YouTube just sold us out and gave $25 million to the MSM

What the fuck is going on here, Jow Forums?
Original content creators aren't just being demonetized on YouTube or banned for their political opinions, now apparently YouTube is paying the MSM to bring their garbage programming onto their platform.

They are shitting on the people that made their site great to begin with.

Any suggestions on how we could send a message that we don't want that would be great. The last thing we need is more copyright strike BS and all the big news stations pumping live broadcasts all over the internet and drowning out normies and especially not drowning out the people dropping red pills.

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Other urls found in this thread:

$25 million is literally chicken feed to (((them)))

(((youtube))) is the anti-Christ. Anyone who uses that evil shit deserves whatever happens.

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You're right that it is. But it does serve as an indicator that something is about to start happening. We need to head it off.

I know this isn't my personal army and all that, but it is a group of people that for the most part have the same interests as I do in terms of shutting down free speech. I'm sounding the alarm by posting this because we need to watch closely for some coming (((bad))) changes soon I think.

Right now it's a tool anyone can use. I do agree the company that owns it is pretty bad though. So bad that one day every single one of us here could have all our anonymous posts made public with our names attached.

>Do 3 videos per day outraged about kikesses fucking with children's entertainment
>Never name the Jew
>Always show your toys
The Cuckening

All I can see is Google trying to give all of the dying mainstream media billions to try to make the people care about them again and failing miserably at it.


No 404 threads

Can talk about Pizzagate and ayys without 404

→ # Reeeee

Unfortunately, and I think you're probably aware of this, you have to be very discreet with any sort of controversial views on YouTube or it disappears without warning usually within the hour.

The problem he is addressing isn't focused on what you mention, it's focused on YouTube fucking the people that built their platform for them. When you think about it, a lot of them are just unpaid labor.
Some monetize but they're not getting paid by YouTube at all. Think about how that must feel.

And now YouTube cuts a $25 million check to the MSM that they probably earned for YouTube themselves and didn't ever get paid for.

I wonder how it would feel if I was a really good coder and turned out some badass software for Microsoft, they deemed it one of the best tools they ever had, but didn't pay me because I have right wing views?

If the left could do it? THEY WOULD.

He's cute. I'd love to style his hair and dress him up all handsome.

way to out yourself you bearded MTG playing faggot

I'm amused that you think I'm the guy that posted this on YT, but no, I'm not.
He made a good point and I thought I would pass it on, that's all.
I don't think anybody would come here to promote their own work, but you do see evidence some of them browse occasionally.

Are there any realistic alternatives to YouTube? There needs to be one centered around "Freedom of Speech." I'll guarantee you'd end up seeing people begin flocking to it and YouTube start changing their policies.

Right now they have a monopoly on the video market. It's time to break that.

There's BitChute and a few others. Some of them just look they are fronts that stream from YouTube onto another platform, some look to me like they're hosted locally on sharing networks like IPFS.

It's too bad the Chinese are heavy on censorship, I know they hate the Bai Zhou (white leftist) but a lot of what we like on YouTube would be censored in China unless someone worked a deal out to host it but put it behind a wall where people in China can't see it.

I doubt they would say no to free money. And yeah, if that ever happened I would be buying Baidu stock again.


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Basically. They don't seem to understand this simply fuels the fire and confirms the narrative.
It's like the death of the comment section on every liberal news site, or the #walkaway movement are russian bots (even the 4 black guys with 200k+ views on ever video.
They are losing control and the more they try, the worse they fail.

The Quatering is a Sargon of Akkad shill. He goes in to streams and tries to damage control if you make fun of Carl.
Remember he only became "well known" when he sperged the fuck out after he creeped on a cosplayer and she rejected him because she could smell the beta on him.

Only thing I know about this dude is he made a good point in his video. They'll call all these people nazis not just Sargon, now it's comicsgate as well and they have some funny videos up there. That's how I found this guy, but for the most part I watch the Ethan Van Sciver I hate Star Wars shit, YouTube algorithm actually pulled this channel up for me after liking some of his videos. Some of them are side splitting commentaries on how dumb Kathleen Kennedy is and calling actors out with names like Dong Lover. I'm sorry, a pansexual named Lando Calrissian cannot exist within my Star Wars universe. Han would shoot that fucker and take his ship. Stupid robot fucking pervert.

