Why is Europe so fucking entitled?

Almost none of them are paying the 2% guideline meanwhile the USA is paying for almost the entire defense. And yet they act like Trump is satan and unfair for demanding they pay more. How the fuck did Europe get so entitled and act as if the USA owes them everything? Not to mention they dont even seem to appreciate it, all they do is bitch and criticize the USA even though we give and give and give.

Attached: IxiGr8z.jpg (1208x778, 73K)

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it's not europe's fault that neocons want to nuke pic related

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Stop occupying my country you fucks

Because they know the US won't actually do anything about it. It's not like we're going to cut our own defense spending out of spite. So, why spend more when there's no downside to saving your money? That's how this "debate" has gone for the past 60 years.

>You better spend more on defense... OR ELSE!
>Or else what?
>Uh... um... welp...

Because to start with we didn't even wanted NATO at all

USA would use this money anyways somewhere in the world. Saying its going to europe is ridiculous.

>every country should pour insane amounts of public money into its military-industrial complex or WE ARE BEING SUCKERED
It's the latter you low iq low info waste of unsaturated fats.

Why do teenagers bitch and criticise their parents even through their parents give give give? Why do some liberals shit on how the government is run when their rooms are a mess and they couldn't even run a bath themselves?

Our march into idiocracy starts and ends with a lack of respect for authority.

Oh fuck off, as soon as USA leaves, all of you will endlessly BITCH about how the USA is being unfair. Damned if we do and damned if we dont. You all hold the USA to the highest standard and expect us to deal with everything, but even if we want to leave you dont want that either. Its insanity.

>soon as USA leaves, all of you will endlessly BITCH about how the USA is being unfair
Try us you gullible mutt shit