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Guys, are we going to be okay?
Ethan Gutierrez
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Jacob Bennett
Carter Flores
Probably. Things always turn out alright. The time period were are living in is probably roughly equivalent to the 1920’s, where shit will get real bad in maybe 10-15, but by around 2050, nationalism will be back and the shitskin problem with be mostly gone.
Lucas Brown
Daniel Taylor
If we leave NATO yes. Otherwise we will be forced to die for Angela Merkel
Juan James
We're all gonna make it bro
Brody Hernandez
John Rogers
One can dream, I have a 2 year old daughter and don't want her to grow up in a world where (((they))) win
Ryder Roberts
Not really, but you won't die that young.
Isaac Barnes
Come and get it poorfag
Aiden Cooper
>Russians shilling this hard
Asher Williams
Keep memeing and we just might make it buddy
Jackson Perry
>the world is drowning in debt it can never hope to repay
>degenerate libtard thinking has become the norm, sponsored by your friendly neighborhood kike overlords
>subhuman minority scum are considered perfectly pure angels as they pillage and rape the corpse of western society every day
>before populism can take over, the world economy will collapse and many nations will go to war
>the kikes will swoop in and promote their evil as the solution
i'd say we're fucked. at least all the animals will drown in their own filth before they get snuffed out forever. bad thing is, so will we
Christopher Anderson
Its going to get a lot worse before getting any better.
Zachary Nguyen
No youre not gonna okay. You larped sooo fucking hard. We will live through the next 4-6 years. Alll that SEETHING is going to come crashing down on your heads. Your boomers will start dropping like flies. We will haunt them on their deaths mocking their way to the very end. Then it will be your turn. Believe me, your all going to pay for larping so hard. Kill all normies huh. All the hate and poison your miserable losers spewed, your going to eat it all. Youre going to drown in it and look up to the masses smiling at an being evil righteously punished.
Andrew Smith
t. Nobody understands me and my music
Angel Harris
>All the hate and poison your miserable losers spewed, your going to eat it all. Youre going to drown in it and look up to the masses smiling at an being evil righteously punished.
That's exactly what happened to Jesus.
Jeremiah Gonzalez
No 404 threads
Can talk about Pizzagate and ayys without 404
→ ree
Hunter Adams
wolwolwowlwowlowsejikoaehdiulasghdbjkaseg du0tyoasgldvhfasopdghnmjavs tgyevibo wtaUYLKHE YEEE
William Green
t. cant pull at least 7/10 woman
Are you comparing yourself to Jesus?
Nicholas Taylor
I’m gonna make it.
I can’t make guarantees about OP or anyone else. But I’m hoping. Hopefully everything works out OK and those who require punishment receive it.
Colton Harris
>Are you comparing yourself to Jesus?
No, you're comparing us to Jesus.
Camden Lewis
Youre not Jesus. You dont have a righteous bone in your body. You faggots make jokes about pic related. The torturous suffering of others is funny to you. You deserve all bad things coming your way. Karma will exact appropriate vengeance.
John Jones
Finally a good thread.
Brayden Green
Also Socrates.
Levi Bell
Carter Butler
>make jokes about it
Nigga we didn't do it. We're making light of their memory that would otherwise be nothing but sadness.
Go be a nigger somewhere else.
Thomas Gonzalez
Im not even black you retard. Im just more rigtteous than you you evil lonely and worthless sob. Stop making excuses for your shitty pathetic behavior.
Jayden Williams
How are you going to get rid of 50 million shits and mutts????
hitler couldn't even gas 6 million jews
Isaiah Peterson
After the race war, yes user, quite alright.
Ethan Scott
Just keep on being positive goys. You must be fresh and ready to work and die for Israel.
Joseph Edwards
Lol have a sense of humor
Luke Price
Egypt and India used to be white, user. White Genocides in history have been successful in their efforts to eradicate. Same with Turkey.
Logan Smith
no, well i'm not. best of luck to you lads.
Ian Garcia
Will we be left anywhere?
Joseph Nguyen
After anti-whites start getting hit by permanent White Genocide reparations, then things will turn round rather quickly. No need to worry about other details like you mention.
Matthew Green
Yeah man just stop worshiping hitler and everything will be alright.
Caleb Davis
Easton Ross
I'm not sure, but I'm still hopeful that the answer to your question is "Yes."
Robert Nelson
Asher Sullivan
You are basically the pedophiles of comedy. Perverting something that should be joyous. You think yourselves edgy and dark but really youre just sick.
Thomas Gonzalez
>but it's satan
fuggggg :DDDDDD
Alexander Bailey
yes, just keep accelerating the left
Chase Miller
With a population transfer sending all non-whites to Mexico.
Aiden Clark
Jose Ross
Whoa, ok, this is good.
So after the race war, we send the Mexicans back? Are they just the bodies or forced migration?
Lincoln Wright
Caleb Diaz