HAARP uses extra low freqency waves (ELF waves) that can read a person's thoughts. HAARP reads my thoughts and puts voices in my head and makes me hallucinate.
How do we stop HAARP?
HAARP uses extra low freqency waves (ELF waves) that can read a person's thoughts. HAARP reads my thoughts and puts voices in my head and makes me hallucinate.
How do we stop HAARP?
By taking your pills
CIA detected.
Put tin foil on everything in your home.
Then put tin foil on your head.
>HAARP reads my thoughts and puts voices in my head and makes me hallucinate.
No it's just aliens. They want you to believe in conspiracies like that to shift the blame away from them.
If only I could put a tinfoil around my heart.
I don't have schizophrenia, this voice in my head changes tone constantly and calls herself Stacey. She makes me hallucinate lolis everywhere. Also I'm forced to get a paliperidone injection once a month, and I've had that for a year and no change to the voice in my head.
Why doesn't Trump just shut this bullshit down?
What are the voices saying?
>HAARP reads my thoughts and puts voices in my head and makes me hallucinate.
Have you tried Thorazine?
every fucking time australia. every fucking time.
It’s bullshit. Just an autistic DARPA experiment for atmospheric long range signal propagation (i.e. non orbital equipment to communicate globally wirelessly). When it didn’t work (or it did work and they needed to create some sort of cover), some DARPA autist thought it could be used to manipulate weather... that’s it. If it works, the tech is being used for long range radio communication bouncing signals off the ionosphere to far reaches of earth.
do a barrel roll
you need to cover every orafice in your body , so evil toughts can't enter
because a massive storm is about to hit mainland china
i don't know what's going on with you, but i think the internet can hear me, because i say nigger a lot in my car. see i hook my phone up to my car and play music/videos/shows whatever while i'm driving and people drive like assholes, especially blacks. so i'm constantly saying 'fuck you nigger' while my phone is on. recently, i've been getting suggested videos in youtube about white supremacy and white nationalism. it's freakin me out
>10 years ago
>HAARP controls weather, and make earthquakes in any part of the world.
boy, i been in this haarp meme since long time ago
Please get help before you end up killing yourself
H-how did you get the voice and the hallucinations to occur? Asking for a friend
OP is a fool.
but no
haarp facilities were sold off to university of alaska years ago.
you boomer conspirashits are so lazy and dumb that your idiot paranoid fantasies are out of date, RETARDS.
You don't get court ordered Invega Sustenna injections monthly without being schizophrenic.
HAARP was built to detect electrons, ions and em-waves in the atmosphere.
Interestingly there are a few more haarp like structures set up around the northern polar circle.
I bet they're just there for measurment, but what exactly they measure remains a mistery.
Haarp very close to where this happened
zenneck waves op power transmission that'll change earth forever www.vizivtechnologies.com
HAARP is actually a top secret project to stimulate the ionosphere and find ways to reverse global warming.
Tin foil, lad, tin foil.
Fake news?
Because it's harmless you mongoloid.
it's for weather control you fucking newfag
you can't even get the conspiracies right
Yes it's just behind that mountain in the video.
kek this
i dont know what is happen anymore. this stuff is all too weird.
this program is real tho. they have it in my city. they send people to mess with u as well as readin ur mind. they culd also put thouts inside of ur head
Faraday cage
Where is andoya in relation to that?
Who told you that? The government?
>literal tinfoil hats
The fuck is that?
Aluminum works better. Just sayin
South West. Camera is pointing east
Lessemf (dot) com
We're just god and satan, clean your roon.
Thats not what its used for you schizo. Haarp and chemtrails are part of the same program. Some of the chem trails are actually alluminum flakes. And they use haarp to heat up the flakes which heats the atmosphere. Nobody can control your mind. Unless youre a fucking idiot. Or theyre drugging you and brainwashing you.
Its not haarp thats “reading your mind” its the fucking computer. Its fucking google. I used tot hink the same shit. Theyre monitoring everything you do and “reading your mind” showing you products and shit youd like based on your history.
there been more then 1 time where i was thinkin some thing, and then some body came up to me and they commentt on exactly wat i was thinking of. anther times i will be wondering abt some thing and then the answer just pop into my head.
if u know the whole story you wuld think i am crazy
Thats because everyone is taking in the same fucking information. Of course they have answers for your questions. Of course. Thats mass brainwashing.
Everyone on the same page.
To me it just seems like youre slightly schizophrenic. Youre imagining shit thats not real. Saying you see shit. Thats schizophrenic. And you seem to not know what a conscious is.
I hear jerking off a lot works too
maybe i am imagining it, but i never said i see things. thanks for the psych diagnosis and character evaluation though