The left can't me-

The left can't me-

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Pastafarians are leftists?

as an atheist / agnostic (but mostly atheist), anyone who talks about "muh flying spaghetti monster" is pretty much the most rotten and retarded person you're ever going to meet. i'll never forget when i was younger and had some hard times, and had to go to some partial mental hospitalization program. still can't believe i ended up there, cuz my shit is mostly together, but like i said it was a hard time. there was this morbidly obese woman there who was like FRANTIC with nervous energy and was just one of those people that you KNOW is the pure embodiment of PSYCHOLOGICAL CANCER and i'll never forget how she just kept talkign about "muh flying spaghetti monster" and laughing about it, like she was so cool for being an atheist and so forth.

others i've met who were into that shit were similar types. they're really retards.

there's only one group of people that can meme, and they were on the left back when the FSM was created.

yeah the vast majority of atheists are pretty left, many are far left. i'm very right wing, but that's highly unusual. i just can't associate with other atheists, they really are the worst people in the world, which makes me wonder if there really is a god sometimes, but i still don't think so.

When /b/ was fun and not full of virgins fapping to facebook pics.


funny, most atheists i know never talk about it or make threads about it on Jow Forums. they simply have a logical mind and prefer science over religion, because science makes sense.

That shit happened everywhere. Regardless of status. It was an unwritten rule of social media around highschool thots who purposefully posted such lewd for much likes. Such wow. Good smile. No panties. Tee hee lmfaopdqxyz.

What about the recent atheist threads and atheist generals and atheist-tan that is being shilled?

As a God fearing christian. Pastafarians wouldnt have a golden grain deity without our infinite wisdom forging the harvest calendar through the sacrifice of ophiuchus amd the dark energy blessing of the passover for the first fruits of the winter wheat. Its about time and pastafarians are children while atheists are ignorant.

>(((science))) makes sense
>the universe started from a random, massive explosion that created everything

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No, it's just that Atheism is the only option as a white man as the major three religions are all Semitic and anti-Aryan/anti-Nord.

science and religion are not mutually exclusive. I'm an agnostic but I hate this attitude. Fedora's think they "own" science when in fact most of the very high IQ types I've met are very open minded about religion.

What about pagan religions? Or Deism?

Maybe in the states, but USSR atheists got to space first, and the US astronauts who made it to the moon were not christians (still admittedly open)

or you could realize that religion as we know it is just mans way of explaining intelligent design in terms that we can understand as well as a guideline on how to live your life. take from it what is useful to you and throw away what isn't.

Paganism is just a christian term for the anglo saxon religion lost to christian imperialism; it's dead, jim. The few things left of it include the may pole and yuletide.
deism is kind of a cop out imo but it worked for armstrong. State atheism is probably the most white ideology out there. Hell, it even advises against being a fedorafag

Would you want a spaghetti monster watching you while you masturbate?

There's better alternatives to religion, such as following thousands of years of successful subsistence strategy (cooperation)

Nothing like a good old ration rally to stir up them pesky political vermin trying to take over society!

Heh. Reminder that while hitler scapegoated jews for the bad economy and used that to justify killing them, stalin starved them to death and justified it by scapegoating bad economics.

If you can't answer the cosmological arguments then you're not logical, you're just uneducated and ignorant. If you worship the scientific method then try to use the scientific method to prove yhe scientific method as the sole way to gain knowledge. Atheists don't even know what logic means

Yes yes, jews among others.

Don't give jews all the credit, that's exactly what they want.

You're a funny guy, "ancap"

If you worship the scientific method then try to use the scientific method to prove yhe scientific method as the sole way to gain knowledge. Atheists don't even know what logic means
>prove yhe scientific method
Science doesn't "prove", it offers overwhelming supporting evidence using empirical research and data. I don't think you know what you're talking about, it sounds like you're repeating think tank propaganda from the heritage foundation

I'm a spook, you're a spook, everyone's a spook spook.

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What are yous talking about newfags? I was talking pastaferinism was a /b/tard troll all those years ago. Actually one of the reasons I found this place. Good times. Also the left can't meme.

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>Lmao God doesn't exist those are stupid fairytales for stupid religious people
>Hey you Christians!! Jesus said to be compassionate somewhere in the Bible so let's let in millions of Muslims who hate both Christians and atheist!
Leftists reject everything that's spiritual until it conveniently helps further their agenda


All Politicians Are Like This. Left or Right. Doesn't matter.

Most atheists I know are hardline libertarians/voluntaryists. But your average inner-city soiboi atheist is a commie retard.

This is true.

"Pastafarians" are atheists and all atheism is leftist.

Wait you faggots are actually pastafarians? And don't know it was just a guy trolling so he could wear a colander in a passport photo. Fucking normies lurk more.

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>all atheism is leftist