What the absolute FUCK is this

What the absolute FUCK is this


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Just let the free market take care of it. That guy is going to get stomped.

Twitter screenshot threads are a cancer and you should unironically kill yourself immediately.

It's a nigger

Attached: Screenshot_20180711-015858.png (1080x2160, 846K)

Jow Forums has broken out into the wild again

>free market
Violation of the NAP nigger

>Advocate for no border globalism
>Defends a human tribe


Good on him, hope more people join in to help spread the word.

You should kys for using a fake word. Unironically means nothing and people who use it should be banned. We aren't 15 year girls.

Which one of you faggots did this?

Best timeline.

>commenters think he is white

...its beautiful

free speech

>being a bitch about muh word usage
Go to the store, buy some vagisil and rub it all over yourself, because youre a pussy

He's just trying to stop a terrorist from detonating a bomb.


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I-is this ACTUALLY a le based black man?

>1 post by this ID

Attached: pablo.jpg (780x520, 64K)

False flag

This, but unironically.

hes probably pulling a flase flag to get more money for dem programs

how can something be this cringy and based at the same time

He is white

I like it.

That is peak Sicilian sir

He's black, lol, this guy has been doing this with various signs for a while


I don't see it

Socks with sandals.

unironically this

tampa fag here

lmao based florida man

>Nose popping out behind the sign
Hey rabbi...

>it's a black guy

Attached: WE WUZ KKK N SHEIT.jpg (600x742, 80K)

These retards always hate on white people. Fuck what they feel.

that black bitch fine as fuck tho

Florida man strikes again

This isn't a false flag, though, he just really hates niggers..

Absolutely glorious. Would give this son of Dixie a respectful Hitler salute if I happened by.


Probably, considering it's a black guy.

homeful nigger should also go back


Tony Daniels is black, according to the Tampa Bay Tribune.

Attached: tenor.gif (374x374, 3.88M)

redpills are turning him white

And it's beautiful.

Offended? Who cares. Free speech you dumb nigger.

>burgers complaining about having thicc ebony queens

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it's not the worst idea I've ever seen

I know this may sound wild guys but the most racist people towards black people are other black people that decided to reject nig culture and adopt americanism. they call out other blacks more than any other person because they know whites would get jailed or killed and because even if they have good intentions they cant help but to act savage or aggressive in one way or another. come down to florida outside of any city and its flooded with redneck nigs and whites fishing side by side enjoying life kicking niggers away from the community when they see degenerate behavior

black women have nasty cunts

Attached: B152E601-436B-49DF-A07C-5078976B76E9.jpg (243x642, 55K)

96% of them are literal silverbacks

no fuckable woman is ever homeless because betas and pimps exist

oh sorry i didnt realize this was /jew/

But that's horrible, don't pick on the homeless
Most are vets or just mentally ill
Feed the poor

Any anons ever been to tampa? Drive by it on i75?

You see that big ass confederate flag and the three giant crosses, big enough to see them from the interstate, dont have to get off

Two pounds of makeup and three gallons of coconut lotion


I see his truck about once a month on 75, lol.

>its a nigger

Attached: mupdadoodadiddabixnood.jpg (808x490, 30K)

Is it... can it be?

Bums are worthless humans who infest and destroy our cities with their disgusting presence. Shitting and pissing all over the place, committing crimes. Fuck you for supporting them you fucking piece of shit.


>im speechless
i wish this were true of all leftists

you have to keep negresses lubricated


Hes black, here is some of his other stuff.


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>dog profile pic

Attached: peachtree-dog-in-stroller-0691.jpg (598x900, 103K)

>1 post by this ID

explains the black woman next to him, i don't see why ppl think a black guy doing this is a big deal

That guy is retarded. How can they even afford to fly there?

Even though he is an obvi FBI plant this is fucking hilarious

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Homeful lmao

tough truth right here

Watcha doing Rabbi?

Ur going to hell lol

>explains the black woman next to him, i don't see why ppl think a black guy doing this is a big deal
He's part of this crazy Uhuru People's cult down here, he is a black seperarist who hates Jews, Mexicans, etc. The only White people he likes are Nazi's and White Nationalists

he's a real life uncle ruckus.

Are they filming another Die Hard?

They kkk openly says they will pay for any one way tickets for niggers going back to Africa

Bingo bango. Even has a shield nigress with him in case somebody tries to start shit

the fact the some cuck denying this dude is black has 400 likes while a blatant picture of his face has a tenth of the amount of likes kind of rustles my jimmies desu

A man trying to make his country a better place. Or, a shill/spook.

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Kek fucking based

>don’t worry goyim the (((free market))) will take care of you, remember we killed the Germans for (((free speech))) don’t worry about a thing goyim

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He is saying HOMELESS.
Not just niggers.

What a lad. /ournig/

How in the hell is he expecting them to go back? If they're homeless, I doubt they can afford a plane ticket.

They say that, but I doubt they’d ever put up the money. Especially since most are Jew psyops.

Fuckin' Based is what it is.

The backstory on this guy is that he purchased a small trashy house in Tampa and built a giant mansion on the property. However he never got the permits to build. So the city of Tampa started issuing fines and today the fines total over 2 million dollars on the house. In the past when the previous mayor of Tampa was a jewish woman he got arrested for interrupting a city council meeting and calling her a greedy kike. He parks his nigger mobile outside of city hall to take up parking space from the employees and ends up getting parking tickets and he never pays them off. He is mad at home depot because when he built his mansion he purchased wood from them but it turned out to be rotten and they wouldn't give him a refund. He also likes to park the nigger mobile outside of home depot stores. He actually ended up getting banned from every home depot on earth because of the signs. Bob Buckhorn for years has been considered to be the nominee for Florida Governor in 2018 but due to this sign he decided not to run. Buckhorn himself blamed the sign for ruining his chances. And that is the story about one man with a sign prevented the popular mayor of Tampa from becoming governor.

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It's a spook but a spook that legitimately hates him some niggers.

based Florida man

Nice shoop faggot

Wow, that's absolutely fuckin' based!

false flag


Haha that guy is awesome.