If the issue is a big as you claim it will gain traction with normie when Poppy Harlow covers it on PewNews (the most trusted newssource on the web)

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This guy looks like a quintessential cuck.

Fuck YouTube faggots.

>now apparently YouTube is paying the MSM to bring their garbage programming onto their platform.
aren't they just paying a monetized channel like anyone else?

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They want to get rid of small to mid sized channels because their overhead is fucking ridiculous. It doesn’t turn a profit. They’re going to a model like a giant Netflix. YouTube of old is dead and getting rid of the conservative mid size channels is the first logical step to them.

I miss it bros.

Why can't we go back?

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If the faggot is wise to the JQ he'd put some proof behind him instead of merch.

We need to abandon the platform and build newer systems. Decentralized and UI/EX centric from the start. is a competitive option but obviously poorly indexed on G and low on quality content.


Sargoy of Mossad is an anti-German Eternal Anglo cunt and go fuck himself. He and everyone associated with the fat fuck should be boycotted by Jow Forums.

Jews. Unironically.

I've been flagging Colbert for like 4 years, they're immune to the rules

Hi Styx, you wearing the hawaiian tonight?

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It's a balloon, OP. When you squeeze it on one end the other end bulges out. They can't shut anyone up. Have you heard about recent elections in Italy and Hungary. We're on a rising tide.

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>tfw looking up skate videos and some weird video pops up in the feed taking you down a youtube video hole

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Yay, more niggertier conspiracies

Of course I've heard, but a wave can't become a tsunami if we let it recede. Check this dude out, look at the people connected, consider adding new subscriptions, like etc. And make sure your friends know what they are doing. This is a move to silence free speech, fight it all fronts, don't subscribe to this guy if you think it's just me shilling. I thought what he had to say was real and important. We have to start with building a stronger network and it needs to start soon, or they're going to kill all these channels so CNN can put faggots on saying even straight men should be having anal sex with other men, because it's less risky than fucking girls you don't want to get pregnant. They are heading for that eventually. It'll probly be fucking animals and then kids first though.

go to bed felix

Send mass complaints to YouTube about it constantly, don't let up about it, find every possible problem to complain about. Don't write them rants, remain civil and polite or they'll be liable to just ignore the complaints as "muh le trolls". Encourage everyone who you could plausibly enlist to do the same, and apply unrelenting pressure. At the same time make accounts for other content sharing sites and make sure everyone knows you're looking for/on other platforms that aren't Youtube, encourage as many people as you can do to the same. Basically do everything you can to make it obvious to YouTube that what they're doing is going to start making them lose money.

Thank you for your post user. You get where I am coming from. We need to fight this on all fronts. DON'T LET THEM SILENCE US.

Here's hoping he sees this. It needs someone with a big audience to bring it up, and that he has.

All this has meant so far is that ridiculously priced streaming movies appeared in the suggestions panel, or a pop up has helpfully suggested I can pay money not to watch advert breaks. They have made one decent YouTube Red acquisition (Cobra Kai) which has ironically meant piracy of the show is now through the roof as no fucker has YouTube Red.

Why they seem to think the netflix model is still desirable is beyond reason. Slapping new shows behind exclusive paywalls is dumb; all it does it create a low quality arms race of goddawful titles and one good show that you are in effect paying over the odds for. They're not going to compete with Amazon Prime's music service, the other "innovation" YT are pushing, no matter how in competion with each other their talking robots are.

Basically, businessmen are clueless as to how to monetize the internet today as they have been for twenty years. Almost none of the changes are going to benefit users. At least YT are rolling out mediocrity in slow stages, I suppose? There's a good two years or so left in the site.

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The quickest way to monetize YouTube would to have a data cap on your uploads and if you go over it you have to pay x amount a year.

