Las Vegas Shooting Rooftop Security Video With Audio

Gripping new footage of the terror attack carried out on concert goers

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You can also line up the video with the police scanner audio

Vamanos concertgoers vamanos!

I bet you the police offcers were the shooters and they shot form the ground

I bet a washed up incel white male did it.


You will be the next shooter.
I deem it so.

From the comments

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There is NO way it was one guy with a semi auto. It was either 2+ with Full autos from Hotel, or a Heli with a couple guys with full autos. The rates of simultaneus fire are that of overlaying fully autos, small caliber, aks, etc. bumpstock my dick,

And there is NO way that there is THAT much collateral damage from an assaination attempt on one or even 5-10 people (Saudi Royals). I bet it was a gun running OP gone horribly wrong, carried out by The Mexicans or Terrorists buying weapons from an undercover agent that was overpowered and killed, and they knew they were fucked so they went out with a bang and took whoever they coupd with em. So the FBi covered their ass and kept the American people from freaking out.

>a lefty full of hate
imagine my shock.

A weapons deal would explain the FBi surveillance drone collecting phone calls in that area, and the FBi heli aswell as the Special agents mixed in with swat and police. They had eyes on and were watching the whole thing. It just got out of control

And still Americans persist with their thinking that guns make them safer.

Q predicted this

Fucking cuck camera man couldnt pan out
So i cant see the action REEEEEEE


5 minutes 55 seconds

Who the fuck is that Arab in a headscarf and fucking robe walking like its Sunday afternoon and hes on the way to the park


Watch and see if this fucking guy doesn't stand out

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It's not like you or I couldn't steal an AR-15 from police or pest controllers and a few hundred rounds.

You just need the will.

How does kangaroo meat taste? Thinking of importing some. What dish should I make with it?

I dunno, some of the gun fire pulses like he's got a trigger crank, and some of that overlapping fire sounds like it could just be echo + rounds cracking....

but some parts do sound dodgy, the whole thing stinks pretty badly

Probably some oil prince in Vegas to blow his daddy's money on gambling and drugs.

remember the .mil grade phone charger found in the suite that was linked back to John Beilman?
the dude that suicided his daughter and himself via shotgun to the back of his head?

then there was this user called john (pic related)

Attached: john.png (960x776, 159K)

inb4 john is a really fucking common name.
I agree it's a bit of a stretch

There is no fucking way that is the sound of one gun, that is the sound of at the very least two overlapping.
Why the fuck would anybody believe that is one gun? it isn't an echo for the simple reason echoes don't have the same volume then not echo back again quieter.
The 'echo' should echo back again.
CRACK crack ,,,,, ..... .. .

There's a sound for the gunfire and then a sound for the bullet breaking the sound barrier.

@ 3:55
>we have an active shooter inside the fairgrounds


that said, the secondary sonic crack is quieter than the powder exploding, unless its some shit like a .22, it shouldn't be that loud

At 00:15 thats the sound of the first bullets before he switchs to another rifle to go full auto right?

there were reports of gunshots in other hotels/casinos.

that's the same angle that was released when it happened, gripping new footage my ass

thanks user

What ever happened to the hard drives missing from PCs in the hotel room?

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>There is no fucking way that is the sound of one gun, that is the sound of at the very least two overlapping.
You have to remember he was firing from different windows. Windows that face slightly different directions/angles. Combine this with firing from different positions in the rooms, and you can get different, overlapping sounds. Don't get me wrong, I think this shit is all dirty as hell. But, sound reflections do weird shit, man.

Why is the hotel footage too sensitive or whatever to show but this shit isn't? Or the planes crashing into the WTC on 9/11 that was shown 24/7 for three months? What are these faggots hiding, hm?

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Thousands of people dead btw

bumping this

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I'm a girl btw

Everyone listen

You can also just not give a fuck.

i honestly feel like im making fun of a retard, am i going to hell?

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so can you

pure coincidence goyim

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Trump confirms Paddock was a patsy, his body was planted (see pic related bottom)

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there were reports and eyewitness of gunfire being shot from both outside and within the Tropicana hotel user.
also the Tropicana's cctv footage was confiscated

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>consider 10/10 in assie land
Guns would have fixed some problems there for you

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I don’t.

then STFU

That's bullshit but I believe it.

