The God honest truth of white people's origins The absolute truth is that white people are descended from the fallen angels who rebelled against God. They masquerade as aliens to deceive humanity and are the serpent seed described described in Genesis.The racial animosity of the black and white races is ordained by God. >”And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed; He shall bruise you on the head, and you shall bruise Him on the heel." (Genesis 3:15) The Name Nordic’s was derived by the UFO community for there well-defined features from the Germanic, Celtic and Anglo-Saxon variations of the Caucasian race. They are all tall, Blond or Red Hair with Blue eyes. They average in height from 6' to 61/2' tall with some reported to be as tall as 8'. They are all trim, muscular and very handsome men or beautiful women just as depicted in the pic related. History abounds with White spirits, gods, or masters from the Heavens
It is more than just a coincidence that throughout history many cultures have had encounters with a White Spirit or White masters from the skies. Their visits have coincided with a sudden boost of advancement in their societies. The following is a list of some of the historical and or mythological events of inter-reaction with man and white gods from the heavens.
1. Ancient Sumeria - The Anunnaki (meaning, "Those who from heaven to earth came." Described as white gods from the skies. They were attributed to giving the written language, sciences and building technology. Word etymology is shared with the Biblical Annakim. (Numbers 13:33) These were the sons of Anak, the same giants and genetic link to the "fallen ones" of Genesis 6. Big, bad, white guys with a bad attitude! The Anunnaki of Sumerian mythology are said to have come from heaven, but now live underground.
2. Mesopotamia - Ahura Mazda, meaning spirits of knowledge were described as "white spirits" that flew in a shiny disk. Ahura Mazda appeared to Zoroaster, who was told he was the one true God. (Always depicted wearing the German Knights cross) Part of their religious practices included human sacrifice.
3. India – Asura, has the meaning as the white gods of the wind. They gave understanding of ancient knowledge. Vishinu the third deity of the top godhead is to come back on a white horse. Ancient Vedas describe a pre-flood world, filled with aircraft called Vimnas engaged in aerial combat, missile launches, and descriptions of nuclear war with fallout and radioactivity.
4. South America - Viracochas are interpreted as the White Masters from the skies. They were described as bearded white gods who came from the sky and promised to return. They gave astronomy, building skills, the calendar and culture to the Incas. They were said to have built the ancient ruins of Tiahuanacu in one day with a magic trumpet. They are depicted as riding in a vehicle in a reclined position holding controls of some type. Part of their acquired culture also included ritual human sacrifice.
5. Mexico - Quetzalotal, meaning white feathered serpent god whom came from the skies. He is said to have come from a seven star system. Coincidentally the Pleiades are a seven star system. He gave them a calendar as accurate as our atomic clock, knowledge of celestial mechanics and astronomy beyond their means. He left by sea back to his earthly home Tula. Tula according to Aztec legends was a place of the sun, which was now frozen over, and the sun disappeared. Tula is a variation of Thule the mythical Aryan capital of the inner earth whose opening is claimed to be in the Antarctic! He promised to return. The Aztecs mistook Cortez as fulfilling the return, which proved to be their downfall. Religious human sacrifice was also a common practice in their culture.
6. America - The Hopi Indians encountered the Bahana. Bahana means, "white brother" from the skies. The Bahana gave them spiritual understandings of a theosophical nature.
For those who claim to be abducted by alien entities, as well as New-Agers that believe in the existence of extraterrestrial beings that hail from advanced civilizations in far-off galaxies,among the beings that are mentioned and said to interact,and exercise influence on eartly affairs,only one group happens to bear any significant resemblance to a human- the Pleiadians,also known as Nordics.Take note of their physical characteristics.The typical Pleiadian resembles a seven foot tall Caucasian of Scandinavian descent.They can possess platinum blond to reddish hair and blue or green eyes although they nearly always lack pigmentation in their skin and hair,giving them a somewhat albino resemblance.It is generally accepted within the UFO community that these are the good guys. Much of this is derived from the fact that abductions are not as traumatic and do not include the medical experiments. They have warmth in their eyes and appear concerned for the individual and mankind. They are polite and considerate to the individuals taken and consider their feelings, answering questions and giving reassurance that they will be all right.The narrative they espouse is one of benevolence and concern for humanity. Their mandate is to aid humans in their spiritual growth and advancement without actually fully disclosing themselves to the populace.
They would appear to be the main antagonists to the Reptilians,another set of ETs, made out to be the bane of human existence,of which I'm sure you're all familiar with à la conspiritorial gatekeeper David Icke.The truth, however, is much more bleak- yesterdays demons are today's aliens and the supposed conflict between them and the lizards is but an elaborate pantomime;a cosmic "Good Cop, Bad Cop"routine.The so-called White Nordics are none other than the Watchers described in the Bible who left their first estate to copulate with human women. Other entities described such as Greys, Insectoids,octopus men and cat-people are most certainly lower ranking demons operating under their command. Their endgame is the malicious deception of humanity to deny the existence of God, replacing it instead with an alien agenda. Many are now choosing to interpret the supernatural acts in the Bible as being the work of alien beings misinterpreted and misunderstood by primitive, superstitious men. Notice how people such as Icke who toe the line live long undisturbed lives, while those who condemn the Luciferian deception end up dead shorlty thereafter(William Cooper). Society has been undergoing programming for the longest time with constant Hollywood movies showing galactic invasion, books by authors such as Erich von Däniken,Jordan Maxwell,and Zecharia Sitchin and television
The watchers,a group of angels appointed by God to oversee the earth,were approached by Lucifer some time after he was cast from heaven.They allowed Satan to influence them to disobey the Most High God.They came down to earth and raped the original black women, the resulting offspring were called the Nephilim, giantic and white skinned.
Genesis 6:1-8
And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.
Genesis 6:5-8
"The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time.The Lord regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled.So the Lord said, “I will wipe from the face of the earth the human race I have created—and with them the animals, the birds and the creatures that move along the ground—for I regret that I have made them.” But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord."
The angelic fathers taught their white half angel children all the woes we have in the world today from make up to abortions, from witchcraft to warfare, and made Yah’s original creation the black man worship them and some of their offspring as gods, they genetically tampered with nature, species mixing creating the Dinosaurs and other chimera monsters through copulation and genetic engineering (Read the Book of the Giants), that have been dug up and written about over the centuries. The Most High Yah sent the great flood to wipe out the cannibalistic white angel/men mutants, and any of HIS own true creation of black people that decided to follow/worship the Nephilim and the Fallen Angels.Yah cursed the Watchers for infecting his original creation,both plants and animals,and stripped them of their angelic powers,confined them to FLESH,(no longer could they take spiritual form) and had them bound in the valleys of the ABYSS or Tartarus.
The nephilim were on the earth before and after the flood.As a matter of fact these unholy abominations still exist in the dark regions of the Earth. Take a look for yourself.
I am not saying that white people are somehow inherently evil. What I am saying, however, is that the Caucasian phenotype was not meant to exist on the Earth. It was meant to exist among the angels. Geneticists agree that for most of human history dark skin was the norm until a fairly recent "genetic mutation". I believe that they are lying. Japheth was black as were all of Noah's sons.If Japeth was white then that mean Noah's bloodline was compromised by the fallen angels and God would not have spared him