Canada is gonna become non-white before the US

Canada's white percentage fell 4% in five years, after dropping 3% in the previous five years, and canada has twice the migration rate as the US and more than sweden

Canada will be more than 80% non-white in less than a century

Attached: 1531107560228[1].jpg (1920x1080, 987K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Immigration to USA and Europe: niggers and spics

Immigration to Canada: highest IQ Asians on the planet

>says questionably white Faith Goldy.

Schaudenfreude OP.

Come home, white man

Attached: 1524069459353.png (547x626, 18K)

Pretty sure that a competitive race towards White Genocide is in neither country's best interest. On this planet, every white country is a rich country: and, every dark-skinned country is a poor third-world.

It's mostly Asians. I'll tell myself once they have enough political power they will enact Asian style anti Muslim/black practices.

It’s not mostly Asians, it’s arabs and blacks with some Asians. We are still fucked


Attached: harper-record-immigration.png (1068x676, 542K)

72%, but about to be 20%