldog!

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not to mention I get a real shot at hanging pinkos from light poles

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You’re mad because you know it’s true

it is true
liberals are going to split between looney left and normal cuckold left
and you'll never win another election

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and now they show their real colors

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Left will eat itself.

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>getting the electoral college to vote majority commie

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Paula Patton wants to know why this jungle bunny keeps appearing on Jow Forums

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