Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - NSU Edition


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>Enemy intel - Dönermann's Discord leaked

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>AfD rekking shitlibs in the Reichstag (english sub)

>AfD speeches in Bundestag (german)

>Einzelfall map,11.303021784765633&z=6&mid=13VaJa8XDU1vklF9xamz2kVQNJxk

>Kraut/pol/ OP pasta

>A f D W A V E

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Fuck Germany and fuck white people

carefull or else we might prepare the oven for you muhammed

Good prenoon! Today is a fucking great and beautiful day!

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What a shit sentence


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Pay nato denbts

You take energy from Russia then expect us... to protect you from Russia. The ex chancellor runs the damn pipeline.

Very unfair Germany

Pay denbts

>no tangible evidence
>witnesses falling like flies
>murders with turkish MIT-motive painted all over

25 to life for the chick that was hanging around with two bank robbers who shot each other dead and diligently cycled the empty shell from the shotgun and starting a fire before lying down to die.

Seems legit because "muh Natzie"

We don't need protect from russia you stupid mutt. Russia is no threat and a better business partner than the USA

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Pay denbts

Pay your own first

>A spending goal is a debt

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Fuck off, Burger. We're literally financing your fucking operation on German soil.
The entire maintenance of your US Bases is kept from German tax money.

Close down the shit, leave and force our government to finally re-arm properly w/o any "big brother" bases.

Exactly this.

"Mittäterschaft" - this is absolutely fucking unbelieveable.
I really really hope this sentence is going to get crushed by the BGH in revision, but I'm 99% sure this won't happen since it was a show trial from the beginning.

Absolutely disgusting.


I think I'm getting a stroke right now. SHE calls US to be more thankful? WHAT?!

Compact will have a field day with this sentence.
Expect another Special issue or a lenghy video, since they are the only print magazine that kept reporting and analysing the issue since it first broke.

Wäre es da nicht besser die Regierung löse das Volk auf und wähle ein Neues?

geh zurück nach Anatolien

One less glow in the dark niggers on the street, so who cares

As all you Germans hold kraut threads in English.

Get fucked commies pay denbts

tweeterfags in here? could anyone bring pic related to normiesphere?

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Pay rent.


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Erstmal Miete zahlen du Penner.

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noice one. would not have come up with it.
bring template to twatter, enjoy the outcome.

voll Gosse und so

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Psycho game. Same as telling an undefined mass to feel guilty. Some fall for it and remember their childhood programming and are just thankful

btw, did WO just deleted the NSU article after getting btfo in the comments?

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Lindner war irgendwie ne zeitlang in der versenkung.

Der NSU prozess ist ein angenehmer lückenfüller für die zeitung und eine gute ablenkung für die politiker

für diese Bereicherung,
für den Einzelfall jeden Tag,
das die Oberbegrenzung keine Schranke hat!

>NSU articles
>Bait, distraction
No, that Ladyboy cave shit was distraction. The NSU stuff was intended as a frame to show that the German justice system is not a pussy, blew back as expected. Todays jewrnalists are not capable of effective framing, nor storytelling nor any other form of agenda setting or reality shaping

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the hope dies last

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c'mon anons, let's do it.
great opportunity to attract normies, those muzzie faggots stick their nose into des deutschen lieblingskind.
i don't want to bring this to double chin, creds should stay in kraut.
remember to keep the filename for google."zentralrat der muslime fordert"

(((Joe Kaeser))) is an anti german cuck anyway. His real name is Josef Käser but he changed his name to seem more american.

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>"Jeder Schutzsuchende kostet 2500 € pro Monat. Das entspricht der Steuerlast von 12 Durchschnittsverdienern (3000 € pro Monat, Steuerkl. III)... Für einen unbegleiteten jugendlichen Migranten werden sogar bis zu 5000 € im Monat veranschlagt."
>Götz Frömming, MdB @GtzFrmming

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>Meme Collections
Lrn2meme fgt pls

>spend money to die for Israel goy

Tide is turning. Need Delbrück Schickler bank account soon for big industry Machtergreifungsmoneyz

you're 56% wrong

So in essence, he was trying to build a conspiracy to exercise political influence

kek this is actually happening.
I would be suicidal if there wasn't my deep routed love for the grotesque.

As i mentioned several times, i remember this being the punchline of leftist cabaret, but now its actually habbening they Are too retarded to recognize

Yeah, give the Chinks their money already. They put some jeans on your fat asses and deserve the pay.

That's not what he said. He said denbts.

>when you make your son-in-law the Minister of Finance

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Trump apparently called out Germany for making deals with Russia.

Crashing Turkey with no Survivors


Those fucks are a reservoir for corrupt and failed Socialists here in Austria ... they all deserve a rope for this alone.

I'd rather say most of the industry is slowly becoming disenfranchised with the current government ... remember, we've discussed this before, they have been deceived about the effects of migration on the economy and job market.

