Are you pro-choice or pro-life, Jow Forums?

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Might be fake but still worth watching.

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Pro Choice - because poor and uneducated people need help making a choice.

I'm pro first term chemical abortions because there's no way to stop or police those. If you think there is, you're both high and dumb.

I'm against any mid or late term abortion that isn't for serious health reasons.

>for serious health reasons

You mean the life of the mother or something like trisomia?

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I love how the only talking point these JEWISH KIKE SHILLS have about this abortion issue on Jow Forums is "NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER"

Listen up Jews, the ovens are warming up.

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pro-choice all the way. there are too many fucking people on earth as it is

This is the only sensible position. Also, it's retarded to talk about because Roe v Wade is not going to be overturned anyway. It's just fear mongering by weak Dems and masturbation for Christcucks.

Both, honestly. I've worked with the severely retarded and having a kid like that is a life sentence essentially. Even if you have other healthy kids, you have to put in so much work to the retard that your other kids will resent you forever.
What I hate about abortion is how it seems to be an alternative to contraception now, and it absolutely should not be.

Poor choice
Abort the plebs

if there is no way to stop them just make them illegal anyway
Never heard of a women being arrested for killing a baby like that.
There is no reason for a country or it's people to support or justify abortion (unless the mother's health is at risk)

3rd option: 'Don't believe in making unwanted children'

unironically this

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>Both, honestly.

So as soon as the life of the mother roastie is endangered (e.g. "I will kill myself if I have to have the baby" == what is happening now) you would allow abortion?

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>stupid black and white decision making

Whites should be banned from aborting white children due to the low birthrates, while nogs should have the choice to abort.

i dont care, death isnt as scary as people think, as long as you die quickly and without pain.

Physical life is enslavement, physical death is freedom.

>if there is no way to stop them just make them illegal anyway
You can perform chemical abortions by eating too much fucking shellfish or drinking coffee. How can you make that illegal? The woman can just claim she didn't know she was pregnant. It's a dumb position to hold, you'd have to lock up any woman the moment you detect she's preggers and control all that she eats.


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Abortion = race hygiene, 90% of all abortions in the west are done by subhumans.

Even here. Faggots.

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I've noticed that a lot of krautposts lately have been far more depressing than usual, what's going on big guy?

Not voting, you need a third option.
Pro-Life, except mudskins

Yea that's difficult. I'm not sure if that situation would come up a lot. My main hope is that more legislation against abortions would result in less social acceptance for it, and a reduction of the cavalier attitude modern women have towards it.

>b-but niggers
The fact that transgenderism and homosexuality disproportionately afflict niggers thereby taking them out if the genepool, doesn't make the normalization of transgenderism and homosexuality ok. Why would it be any different with abortion?
It's either moral to kill children or it isn't. The pro choice stance says that it is.
>b-but I think it's moral to kill black children
Irrelevant as the cultural debate isn't over whether or not black children should die but whether abortion for all races hsould be seen as healthy and normal. The normalization of abortion does not normalize only the killing of black children but inconvenient white children as well.

I would impregnate Natalie Portman and then force her to have an abortion but not if she was white
What am I?

I'm pro life, but I understand the need for abortion in certain circumstances and I don't wish to impose my personal morality on others. Its a states rights issue at the end of the day.

Also option like
[ ] I am religious I support abortion
[ ] I am not religious I support abortion
[ ] I am religious I am pro-choice
[ ] I am not religious I am pro-choice

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i'm pro life because i wouldn't have lived if i was aborted
i'm a rape baby

She's a traumatized vegetable.

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or you can simply outlaw the practice of selling abortifacents (read: compounds explicitly designed/recognized by the FDA for the induction of abortion, not the holistic strawman you're putting up)

Pro-Life for Whites, Pro-Choice for the Dark Races.

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You misunderstood me, let the desperate women do these things if it comes down to it.
There is no reason for a country to make them legal and for doctors to perform them making women think it's fine and a morally good thing to do.

I want to traumatize her with my uncut 4 incher


True conservatives don't ever abort. It's the liberals who can't raise their children who end up aborting. Less liberal children = less liberal voters, it's not that hard to grasp.

