Why Is The Left So Weird About Gender?

It's like this bizarre hangup of theirs that causes them to lose people despite every demographic, institutional and cultural advantage they could want.

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It's because to acquire power in the leftist inverted hierarchy you must be able to claim some sort of oppression. Thus, the more strange and degenerate your gender the more oppression points you can claim.

Why is the right so weird about gender? They obsess constantly over who has a penis and who doesn't.

Because the left is the political aspect of Crowleyism (Aleister Crowley, the most notorious of all occultists).

He wrote a book called Liber Al, the book of the law. Which espoused liberation from all limitations, to surpass even nature itself and be inrestricted in one's abilities in all aspects.

Liber Al.

The left believes in the same thing, total freedom, no restriction, no responsibility.

The gender roles are part of this because each gender has a purpose and a purpose denotes restriction and responsibility. They say "fuck gender roles" because they don't want the responsibilities that come with their state of being.

"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law."

Also as a side note, on a more basic occult level the LEFT hand path is denoted as the path of self, instead of seeking purpose in the natural order of things one following the left hand path seeks to impose his own will on reality, setting aside all responsibility and replacing it with self-worship and self-elevation.

"In Western esotericism the Left-Hand Path and Right-Hand Path are the dichotomy between two opposing approaches to magic. ... In some definitions, the Left-Hand Path is equated with malicious black magic and the Right-Hand Path with benevolent white magic."

It's not. Your narrow view of it is.

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The right doesn’t obsess. Penis = male vagina = female

This is complete bullshit. The right are the ones who threw an absolute fit over tranny bathrooms. The left mostly didn't give a shit.

Abuse begets abuse

I think they do indeed obsess. They constantly spew the exact same line you just did. If this line is challenged, hysterics inevitably, instantly results. Then, when informed about Klinefelter syndrome etc. they simply begin foaming at the mouth in disbelief that such a thing could ever happen.

what's the best crowley books to read?

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