People against abortion, state your reasons

People against abortion, state your reasons.
Do you love criminals?
Do you love blacks?
Do you love hippy liberals raising bastard spawn?

Attached: Top-10-Arguments-in-Favor-of-Abortion[1].jpg (1000x750, 42K)

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Yes they do cause they're nigger loving faggots.

Humanity was okay for thousands of years without it. If you can't be responsible you deserve what you get. Also Jews are pure evil and anything they advocate for I choose the opposite.

Attached: 1509734343308.jpg (1750x1024, 1.3M)

You base your entire philosophical outlook on the premise that Jews and Blacks are bad and then work from there.

I base my entire philosophy on the premise of non-contradiction and divine revelation and work forward from there.

So my conclusion that abortion is evil is based on different premises than your conclusion that it is good by virtue of eliminating undesirables.

Babies and fetuses are equally fucking worthless. One cannot claim that abortion is significantly different that murdering a baby. That being said, I don't give a fuck about babies or abortion beyond enforcing rule of law.

>You base your entire philosophical outlook on the premise that Jews and Blacks are bad and then work from there.
No, only you shills group blacks with Jews. ONLY JEWS ARE PURE EVIL. LITERALLY ONLY JEWS.

Abortion is not a modern invention.
>As to exposing or rearing the children born, let there be a law that no deformed child shall be reared; but on the ground of number of children, if the regular customs hinder any of those born being exposed, there must be a limit fixed to the procreation of offspring, and if any people have a child as a result of intercourse in contravention of these regulations, abortion must be practised on it before it has developed sensation and life; for the line between lawful and unlawful abortion will be marked by the fact of having sensation and being alive.

Humanity also kept undesirables in check for thousands of years

Why would you ever link me KIKEPEDIA? Don't you get it? Nobody cares about your fucking arguments anymore. Jews need to be SILENT. It's not your world anymore.

Abortion relieves of responsibility for your actions. And there is nothing that breeds degenerates at the expense of hard-working honest people like freedom of responsibilities.
Everyone must bear full weight of choices they made, and if one cant bear its weight, one should be crushed by it and what remains of him must become public example so that other learned to make better choices. Don't want children or can't provide for them? Do not engage in activity that results in children.
And if you want less niggers, stop fucking feeding them and abolish your fucking welfare.