They banned r/murdochmurdoch

>inb4 plebbit
These fuckers finally pushed me over the edge. They banned r/murdochmurdoch due to being "unmoderated." That is the bullest of shits. Mods were active, knew each other IRL, and were considering bringing in another mod they both knew. Unless both of them got the shoah beforehand, and even then it's bullshit because bumblefuck subs sit for years with no moderation.
They killed it because it spoke the truth. A faggoty ass anime, and they felt threatened by it.
I deleted my account and all alts. Scorched earth. I am livid. I want vengeance.

ITT: How to hit back at plebbit for ruining my favorite /comfy/ sub.

Attached: murdochmurdoch.png (546x394, 10K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Stop trying to advertise your faggoty youtube vids, no one cares.

you have to go back

>How to hit back
ignore the site
never visit again


that shit is gay as fuck. alt-retards literally don't know how to make good content.

Please die.

Attached: nogwarts.jpg (1024x871, 128K)

what was Jow Forumsmurdochmurdoch?

Suck my dick, kikes. I heard you were into that.

Not enough. Such transgressions require positive punishment.

Attached: SLIME.jpg (640x707, 91K)

>alt-retards literally don't know how to make good content.

They dominate youtube

You deserve this misery for being gay enough to browse Reddit. You should go back.