I'm sure the Chinese government doesn't mind watching the US destroy itself with multiculturalism

When Cobra Kai was released the let people sign up for one month and then cancel after that month for free.

I binge watched all of it because that was a good show, but I won't subscribe to a platform that has largely left wing views. It won't ever happen.

Next season they probably won't do that, and then exactly what you mentioned is going to happen: torrent sites will pick it up and spread it everywhere, provided it doesn't have the SJW slant to it, which many of us detected in CK, but put up with because of nostalgia and the fact that we like Daniel's nemesis and that he was down on his luck and beat the shit out of some dumb kids that were bullies to some innocent kid.

Dude is the epitome of what we stand for. Hard working people that in a lot of cases could have done better and we feel disenfranchised. That's not ALL of us obviously, but the ones that are down, feel like they're being kicked instead of being encouraged to get back up and fight.

That's what ALL of us in that situation need.

I'm not a tech guy, but could someone make a browser extension that blocks all the vids?

However, the MSM is already on youtube. Styx and Sargon already get more views. The reason youtube is big is because people didn't want to watch the MSM.

>making them lose money.
Youtube has always operated on a loss. A massive one. That's what it takes to corner the market.

I use video-block, it works well. I don't get any MSM on my feed.

This is an excellent idea. Something that blocks everything left leaning and their ads, and just shows you channels you are subscribed to.

If it could be done where ads run for right wing channels, but gives you a button somewhere to turn them off, that would be even better.

I would turn them on if I knew right wingers were getting paid, because it's content I want to actually see.

Being anti EU and anti Murkle isn’t being anti German. You need to purge your own pigs fellow Deuchlander

someone should make a youtube montage of all these set to the moon theme from that ducktales game

it would be funny and sad at the same time

This guy reeks of onions

They did something like that with VEVO. Suddenly people's home made videos were competing with Bieber and Minaj on the front page, and because the latter were paying for the spot, home made videos came last in exposure.

BTW Youtube looks the other way when big celebrities buy views and likes but there won't if you do it.

Man, you just made the idea better. Have tags that you can filter out so it isn't just the MSM. I don't have an account so having it work without me being logged in would be nice.

There was the "white people" browser extension that changed white to black so a code removing the text and thumbnail as if it isn't there would be perfect.

This guy looks and sounds like a fat autist

More uninformed bullshit from an American Jow Forumstard. How utterly surprising.

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He is redpilled though he lets it out in small bursts. Watch here at 10:10 he literally quotes Goebbels.

Don't go out to drink
Don't buy homes
Don't buy cars
Don't go to restaurants
Don't buy music
Don't watch cable
Don't go to movies
Don't regularly buy new cloths
MSM told me this and told Youtube this and so youtube is trying to get those boomer eyeballs so they can sell shit to them.

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Uninformed? Other than joke bantz I have never seen him ripping on Germany. Murkle is a total cunt who is destroying Germany. The EU is a collection of unelected corporatist Jew puppets. She guzzles their load between gargling mudshit cum. And some German wants to defend that? Fine enjoy your enrichment Hans.

EVERYONE needs to understand how to do these things, but with the intention to build a credit footprint. You NEED that for big purchases, if you can get around that fine, but home loans and loans on education can be important, not necessary.

Everyone on Jow Forums should be a credit expert, if you can find it online I recommend Charles Givens Wealth Without Riches and yes, he died in 1998 and was in trouble for fraud, his credit building advice though is godly. Do your research and know the laws and what he said can have any of you in the highest credit ratings possible in just a few years.I'm sure that PDF is out there, go read it.

How about no.
Moneylending is a sin.

>implying you just found this out now but it was going on for some time

Youtube stopped being "You"tube once Google bought it.

It's the order we have to live with. Like it or not, nobody really has a choice to choose otherwise. The aim of my post is simply to have people ready for it. If you disenfranchise yourself, then you are powerless. We will overcome it one day, but for now, it's set in stone as what we must do. Be the one that changes it.

>dude if youre behind enemy lines, you should just shoot everyone up, that way everyone knows youre the good guy, lmao!


