We will

We will

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You can't stop me from fantasizing about your smelly feet though

>aussie feminazi
>thinks IT can stop GOD aka TRUMP
>bitch just GO

Stop just long enough to pick them up like bowling balls.

Didn't a fair amount of women vote for trump tho?

Put on your Battle Ready Armor and Vagina Helmets ladies!! We are gonna show these assholes how we do business like that new Ghostbusters movie.

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Wouldn't put it past you actually. If there's one thing that's been proven time and time again it's that if something is helping civilization repair itself modern women will find a way to ruin it.

>this pussy grabs back
trump utterly and indefinitely BTFO

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Can't Stop GOD...

Reminder that white women voted for Trump

Just tell him to pay me for MY FUCKIN HORS

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Most of them, especially White women. The left melted down when that happened and (((they))) started posting blacked threads here 10x more often. Before Trump won there were no blacked threads--fancy that?

What are you going to do? Fly 20 hours to come here and watch the election.

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this is russian spy net

Not until they finish their chores.

lead by other women who want sharia law
like the proverbial lemmings off a cliff

i know all about battle ready armor

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This one did

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The old wahmen hubris machine is revving up again I see


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She will stop him

woman can't do shit

they hate each other to fucking much.
when some beta feminist or tranny tells me that I feel like they are disconnected with real people honestly.

and these "woman' have no arguement its just vomit the bais media tells you
also most of you left wing woman just hate men in general and rightwing as a whole you honestly can't tell of someone is moderately or full blown nazi

fuck tons of the left are so far left they might as well not be nationals of their own countries.