The Y-shape of Mandalay Bay is very significant, another part of the symbolism (((they))) use

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If theres one thing we can learn from these shootings/videos, its that arma has the best and most real gunfire sound effects

Sheldon Aldeson actually met with trump the day after the shooting in a meeting that was scheduled prior to the shooting. If John was real he probably is a Saudi or a Israeli. Insane situation

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All well and good. There may have been. I'm just pointing out that you can't use that audio as proof, based on overlapping echoes. There's more than enough hinky shit that's hinky. The audio is too easy to explain away. Shit like his car full of boom boom, that was never used. Shit like shooting at the aviation fuel tanks (dude was a pilot. any pilot knows you're not going to ignite that shit with a rifle round from that distance. etc etc). The other people in the room. The fact that we've been shown the shot up door, but where are the photos of those bullet impacts down the hall?? Never seen a single photo of that. Plenty of shit out there. Don't let the audio derail you, because (((they))) can explain that away.

>"Does ANYBODY want to know my name?!"
>"I'm a girl for God sakes!"


Remember the guy on the ground setting off fireworks just before it happened?

I can’t. ((They)) won’t let me.

>Trump confirms
>screenshot of two Jow Forums posts without any proofs
kek, really now?

5:45 is where the fun is

"don't leave, stay down"


its pretty gamey, good on salad or something like that, not good meat for eating like a steak, its dog food, and shit expensive surprisingly, cheaper than beef but for what is a billion of them still $12buckaroos a kilo

>Tags: Las Vegas, Shooting, Roof cam, Panning, Steven Paddock, Communist, Leftist, Antifa, Terrorism, Concert, Republicans
>Communist, Leftist, Antifa

There was also a video of a shooter on the ground that was almost immediately removed from social media.

You don't think -john was John Beilman?

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Two shooters should have been able to put out a more constant volume of fire. I agree on the full auto though. I think it sounds like one person trying to use a beltfed LMG like a SAW and fumbling every time he puts in a new belt.

Sorry, it was a quote from the video, some hysterical woman said it.

>Being this retarded

Yeah the lefty that posted that comment sure has more hate than the guy mowing people down with bullets, you're so right.

those people would live in the equivalent of what's your arizona desert, but about 2000 miles from anywhere

Why is it always shot in the back of the head. Even that one dude who streamed it blasted it up through his neck

there was a also shooter at the Bellaggio

quick painless death?


I never understood why he stopped shooting for for a minute or two if he had so many guns ready to fire, could've killed a lot more people

yeah good point. i think he was distracted by people at the door, but disorganised not to have the guns by the windows

Likely secure comms telling him or whoever started shooting that the deal went south and he was just like fuck I'll light it up. There clearly are 5 or so shots at the outset of the video where he was aiming at the gas tanks.



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This was a warning, a taste of what to come for all the trump sheep. You got slaughtered. And this will repeat if you push too far. You want a war? I's already on. And feds are not on your side.

Remember that girl who warned the crowd before hand?

Remember the countless phone recordings that states multiple shooters in the crowd?

Shit isn't adding up...

OP posted a video that does that for you with multiple sources

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Shut up commie feds have always been pro usa. They just have incredible power and the top tier can be hijacked by a criminal president like Obama.

been looking for some old threads with good info.
any way found this

Your Wojack is cute have a (You)
Also seconded, interested to see what developed with those

it was a mexican couple and they were mocking the crowd "you're all going to die" 45 min prior to the shooting

also afterwards a mexican couple in a car were again mocking and shouting at passerbys

a Mexican gang was hired for this job, Paddock was a patsy and his body was placed there

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Stupid larping faggot.

Occult blood sacrifices always happen either in the spring or autumn
Route (((91))) HARVEST powered by SIRIUS
black pyramid, sphinx, Boaz and Jachin, Y-shaped Mandalay Bay rife with masonic symbolism inside

coincidence goyim?

OK if you know what the fuck you are talking about

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>shoot self
>back of the head

I beg your pardon?

you will lose though, and you will be judged
you have been weighed and found wanting

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OP already posted a video where the police scanner audio is synced up with the CCTV footage. So is pointless. Do i need to be any clearer mutt?

You must be from Melbournistan with soi lvl bants like that

Like I said, you really know what you're talking about faggot. Snorkle my chud.

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DJT lurks here often, and this was him, as the insider knowledge in the post amply proves. Take it for what it is.

no way you sick cunts actually say "buckaroos", right?

I get what you are talking about (ex military), but as I said, there are times when the gun fire is very clearly has a varying fire rate like its being manually crank fired (think faster as he cranks it forward then a little slower as the crank is being pulled back towards the firer).

youtube. com/watch?v=xJyVIRhy7Yg

>and this was him
damn son, take your meds

live leak mods are jewed beyond all fucking hell. obvious troll shitlib flavoured messages seem to get #1 spot practically every time

Yeah, been using the site for years and everyone's always known the mods/admins were faggots, but only recently have they been so blatant. I think they're just really butthurt their site is rightwing and they're not.