Looking for alt right people to invest in a new redpill site

It has the capability to hold high amounts of traffick without crashing.

It is virtually complete and fully monetized with pay per click and pay per view advertising.

We are well on our way to growing this thing.

We need /pols help and maybe a few bucks to get this thing to mainstream.

What do you say pol are you interested?

Made by a white man

Not made by the mossad like gabbai

Can say whatever you want without 404 like ayyy and Pizzagate threads.


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Other urls found in this thread:


Can someone give me a quick rundown on the alt right?

>give me your info
>and money
>reddit spacing
You're glowing.

Are stocks available for this? I wouldn’t mind investing a few 1,000

its a Kike buzzword and anything willingly associating with that term glows in the dark. See this thread for an example.

Yeas I talked to the owner.

What it needs is an army of twitter bots to get it to the normies. And Facebook posts

All it needs is users and it will start churning out big profits.

an half fed, half wignat organization. You need an IQ of 90 or below and to weight 250lbs or more to join

Ok, I can advertise this to a few 100,000 people. I have tons of bots and know how to spread the word. Where can I buy the stocks I can’t start spreading it until I’m bought in

I had to use alt right becuase it triggers a positive response from the algorithms the Jews use to control this website.

In other words sorry if I am glowing but I had to do it otherwise they automatically slide these kinds of threads

Do you have proton? I can get you in touch with the owner. You can dm me on voiceanything .

Before you invest I have a couple of questions

How many genders are there?

Which of these names is Jewish

Sacha baren cohen
Joanne langsdorf
Michael Jackson

Do you believe in the possibility of ayys

And final question

Do you you believe Pizzagate is real and the elite are satanists are rape and murder kids?

2 genders, or 1 because women are property, (((Sacha Baren Cohen))), yes, and of course yes.

As you can see I’m a trust worthy investor. I wouldn’t mind DMing him, but I just want to make sure it’s going to be a functional site

Oh and no I don’t have a proton but I have discord

Okay your the real deal lad what’s your discord?

Who do I make the check out to? Shlomo Rosenberg or Joel Shekelstein?

Also feel free to explore the site a bit

It’s always a work in progress but it’s nearly complete

Eric Hoover

It’s HenryGalfond. So, is the site basically just like Facebook?

Hi, Agent Jones

Attached: honeypot.jpg (180x253, 21K)

>unironically using the term alt-right
>reddit spacing
>asking for money

At least you name the Jew and have some sort of details on website business. Remember when trolls were good?


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your law enforcement badge is showing

Yes but for the right wing.

It can work for everyone tho because it’s easily marketable among the Facebook scandals since the owner who I’ve talked to will never sell data to three letter agencies

wtf australia

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A garbage tier group. Maybe a few hundred underemployed incels at best.

Their leader is a closet homosexual who is either a fed or an incompetent poof with the speaking ability of a four year old downie.

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Dude, it's hard to find the line because there are so many people who are legitimately coordinating to sow division within the more dissident right, but not everyone is literally a glow in the dark cia nigger.

Oh, cool. Yeah, I will definitely shill hard for this. Are you sure there’s stocks, though? I can’t find the market name for them

>Looking for (((alt right people))) to invest in a new redpill site

Theres your mistake there.

Nah it’s not trading at the moment. Still really small. You’d be getting in on the ground floor.

If it takes off as the next republican right wing Facebook and gets tens of millions of users it could be worth billions

Also, couldn’t find you on discord

Want to just make an account on voiceanything?

Dm me at maga maga or maga123
I’m verified by the site or you can find me in the pol group


Sorry, I think my account was on private, I switched it to public now. I have to go catch a movie. But you can message me and I will respond later. I will find you on voice if that doesn’t work

Are you the same jew who tried to convince us that the government should sell its National Parks yesterday?

Okay. What movie are you seeing user?

No wtf. What’s so Jewish about a site owned by a white man. Asking for shekels is how to get investors. It’s what you do when you need to grow. Lucky I took this to the only people with any integrity left. Would you rather me go to Silicon Valley which I would never do becuz it would get fucked over

kek, so cruel, still, he deserved it

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Jurassic world, you hear if it’s good or not?

HVent seen it but it says 90% of people liked the movie

A White Nationalist group.

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Ok winnie the pooh we'll go for your honey pot.

I'm there!
>I didnt even read your post

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Kikes are getting more uppity every day. Time to preheat the ovens again.

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i thought so too but i just read his other posts itt and hes just retarded, schizo, on too much adderal or a combination of those

Jew detected

> Alla Dudaeva
> Caucasian portret

For those who weren't alive in 1990th.
Dudaev was islamist and terrorist. He performed ethnic cleansing in Chechnya under muslim extremists from Gulf countries overseer.

This site is for ISIS and other organizations of cutthroats.

All of this sites are overseered by CIA, MI6 and so on.

No sauce I run that group and will take down the photo

Anons said she was oppressed by the Jew or something
