The Simpsons Explain Communism

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My home is proof communists are evil and bad


Fuck off fag. No one likes you. August 4th will be fun.

Was this suppose to be a case against communism?

Why would you refer to a bat as a "machine"?

because with nobody getting anything done that is about as far as technology will go, a stick = machinery

it's a woody guthrie reference

Yeah obviously. But it still makes you a dolt

kek true

>I-it was never tried the vid

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Every time i see you fucking establishment retards, even in iconography i reminisce how much i want to rip that stupid loin-cloth of your fucking ugly inbred faces.

Wtf is this simpsons refrence, you guys are supposed to hate capitalism. Simpsons is USA re-branded, even the least litterate islamist organisations knew that, which is why they synonymized it with American capitalism.

capitalism is a meme anyway, so god only knows what you faggots Really want to abolish. But we can at least get an idea based on your actions that you hate white people, the working class and the west. Actions speak louder than words.
It's not like you oppose NATO, the UN and the fucking EU which are all international centralized political entities. The likes of which would be your nr.1 opponent if you really was communist or anarchist, but you are not.

You fight the working class, shilling for big business to bring down the price of labour, the value of humans by abolishing borders. You destroy culture and you seek the total destruction of white people.
And that is all you will ever be about.

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Even if "real" communism were possible, you would need a homogeneous high IQ population for it to start function. I was a socialist and I never really grew out of it, but commies are all mega faggots and complete race deniers, hispanics and blacks in America already take more from the government than they pay in tax, how is communism gonna work with those demographics? IQ also for the most part determines success under capitalism as well, given that they can't accept these facts, I can't really support communism and socialism in a traditional way anymore.

bumping the thread so it won't archive


>a history lesson on anarchy

The implication is that hierarchies are bad, not desirable, and unjust. There is nothing wrong with hierarchies, they are naturally occurring and likely a biological mechanism. There are people out there that are really good at leadership and many others who often look to follow (mostly women). Sexual dynamics is built on competition and a capitalist economy sort of reflects this.

Without exclusive rights (property) over a resource, there is no guarantee that any long term project can be created in the future. If a guy wants to make a highway, there is no guarantee that concrete will be made available in the future. Having a monetary system helps people predict what will be available in the future.

And the idea that a resource can be up for grabs if it isn't in use is dumb. Excluding a resource in order to re/sell it in the future is a good thing if a profit is made. Making a profit off of hoarding a resource is the system rewarding you for carrying a resource into the future, where it is more valuable (useful). That market player predicted the future accurately and was rewarded for it.

true socialism/communism will never occur because the closer you get to it the less viable it becomes. Its like deep frying ice, it can't be done, which is why they always have to return to a rudimentary market economy using some sort of "not-quite money".

And there's other stuff that I don't feel like typing.

>music is too loud and interrupting at 2:16

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There was no Simpsons in that. That was the equivalent of some kid playing a game and talking shit about Trump. The Simpsons were the only thing that made it interesting. Now I want to watch the Simpsons.