17 years old

>17 years old
>Worth millions
>played against one of the best teams in the world
>helped his team reach the finals of the biggest tournament in the world
>bring pride to nation
>roasties would kill to be with a word class athlete
So what have you been doing with your life user?

Attached: c6b238cd878a718daf7bd8f941a8f7fb.jpg (1023x576, 109K)

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>1 post by this ID

not that.
What about you user?


>Not be a nigger

prove it

Wasn’t born a nigger. Already winning at life. My children won’t be fucking retards you smelly Chink spic.

Is there a better pic of him? Doesn’t look like much of a chad here.

>my children
Kek. Good one user.

Spelling "world" right is what I've been doing.

Nice blog post, kys