Why are people religious? Like, how can you just flat out believe that some guy 2000 years ago was literally God...

Why are people religious? Like, how can you just flat out believe that some guy 2000 years ago was literally God? With no fucking proof.

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cool opposite of your other shitty thread.

Why do christians care about beliefs so much? If he was god then he was one without you believing it. It is like they admit to being scammers. "Our little scam only works if you believe it LOL."

>No proof
>Didn’t walk on water
>Didn’t tell prophesy
>Didn’t heal the sick
>Didn’t resurrect
Lol get a load of this potato

Jesus wasn't God.
In general people are religious because it is familiar to them.
On a deeper level, God is the source of morality, of visions, etc. Most of the great geniuses in history believed in God.

I don't know. I tend to look at religiousness as a sign of cultural security and strength and atheism as insecurity. Most parents i think go along with it because of what they believe it instills.

Like you care about proof, wheres the non government proof that diodes arent injected into newborns skulls to monitor organs and prevent rebbelion later in life?

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only thing you need to instill is a love of learning. kids will spend their entire lives trying to accomplish the things they think will make their parents proud.

Holy shit you people make me sick. If you haven't noticed basically the only decent people left are the religious ones. I can't even tell if you're a mick or a wop but either way you should understand it's about having a reason not to be a scumbag. Doesn't matter if it's real or not

Why are people anti-christian, like, do you seriously believe islam, hindu, buddism, all the paganisms, etc are flawless examples of human belief?

It's called faith user.

Open your mind, your brains will not fall out I assure you. God is, and through Christ He exists with us. Jesus the Christ loves you and me. You dont have to force yourself to believe anything as God will give you that grace. Pray to Him and ask for His grace, keep praying and listening for one way or another you will be amswered

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>Why are people religious?
Religion is fun. That's why.

If you haven't noticed, parenting has gone out the door. Kids are raised by mass media and public schools.

I think it's more like heaven of absolute sinlessness, and only those who are without sin can enter. Of course, the only person who was ever entirely sinless was Jesus Christ, and since he was sinless, when he suffered and died all of mankind's sins were paid for in full through His forgiveness. The thing is though, it is entirely possible to reject someone's forgiveness. Believing that Christ is the Son of God, who died for our sins and rose again is necessary to accept that forgiveness. After all, how can you accept the forgiveness of someone you don't even believe exists?

Ah yes, Muslims are really decent. But that's not the right religion right? Why? Because I say so!

No, most of the great geniuses in history lived in a world before the enlightenment. It's fucking retarded to believe in a higher power. What are you 5?

>Coming over from a thread you internally raged about a brainlet US mutt
>leaf tops it
It really is amazing sometimes.

>No, most of the great geniuses in history lived in a world before the enlightenment.
what? haha what does that have to do with what i wrote.

i personally had an experience that denies me any chance of being an atheist. but if not i would be right there with you.
yes i am 5.

>not believing in a dead jew zombie god who fucked with people using magic tricks
You should know better op!

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Some things just can't be explained. The rest is due to faith.

>Some things just can't be explained. The rest is due to philosophy.
glad to help

>muh enlightenment

secularists believe all kinds of things without proof. how the fuck do YOU know the big bang happened? have you personally reproduced edwin hubble's observations with your own telescope? no, you just believed what some faggot with a framed sheepskin on his wall told you