I was just talking to my mother about guns...

i was just talking to my mother about guns, gun violence and statistics in the usa and here and she said that nobody should have a gun and statistics mean nothing...

she isn't even that much of a lefty but saying statistics mean nothing absolutely flawed me. i don't know how to recover from this. she essentially won the 'argument' by saying statistics don't mean anything...

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Tell her that she is a boomer and walk off

Fuck your mother.

she ain't wrong, guns are dangerous, but Americans love the danger.

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i have already had the boomer talk with her

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Statistics literally do mean something. How did you lose to that terrible strawman.

>nobody should have a gun

Well she's not wrong, nobody should have a gun, it would be better if guns were never invented.
But guns are invented and people are always going to have them, so what are you going to do about it?

how do you reply to essentially "nuh uh statistics be racist cracka"

i want australians to be able to arm themselves so we can defend ourselves properly. from the africans robbing stores in melbourne to one day needing to fight back against our corrupt government. right now we are all sitting ducks and i do not like it.

i wish i could desu senpaitachi

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"Statistics only mean something if they back up my point"
- The World


Struth mate, i'd give her a go if you know what I mean!
(I mean I'd have sexual intercourse with her in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation)

10/10 milftits

The right to self defense is a basic human right.
This right extends to defending ones home against an attacker, or resisting a tyrannical and corrupt government.

>saying statistics mean nothing absolutely flawed me. i don't know how to recover from this.
Saying that nobody should have a gun is much more irrational, actually.

Oh, those poor unfortunate souls among us...born “male” yet with no recognizable penis/testis
Forced to compensate with guns, trucks, and lack of education...

>it would be better if guns were never invented.
Wrong actually. The elderly, feeble & women can actually defend themselves now.

God created man but Colt made them equals

Canada-tier post, you can do better.

Numbers can be skewed and manipulated to fit your worldview. Statistics should be a crutch and not your whole argument.

Use the same point. Dead people etc stats dont matter just that you feel thst you need a gun. If they try to use emotions just mirror them.

Never argue with a woman. Just tell her things and appeal to her feelings.

I was recently talking to my mother too. I went over on the weekend to help with a couple things, and she was listening to the audio book of Peterson's 12 rules for life when I came by.
I don't know how the fuck she found him, our family doesn't discuss politics with each other and I've never mentioned him. She told me he said "a lot of common sense stuff that people have seemly forgotten over the past few years" and that she'd send me the book after she was done because I "might find it interesting"

It was fucking weird. And I'm pretty sure my mum is, in a roundabout way, telling me my life is shit and I need to sort it out.

>debating a woman

Are you retarded?

I live in a country where guns are completely banned and I hope nobody is ever retarded enough to let people own them. Funnily enough there aren't illegal guns and shootouts dont happen.

Our streets are safe because there aren't any guns the worst that can happen is some asshole punching you and taking your phone. In America they will kill you instead.

No, the worst that can happen is a military dictator takes over your country, because no one can resist. Americans are patiently waiting.

Thundercuck fanboy?
~10 min

Just beat her with a stick

I doubt much of the military would stay, at least not the lower ranking. The veterans care more about the Constitution than those who never served. The cops wouldn't stay either.
The government would have you use essentials, food, clean water, etc. to get people them to go against their principles.

What gun laws did you have during the interwar period?

"Then I guess you don't about the 30,000 people who kill themselves with guns as much as you say you do. Otherwise you'd actually know what you're talking about.

women dont seem to grasp statistics and risk. The way that i finally, finally, got it across to one girl was asking her if she was afraid of terrorism, and she said 'of course not that's just something the Right uses to scare people' and then telling her her chances of being killed by a domestic mass shooter were about the same as being killed by a foreign terrorist, and i think it sort of clicked.

She's right. That's why americans will never lose their guns.

Because no matter what the fuck happens. No matter what kike propaganda they invent to attack guns, the appropriate response will always be "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED"

Fuck your kike statistics. Fuck your science. TAKE IT FROM MY COLD DEAD HANDS