This is exactly what we want and need. More and more like Weimar.

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>reservoir for corrupt and failed Socialists
what do you mean?

pic related. i hope he throws some more starburst at her

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>Applaus im Gerichtssaal

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lmao industry gets KEKED by AfD voters

>Those fucks are a reservoir for corrupt and failed Socialists here in Austria ... they all deserve a rope for this alone.

Can you elaborate?

Not that something like this would suprise me in the least from Schlechter in Elektronik Macht Es Niemand Sonst...

croat fans

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Fuck Israel and fuck Jewish people

so 3 nigger teams are still in the game

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Jow Forums is an english language board, Hitler.


Warum ist diese Frau so BASED?

Well, nothing has changed in the Ostmark since 1910. Read "Mein Kampf" chapter "Wiener Lehr- und Leidensjahre".

Zschäpe's attorneys appealed the verdict -- as expected.
Since the Bavarian supreme state court was dismantled in 2006 this may end on the floor of the Bundesgerichtshof.

can I get a womp womp?

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yeah possibly,
but nevertheless he attempted to engineer a conspiracy for political purpose which failed and he is now faggotishly virtue signalling about it.
has siemens any aluminium business or something?

Arsehole could have killed himself right here, would have safed us the flight

Is usual here for Socialist politicians (especially failed ones from Vienna city government) to get a nice managment position at Siemens Austria. Huge deals with the city you know...

What does that say? I don't speak Turkish.

if they could into German efficiency they would not need to be here

media spin: he necked himself because risk of persecution
more likely: he returned a failure, couldn't pay people smugglers and the disgrace of failure was too much

Dunno but Siemens eg. produces most if the Straßenbahnen and subway trains for Vienna ... go figure their affiliations.

oic, like Siemens hired Sigmar Gabriel

so they must have constructed the case that she was comanding them, she was secretly the boss or something?

Not to forget that Siemens medical solutions is the main supplier for the public healthcare sector

obviously, germany is responsible for every fate in the world.
if its bad of course

Womp womp

WHAT? You think giving half your montly salary to the state while they use your money to import people you dont want here and who commit disproportionate crime and after 3 years of this you are now getting told that you have to work longer for your pension cause the money is gone lolol be thankfull kraut lololl
The absolute state of german politicans jesus christ.

he certainly works his interests,
but since *conspiracy* is such a contested discourse term, i just wanted to insert it, and rightfully so, in this case.
i shall be more diligent in using *xyz* for memetically interesting faggotry

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Waarom zijn neo-nazis altijd zulke ondermens typen?

Apparently some shitskins killed himself in Kabul after being deported. He lived in Germany from 15 to 23 years and apparently it is a very bad thing to deport someone like that even tho' the law is clear on that. Fuck man what did we do to deserve this lefty bullshit? WHY THE FUCK DO WE HAVE TO CARE ABOUT SOME AFGHANI NOT BEING ABLE TO COPE WITH IT?

>stop shooting turks and robbing banks

forgot pic ^.^

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>btw, did WO just deleted the NSU article after getting btfo in the comments?
Which one? I still have the front page full of it.

sure, the more you are disposessed, the more freedom you have.
obviously, freedom is just another word for nothing left to loose

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>Close down the shit, leave and force our government to finally re-arm properly w/o any "big brother" bases.

How can we be sure you'll use the money you save to ensure defensive readiness instead of shunting it back into your welfare state while importing more jihadis? Maybe if another party was leading the country, but trust is very thin on the ground now.

I'm generally in favor of not stepping on our allies dicks but with Merkel/Shultz at the helm in Germany there's very little reason to trust.

problem is sheeple still don't have been given the permission to ponder it in that way

well my deep forest german, u used to be connected to nature and not in a lefty tree loving way. 5km nomens land around each tribe, he who enters and starts living there will be killed by both tribes, and these were fellow germans.

>hasn't murdered a person
>convicted to the murder of 10 persons

Bloody cunt! She should actually refer good old Ottokar Domma recordings regarding "being greatful". She should know, since she's a child of GDR.

why are you buying Russian gas?
your greatest ally has plenty we can ship to you :p

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>how can we be sure

You don't because it's not your soil. Go! Leave NATO and trash it on your way out. I couldn't care less. The dismantlement of this monster is long overdue.

Also make sure you read some of the conspiracy shit at NSU leaks:

leftiefags were very triggered by it:

>celebrating in the street
>told to clear the way by police
>do so immediately despite probably being drunk af
I fail to see the issue desu.

>the issue

is Croatians roaming the streets of Austria.

BAMF killed him by not deporting him earlier.

>the issue

foreigners being told to respect Austrian law by based Austrian police

it is back online, was gone from the front page for half an hour and replaced by the Hofreiter pov

So it turns out 18% of Germans are still Nazi. You just don't learn, do you?

and that's only those who admit it