Tell me about black fragility. Everything always feels like a crisis to them...

Tell me about black fragility. Everything always feels like a crisis to them, such as that Starbucks non-customer who wouldn't leave after being requested to do so.

Attached: Cartoon.png (875x600, 666K)

Most blacks don't care about shit. It's just the loudest most obnoxious voices and viewpoints get elevated ny (((them))) to intentionally stoke division and conflict.

t. Black


Isn't he dressing up to look like one of those monkey guys in the back?

From the context it’s apparent the “blackface” was actually a disguise to blend in with monkey Pokémon.

context doesn't matter to leftists

>confirming blacks are apes.

Dude, how old are you? Pokemon, really?

Attached: 1531109339292.jpg (570x713, 85K)

Holy crap. He isn't even doing blackface, he's dressed up like a monkey.
Who are the real racists?

i'd be pissed off too if my race peaked in the 60's

Their public representatives both carry and cater to a massive inferiority complex to the point where a cartoon where a boy disguises himself as a darkskinned chicken has to be pulled out for fear of filtering them.