And I know that goes for: less whites; hear me on that one: LESS S@Y BOYS

>holistic strawman

Have you looked at the list of abortifacents? A lot of it is relatively common plants. I guess you could start an investigation when a woman has a miscarriage to see if she took some, or has some growing in her back yard, but again, we can't fucking police hard drugs or alcohol properly, what are the chances we can police these things?

was pro choice, am now pro life

kind of like being a liberal, and then turning into a conservative

basically the jewish pysop looses its effect and eventually wears off.

>what's going on big guy?
Think about it.
If you are pro-life, you would save children from death, but force those innocent creatures into this fucked-up world with irresponsible parents.
If you are pro-abortion, you would kill childdren, but save them from this fucked up world.
What is the the better choice? Both has it's ups and down, BUT:

If an afterlife doesn't exist, why would it matter if someone lifes or not in the first place? It wouldn't matter.
And if an afterlifes exists, which would imply God, than the souls would be with God either way. Nothing matters.

>and for doctors to perform them
Doctors don't perform chemical abortions. Chemical abortions is taking a pill that induces a miscarriage. They only work in the early pregnancy.

There are certain extenuating circumstances where the ability to have an abortion is completely neccessary. Rape babies and the health of the mother, to name the most important ones.

Unplanned pregnancies due the the negligent/reckless behaviour of those involved should not be an adequate reason to get an abortion.

Can I be anti-choice and pro-abortion?
Women shouldn't decide, if they're pregnant out of wedlock/unfit to be a mother they'll be aborted and sterilized

Depends on the race

I wouldn't even say it's a state's rights issue, it's an issue of personal conscience.

Sometimes people must be killed, if you can live with the weight of killing your child, if you believe that whatever motivates you to do so is worth the cost, then do it. You shouldn't expect society to help you though or respond with anything other than rejection should the word of your deeds come to light, just like with any other selfish killing.

Will to power.
Know the full weight and immorality of your deed, don't hide it behind clinical and scientific detachment. Abortion is killing a child. Full stop.

>if we can't police 100% of citizens' activities, we shouldn't have laws about them
again, I am talking about professionally recognized abortifacents that are commonly sold at pharmacies/dispensed at clinics. We have control of that.

I'm pro choice or "pro death" as they say but legally I think it should be a states rights issue like prostitution, drugs etc

I'm prolife with no racial qualifiers.

This is not a religious affirmation either; I find the act of abortion as sickening as incest or cannibalism. It is my complete conviction that future societies will look back in disgust on this dark age as something akin to slavery or serfdom. They will judge it based upon a desire by our people to forsake personal responsibility; legalized murder for the sake of vanity.

It is for this reason alone that I would welcome a second civil war.

If you outlaw those, women are gonna use alternatives. It's not going to deter it at all. Mid or late term abortion interdiction will deter because getting those done "at home" or by back alley doctors or whatever have a high degree of risk.

Pro-choice but I think women should be shamed due to how many methods of readily available birth control are available for free.

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Birth control, first trimester abortion, from a pragmatic standpoint is far more desirable than wasting resources forcing people to abide by artificial consequences that christcucks want to force people to endure.

Less people in this planet is a good thing.

Only sub-80 IQ morons are pro choice.

I'm pro choicen but only because I think overpopulation is this world's major problem and because stupid women breed stupid kids.

However, I'd much rather them to use proper birth control or condoms because they're basically killing a kid.

>Less people in this planet is a good thing.
We could always start with you.

>If you outlaw those, women are gonna use alternatives. It's not going to deter it at all.
Nonsense. You're now resorting to a floundering non sequitur of "just because we make X illegal, people will do Y, therefore X should not be illegal"

Reminder that the dissident right is pro-life. There was a huge survey conducted in January where over 85% of people who describes themselves as far right are anti-abortion. Most of the people here who are saying pro-choice are leftists or cucks. Issues like these are not something that needs to be debated amongst real right wing niggas.

I'm pro letting states decide whether or not they want to legalize abortion. Let the baby killers and move to California and New York if they want to kill children so badly.

