About guns

I grew up around guns. I am a gun owner and a die hard second amendment supporter. But it's time to ban semi-automatics, fully automatics, deadly ammunition, assault guns with high capacity magazines, and overall military grade weapons. That's just common sense. After that you can have all the guns you want! After a thorough psychological evaluation, of course. And you can even go down to the local precinct to visit your gun under strict supervision whenever you want if you have a valid reason.
Don't get me wrong. I'm all about the second amendment. The right to bear arms is extremely important to me, but isn't time we abolish the second amendment? Isn't it a little outdated? Well regulated militia. Why does anyone even need a gun?
I'm not saying we ban guns. Fucking Christ you gun obsessed psychopaths, get a grip. Calm down, no one is coming for your guns. No one is saying ban all guns. I'm just saying that we ban the guns that can kill people. No one, and I repeat no one has ever suggested that we ban guns or abolish the secondment amendment. I don't even know where you evil baby killing monsters come up with that one.
No one is a bigger supporter of gun rights than me. Common sense. Why won't you compromise?

Here are some facts for you obsessed gun lovers

Fact: The majority of gun murderers when they are stopped, they are stopped by someone who is unarmed a majority of the time.

Fact: True weapon experts believe there is truly no such thing as too much training, or being an "expert". Everyone is learning always, you practice until you die, because guns are deadly even with the most precaution and safety procedures.

Fact: every human being no matter their size, or the size of the person they are fighting can kill, and can kill easily. Seems people don't understand how many people are accidentally killed with nothing more than one punch. You can easily kill someone with your bare hands accidentally, and muscles have absolutely nothing to do with it.

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you cant have guns on base
most people that live on base have never had small weapons training

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cool field-test of anti gun trolling thread

Lets just be honest here, if you want to have something for home protection, maybe you should go with something that can't easily murder your family while you try to kill an intruder. Before you ask the idiotic question; Yes, I have fired guns before.

I believe we should make automatic weapons legal

>doesn't understand how military bases work

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>deadly ammunition
Is there any other kind?

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The ONLY acceptable outcome is a complete and total repeal of ALL "gun-control" laws. Every single one is a violation of my 2nd Amendment Right to bear arms.

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>surrounded by guns
yeah, a few MPs with guns. all of the rifles were locked up in the armory, and IIRC nobody was able to get to them before he was taken down by some bloke with an M9.

if the soldiers on that base were allowed to have loaded rifles he would have been taken out in less than 30 seconds.

The problem with guns is people like you. Your inability to think logically, or think things through, and your inability to form your own opinion based on facts, rather than what you are told to think is scary. Its funny, you imagine everyone with a gun like the hollywood actions movies because you are naive. People who are capable of forethought, capable of logical thought imagine a bunch of Dwights running around (you). Which is the reality of the situation.


>I grew up around guns. I am a gun owner and a die hard second amendment supporter.
This is copy pasta, but no you didn't and no you aren't.

Even soldiers who have a CC permit in the state they live in aren't allowed to carry on-base if they aren't MPs. How retarded is that?

>and IIRC nobody was able to get to them before he was taken down by some bloke with an M9.
i was wrong, he was shot by a civilian police officer.

>flaggot shill

A gun kills whatever you’re pointing it at. Unless you’re talking about grenades your weapon of choice doesn’t matter as long as you know what you’re aiming at

Ask yourself, what is the point of the second amendment if we can only have bolt action rifles? You can't overthrow the government or launch guerrilla warfare against an invading force with bolt action rifles...

Nice larp, faggot.
>Its funny, you imagine everyone with a gun like the hollywood actions movies because you are naive.
Except that Hollywood is literally the anti-gunner's perception of guns.
>People who are capable of forethought, capable of logical thought
Like the men who wrote the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights; unlike you.
>The reality of the situation
The reality of the situation is that there are more guns in the United States than people. We're told we can't round up and deport 15 million illegal aliens by the very same people who have wet dreams thinking about confiscating hundreds of millions of firearms from more than one hundred million American citizens. The reality of the situation is that with the addition of Kavanaugh; it's likely that more and more gun control laws will be struck down by SCOTUS.

I'm a law abiding citizen I go to church and own a home.
Why exactally do you think that I should not be entitled to the same levels of protection as any police officer?


>he killed 13 people because retarded liberals didn't want to call him out because he was a mudslime
liberals are also to blame for the WTC attack and the resulting wars because of their PC bullshit


Fuck off faggot

Thank you

but no

wtf the guns are locked away you stupid nigger

No actually, you inept, ignorant, fucking idiot piece of shit, they are not accident proof. I could use countless examples to disprove your idiotic and wrong statement. But I'll just use one. A little girl shot an instructor in the head with a fully automatic machine pistol. If it was near accident proof, how did a little girl accidentally murder an expert who was teaching her? Thats a rhetorical question you idiot, which means don't answer it. If it was accident proof, why is the result of even the smallest mistakes is often death?

only the MP guards are armed
everything else is locked up in the armory

Fact: Military bases have fewer and weaker on demand weapons than a police station.

