
When will you Jow Forumsacks learn that Prussian Monarchism is the superior Governing body?
Democracy, Communism, National Socialism, Parliaments, and Anarchism are wide failures that barely survive without mass upheaval.
Politicians became total puppets to the Godless Corporate System. Anarchists Stagnate and eventually evolve into a government thus abandoning their ideals. Communists cannot manage an economy properly without using parts of an ideology they dont like.The Parliament is extremely divided and will never properly get thigns done without being forced to compromise. National Socialism failed within a few decades.Fascism was started by an Ex Socialist.
When will you all accept the truth?

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Other urls found in this thread:–49

>monarchism is so successful that it has thrived until the modern day.

Either this Prussian thing or go full redcoat, T.B.H. Plebs just want to have fun, no duties for them except occasionally a foreign war, but forget about social conservatism with those silly butt-kissing plebs! Protestant aristocracy is what I favour.

prussia was cool
they teached my country how to kill niggers

Prussian Military Advisers are the best

Monarchies still exist.
You know what is not going to exist?
Democracy with Political Puppets.
people are now going to be tired of it all.
A Strong Authority incorruptible.

krieg unt kazuelas

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The ones under the Queen of England are a bit jaded, but the power of monarchy is not to be easily denied. Just see how strong of a antipathy it gets amongst "muh freedumb" patriotards in this country, or perhaps used to since as you say people are getting tired.

Nice northern border. Top stuff m8

the democratic Governments no longer hold the values of freedom at heart anymore.
Almost all of them are under the thumb of many lobbyist groups and will not better the nation if it meant the Lobbyists are going to lose their shekels

National socialism didn’t fail, it was killed.

Joseph de maistre was right about it all. The only value of democracy is it gives boomers the illusion of political power and choice, which their atrophied boomer brains think is important for them to have.


Betrayed, assassinated, massacred. For Jews, Bolsheviks and financial capitalism. And this world order of white genocide and debt slavery.

Attached: CHAOS.jpg (1920x1080, 455K)

wilhelm was a fag

Frederick the Great wasn't

National Socialism is the only way to have strong, principled leadership which cares about tomorrow and not just the next five minutes and also ensure that it is competent leadership. Democracy sees the most corrupt and spineless person get elected, Monarchy allows incompetent fools who are contemptful of the people they lead to gain power, time and time again this has caused countries to collapse and monarchies to fall. National Socialism is the only way.

Prussians were shit.

Prussia kept Germany divided and weak so it could rule. Their solution to pan-Germanism was "Kleindeutschland" (small Germany). If the anschluss happened in 1848, we would likely not be in the mess we are in today.–49

They also lost WW2.

Attached: Germania.jpg (800x1214, 187K)

Prussianism is proto-national socialism.

They lost because we did what the juden wanted and meddled in the War.
If we didnt meddle the world wouldve been better.

>1 out of 100 monarchs was a good guy
Haha hail monarchy xDdd it's definitely best :DDD

Now how many monarchs ruined their countries again?

>monarchism is so successful that it has thrived until the modern day.

>What is The United Kingdom?
>What is the Kingdom of Spain?
>What is the Kingdom of Belgium?
>What is the Kingdom of Norway?
>What is the Kingdom of Norway?
>What is the Kingdom of Sweden?
>What is the Kingdom of the Netherlands?
>What is the Kingdom of Denmark?
>What is the Kingdom of Japan?
>What is the Kingdom of Jordan?
>What is the Kingdom of Thailand?
>What is the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia?
>What is the Kingdom of Bahrain?

Congratulations. You are the most retarded person I have ever seen on the Internet.

>(((What is The United Kingdom?)))

With the exception of SA, Bahrain and maybe thailand (even then I'm not even sure), those monarhies are more protocoles than anything, and might as well be republics

Read Hoppe

Unironically based. Modern western monarchies are just a gay show. We need the real shit back. Full absolute power vested in one man (women heirs not allowed, only to be married off as a peace offering to other Kings).

Why should something last forever? Who were the people that instilled the silly idea that something needs to be eternal for it to be good? Was it the early Christians? The Zoroastrians before them?

When you look at civilisations of old, do you really think they are failures because they did not last until today? Do you consider a very intelligent, hard working man with full of achievements to be a failure because he eventually died like everyone?

The problem arises once you get one stupid, stubborn monarch like Wilhelm II.
Wilhelm I was a puppet of Bismarck but Willi II dismissed him as an advisor immediately and fucked everything up with his retarded behaviour.

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Read Siege