The US owes black Americans a living

-We are the only Americans that are not American by choice.
-Literally built the Capitol
-Underwent eugenics
-Facilitated the creation of a strong federal government
-Targeted by the CIA

I'm a black guy that doesn't work, and feel no guilt at all. I am owed, prove me wrong.

Attached: 1517890842985m.jpg (888x1024, 152K)

Other urls found in this thread:,_1927

Can she live with me? Will let her squat (all over my face).

Attached: 8380b14c6ba23b8a74bfa13062112efc.jpg (564x638, 41K)

>-Literally built the Capitol
No you didn't.

You have got to go back.
You and your people could have left at any point from the emancipation proclamation to now.
But you stay as it's easy to leach off whites.

I have an old tractor. Do I owe it money too?

>I'm a black guy that doesn't work

you already said you were a black guy
no need to reiterate

Targeted by eugenics? Must not have worked. 13% of y'all in the country committing 52% of the crimes isn't exactly worthy of a reward.

>We are the only Americans that are not American by choice.
then go back to Africa

We started a colony in africa(Liberia) and the CIA fucked us once they saw it was doing ok. We are not allowed to have nice things, proving my point.

We're not african anymore thanks to hundreds of years and said eugenics.