I know you're retarded and probably believe from movies and games that military bases are filled with fully armed soldiers but they aren't.
Military bases are filled with off duty military personnel, non-combat staff and military police-glorified security guards. Anyone armed is only carrying sidearms. Anything bigger than a sidearm requires the right access and authorization, which can be given in the case of a emergency but in a active shooter situation the police will respond quicker and with deadlier force.

sage and report shillpasta threads.

I love these slide threads because they server as a constant reminder that we're all armed to the teeth and not ever going to let you commie fucks take that away.

What's the point in reporting when the mods say they don't give a shit about Jow Forums?

>accident proof
I think we have an actual schizofag here guys.

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>Minding your own bussiness
>Someone walks up behind you and shoots you in the head
lel we armed to da teeth!!!

Someone here might be able to answer my question, but when I would sleep in a hotel in the military base with my best friend when I was 14 and 13, she and I would go and eat Taco Bell it Mc Donald’s.
But then one day when I was waiting for her to finish ordering, I was sitting on a table.
It was really early and really bad that we were ordering take out so early, but we didn’t care.
Then a whole bunch of military men came and sat near us and they had rifles and runs strapped to them.
They were eating too.
When I mentioned this to all the adults, they thought I was lying it seeing things because no military was allowed to have guns.
Do they carry fake guns in military bases??

The problem isn't that people are not armed with a gun, its that people do not know how to fight. People don't understand the ease in which you can kill someone with your bare hands. Of course you wouldn't understand cause you're to fat

>I’m frightened guyz so give up your freedumz.


I do not fear guns. I fear the people holding the guns. I fear the lack of respect people have for the power they wield. I've been on this earth long enough to know the average person as severe and extreme social and mental disorders. Thinking things through, and logical thought are both rare traits. People's mood and personalities can change in the blink of an eye, a traumatic experience can turn the most sane person into a murderer, or to suicide. Get btfo

but sanctuary cities

This response does not invalidate my comment.

You are scared. That’s too bad. I’ll not be giving up my rights to soothe your fear. Too bad. Now go away, you won’t win anyone over here that isn’t already with you.

funny how the MPs (the only people with guns on that base) where mysteriously absent when he just waltzed in and started shooting up the place.

I grew up around Trucks. I am a Mack Truck owner and a die hard roads and traffic authority supporter. But it's time to ban 10 tonners, anything over 9 speed, snow chains, and roadtrains, and overall anything more powerful than a Toyota van. That's just common sense. After that you can have all the pickups you want! After a thorough psychological evaluation, of course. And you can even go down to the yard to visit your truck under strict supervision whenever you want if you have a valid reason.
Don't get me wrong. I'm all about the moving goods efficiently. The right to fresh food is extremely important to me, but isn't time we abolish the heavy vehicles? Isn't it a little outdated? Why does anyone even need a truck?
I'm not saying we ban trucks. Fucking Christ you truck obsessed psychopaths, get a Scania. Calm down, no one is coming for your trucks. No one is saying ban all trucks. I'm just saying that we ban the trucks that can kill people. No one, and I repeat no one has ever suggested that we ban trucks or abolish heavy vehicles. I don't even know where you evil diesel huffing monsters come up with that one.
No one is a bigger supporter of trucks than me. Common sense. Why won't you compromise?

Here are some facts for you obsessed trucks lovers

Fact: The majority of jihadis in trucks when they are stopped, they are stopped by running out of fuel or running into something

Fact: True truckies believe there is truly no such thing as too much training, or being an "expert". Everyone is learning always, you drive until you die, because trucks are deadly even with the most precaution and safety procedures.

Fact: every muslim no matter their size, or the size of the truck they are driving can kill, and can kill easily. Seems people don't understand how many people are accidentally killed with nothing more than being hit by tonnes of steel at high speed. You can easily kill someone with your truck accidentally, and muscles have absolutely nothing to do with it.

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Derp. What a coward your daddy is.

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everyone I know, everyone I work with, my entire family, all my neighbors.. all own guns. most of them 4 or more. Guns aren't going anywhere.


>implying you don't practice situational awareness when you concealed carry
I can't wait to start hanging commies like you from lampposts


>implying your fat ass will do anything

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But can I have my neighborhood-defense McNukes?

>I am a die-supporter, but...

I think 42% ownership, but close enough

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>9 posts by this ID
is David Brock finally offering you guys paid overtime?

>Muh shareblue

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>if it quacks like a duck, swims like a duck, and walks like a duck

the thing is he had the best handgun ever designed period and most of his victims were unarmed and his armed opponents did not have the single greatest handgun that fires the single greatest sub-rifle cartridge
if he had some 9mm garbage no one would even remember the incident, it would have barely made the news

yeah the thing is guns arent the same since the founding fathers made the bill. WE have way more advanced gun tech, and we need to have laws to keep citizens safe

>everyone on a military base is armed

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i found a dozen blanks at nellis once. was young, turned them in to the gate guard. gate guard gave me a "oh shit dude" face and thanked me. wasnt til later i found out how badly someone must have fucked up.

The same pasta day in and day out

but apparently he actually tries to follow up on it.

shills lead such a sad life.

It takes courage to stand up against your own party for what's right. Keep fighting the good fight, corpsman. Oo-rah! #MarinesAgainstDrumpf #Russia #LGBTMarinesForOurLives #StopTrump

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