You're retarded

It's Jewgle dude. What did you except? YouTube is beginning its decline into nothingness.

No, but you can rebuild it somewhere else and start from scratch.

It'd also be the best way to kill the platform.

Cohencidence Detector on steroids? Sounds fun.

Youtube has always been shit though
Do any of the far right videos get more than a few hundred thousand views? I doubt any of them are making a living off Youtube. Seems like it's best to just advertise there
Whatever happened to alternative sites?

>calls out fake news constantly
>drops subtle redpills and call backs
>is an awkward autist IRL
Pewdiepie is comfy as fuck, who knew an annoying screaming kid would become a role model for a new generation?

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Jewtube, a subdivision of Jewgle Inc, or as I prefer to call it the NSA/CIA, has been growing shittier and shittier every year. Youtube is more popular than the MSM and I assume this is just an attempt by the Department of Truth and Fact-Verification to try to push their old, seditious, globalist MSM propaganda shills onto the younger jewtube generation who don't even watch CIA agents like Anderson Cooper provide their """fair and honest""" reporting anymore.
should've gone to niconico, bros.

There needs to be a p2p solution, end to end encrypted, with an easily customized viewing experience (skinnable, modded, etc). Something similar to the early attempts at this with Napster and Kazaa networks.

Where steem has got it right is in using blockchain for sub payouts. Where they got it wrong is throwing it in your face like it's some gimmick.

There's a way out of this that can protect free speech by opening the source and the algorithm for review + user controlled modification.

Anything else is under the control of the

Why was Napster shut down but Youtube has every song for free? User controlled peer to peer was extremely disruptive. It's the only solution to the free speech question online.

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>Original content creators aren't just being demonetized on YouTube or banned for their political opinions, now apparently YouTube is paying the MSM to bring their garbage programming onto their platform.
>They are shitting on the people that made their site great to begin with.

oh nooo

>Why was Napster shut down but Youtube has every song for free?

Most have some type of licensing and ads, so the labels get paid

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A company recently purchased by Jews is paying the Jewish media to spread on their platform. While restricting the goy'm. Especially the ones that don't have the viewpoints that Semites want.

This is surprising how?

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>no more shitty YTPs that made you lol
>no more cool life hack videos
>no more decent fail compilations
>everything is too forced to a business model
>full of elsagate bullshit

We gave it all this power, and now it doesn't need us anymore.

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Jeremy Hambeast stop shilling your shit everywhere fuck I just want to watch EVS make fun of Star Wars I don't want to see your repulsive visage in my sidebar or on my Jow Forums go and stay go.

This is a viral marketing thread by an eceleb and should be reported.

>mid-terms coming up
>youtbers helped get trump elected
>MSM to the rescue

Jewtube turning into a leftist circle jerk affects no one because it only influences children who have no knowledge of the world yet. They'll all turn conservative once they reach the real world.

I really hope a platform like bitchute takes off
YouTube is becoming unbearable and I’m not even a creator.

Who cares
Stop using the page
Stop producing content for it if you care

Jeremy has actually named (((them))) multiple times.

I've been watching for about 2 months.

based jeremy

Yep this thread is shit advertising for talentless retards. MMMMOOOOOOODDDSSSS
Shut it down

Jeremy is now in the filter btw

> Literally making up stories about someone
MtG is a fag game for fags

fuck goolag, typical monopoly ruining everything
we ALL - regardless of political affiliation - seriously need a new independent unbiased platform

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wow its almost like the jew controlled platform only allows jew controlled political opinions at the very least allowed opinions

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I had no internet and redpilled millions of germans on den Juden. Wtf is your excuse neckbeards.

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why do you want to destroy the right?

I'm so fucking triggered

is there some way to abuse this? just keep uploading 10 plus hour long videos of static or something?

maybe ecelebs should get a fucking job.

this user gets it. these threads are fucking hopeless

he constantly says the phrase " strikes you while crying out in pain" when referring to lefty sjw, pretty funny shit

Pornhub is 0lanning to compete with youtube. They could actually pull it off. How is pornhub even profitable?