Which race is it?

Legalizing abortion was what cemented sexual intercourse as a purely pleasurable act in the eyes of the public. When sex has consequences, women choose more carefully whom they have sex with, and the situation they're in. Clearly black women have higher abortions overall due to their high time preference genetics.

>I think overpopulation is this world's major problem

It quite literally isn't a problem because if left unchecked it will solve itself naturally.

Oswald Mosley would be disappointed at your lack of moral backbone. Murdering children is a disgusting act that only feeds evil.

I don't like pointless legislation that can't be enforced.

Women dying from killing their children is a form of justice.

Women aren't going to die from homebrewed chemical abortions.
Completely agree for mechanical mid and late term tough.

I believe abortion should be legal up until the exact moment of birth

>that can't be enforced
simple: Is the pharmacy/clinic handing out these drugs for this purpose?
Stop that.

>When sex has consequences, women choose more carefully whom they have sex with

AKA more pussy for Chad and less pussy for betas if we outlaw abortion.

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Im ok with dead babies. The pro-life argument is rooted in emotional diatribe about how we're all special somehow because god. Some of these same people support the death penalty and even genocide. There is no winning an argument with such a person, so why bother?

Just like we police for meth ingredients, we should police for chemical abortions. A woman that is caught getting an abortion should be tried for murder. Also, abortion warranted pregnancy rates will go down do to the implications of sex's nature after abortion gets outlawed. So the abortions that can't be stopped are going to be very small.

>implying niggers are human

Easy we dehumanize niggers until they're considered animals again. Then we make abortion illegal for human beings. Black abortion will be wild life control.

Neither. I'm pro-abortion.

Wrong. Women have casual sex due to the safety net. Women will be more desperate to get married or be in stable relationships if sex has natal consequences without a safety net.

It would affect men as well. No option for abortion means they have to step up as a father.

>Women will be more desperate to get married

AKA married to Chad.

I never understood the concept of "if you vote against abortion, you hate women and are evil."
>You see abortion as the murder of a child
>voting pro choice is voting for what you see as murder
>"You hate women"
>"Muh body"
>"lol, just don't have one"
Nigga what?

pro-life, you KNOW the jews are pushing abortion so how can it be good?


I'm pro choice, but I'm completely against the concept of not wanting children

I support both life and choice.

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Subhumans already in Europe/US would outnumber us at a far quicker pace if abortions were outlawed.

Ever hear of birth control? Your argument makes no sense. The true position of the conservative is to not give a shit and just let states decide. States that lean left will be pro-abortion, states that lean right will be anti-abortion. If the black population in a state gets out of control and they start voting blue they will likely be pro-choice which means the problem works itself out. This would be true unless there is some future paradigm shift with religious leftist christians and atheist right wingers that grow so large in number that they dominate states and hold political sway. Seems unlikely.

Pro life for whites
Pro abortion for others

>when you sister tells you she will have children late
>you tell her this may be dangerous for them because of defects
>and she answers she'll abort and start over

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I don't really care one way or the other, but I lean pro-life just because it triggers liberals.

this is why a third of Jow Forums is wrong.
>Not only are minorities getting abortions, white women are.
>Having this safety net allows white women to become whores without danger
>this also inflicts a moral wound on a nation. if we allow abortion, that gives the green light to bottom surgery, pedophilia acceptance, etc.
>if you believe in God, which you should, you’d know deep down that you can not repent ubtil you remove sin. We can not move forward spiritually as a people until we outlaw abortion.
You’re on the side of Michelle Wolf and sll the other deranged leftists if you are pro-choice. Think about that.

what race is it?

sorry for phone posting. These pro-choice, atheist fedora, redditor, feminist allies are pissing me off today.


I know for a fact that almost all abortions are nigger babies or regretted interracial pregnancies. So I'm pro choice and so should Jow Forums be.

I agree with her sentiment about killing nigger babies though. I'm just more honest and direct about it.

I'm so proud choice I think that it should be mandatory for all minorities. Abortion is absolutely murder but not everyone deserves to live.
>If someone is so deranged that they think killing their child is okay, then really it's just eugenics