Why do right wing retards like guns?

Your chances of dying increase INCREDIBLY when a gun is in your house.

Attached: this KILLS the retuglican.jpg (520x313, 29K)

>1 post by this ID

Well, I don’t know about the average person, but I’m definitely safer with a gun. Once two niggers tried to break into my house from my back door. The second the first nigger took a step in I shot him in the head with a 9mm. He just fell down instantly completely lifeless. Boy, what a mess. It put a hole in my wall and my fence. But it was worth it. The other one ran away, I was a little paranoid he’d come back for revenge but he never did. He must be too scared he’ll be shot too

Does lung cancer cause people to smoke cigarettes?

I dont care if retarded dipshits kill themselves in their home. My guns are mechanical objects and wont kill anyone unless I load it, rack the slide, point the barrel at someone, and squeeze the trigger. Why do sperm-burping libshits think this argument will work on anyone?

>people living in dangerous areas buy guns
Wow stop the presses

Higher than without a gun, my chances would be even better if I didn't have a gas stove that could leak and start a fire or suffocate me, or if I didn't drive around in a car where a collision at highway speeds has a better chance than not of instantly killing me outright. The thing is though that the risks of all of those things can be guarded against by being diligent, responsible, and knowledgeable. I know how to use guns and stoves and cars safely, obey the road laws, don't leave the stove unattended, don't point the gun at yourself or other people unless you intend to shoot, clean the stove, maintain the car regularly, clean and care for the gun, etc, etc. All of these tools help to greatly mitigate the chance that using them will ever endanger you.

ban eating too because you can choke on food

So what

in b4 the entire thread is triggered

i sincerely hope all of you dismantle your guns before you get hurt!

you're right op i'll start keeping mine outside, thanks. feels good

People that have access to cars (aka freedom) are more likely to die in traffic accidents too

My chance of dying is already 100%.

Lol calls guy with gun to save life

>if you install a swimming pool at your house , your chances of dying in that swimming poll are increased 100% than if you didn't install it

Neat arguement

No guns in my house (10 years): no injuries
Guns in my house (14 years): no injuries

Your data is false.


This. Die free or die [sic].

We should disarm our police. Imagine the danger of them walking around all day with a gun! Scary. Thanks user!

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Maybe people buy guns because they are likely to get killed in their neighborhood?

Percent of state population living in households with NIGGERS.
>That's the real issue of danger.

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Everyone's chance of dying are 100% how does that go up?

ah a breathe of logic & fresh air, im going to write to my congressman about this now

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What the actual fuck is this graph? It clearly shows ZERO correlation, so they just arbitrarily subset it 3 times to get slight positive correlation? This is next level P hacking and I'm actually genuinely angry that this was in a published article.

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You're a pussy, people die for all sorts of reasons. If you don't embrace death, you are not a man.

for you

Yeah but your chances of dying from a nigger increase when you don't have one in your house.

If you didn't have congressmen, you wouldn't have corruption. Imagine no government? Would be a paradise like Somalia!

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Go ask Bongs how that gun control is working out for them. London has more deaths from stabbings than gun deaths in New York city. A judge in England put forth the idea they should tell people to turn over their kitchen knives. People have started sharpening fucking spoons. You can't fucking end violence by removing weapons because guns and weapons don't kill people, people kill people.