What countries should germans migrate to?

Hello guys.
German übermensch here. The unconvenient and once could even say buttfuckcrazy situation in Germany has me thinking about immigrating to another country.

What country would you recommend to germans? Ty

Attached: Germany Pepe.jpg (550x550, 54K)

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No where that's where.

You're destiny is to racemix into oblivion, we've already done it and we're stronger than ever.

try china
whites need to become the jews of asia

I can stay here for now. I`m even red pilling some folks, but it doesn`t look like a country to have children in, unfortunatly

east germany

Fuck off we are full


(Fahne wegen Urlaub)

youre welcome in your brother nation right next door, /germanon/

just don't vote christcuck or leftoid here

>refugees: aw shieeeet. we destroyed our country. Hey Germany can you let us in?
>germans: yeah sure.
>germans: aw scheiße. this destroyed our country. Hey *insert other country* can you let us in?

how about no?

dont you dare think about it.



So why did you go to the Netherlands? I`m assuming you will stay there for more than 3 days?

Oh, so Spain it is then. Good thing that I can still speak some spanish, that I learned in school. Spanisch women are almost as pretty as russian ones

Ah right, Switzerland sounds comfy too. The alps, good income, you can even carry a weapon

>implying anyone wants to go to spain

So if Germany degenerates even further after Merkel is gone (she can't stay forever... I hope) i might consider fleeing to:
Netherlands (favourite but I fear they might end up as we do)
Austria (based but not as bro tier as Netherlands+ food is not as amazing ;)

Hungary (based over everything)
Latvia (I adore this place and it's people)

Good idea. Time to flood Switzerland ;)))

We're full here. So basically fuck right off.

(Just in case)

You will regret this statement one day when the new germans come over and paint your country black.

Ohh sayy can you seeeeee....

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If I would come to America, I wouldn`t go to the big cities. Oh and we germans can work, work, work so it should be fine, right?

>Spanisch women are almost as pretty as russian ones
Nigga you high?

Fuck off we are full.

Attached: Inmigracion_en_España_por_pais.png (1425x625, 70K)

Nebraska is fairly comfy.

You might see it different, because you`re around them all day or what exactly is bugging you about my statement?

Do what Germans since 1600s been doing, come to USA. Germans are largest euro ethnic group here.

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That's our responsobility to change this
When thinking about the future, I think about my potential (grand)children whom I don't want to grow up like I did
They shall see Germany, not a caliphate

Fuck off we're full

If you're white and not a liberal faggot, come to the US.

I have to wait like 5 years, and after that the new president likely will raise taxes, I think

Soil and blood. If you run I u ironically hope you die moving. Such weak genes are why we are in this mess.


North Italy, they worship Germans.


Running away from your country. Shameful.

Kek has spoken



> are laws are legit
and we can get gunz here
and we are largely germanic
>come home white man

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I`m considering my options right now, I might even just move here in Germany somewhere else

Baszd meg.

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I want to move to Germany, wanna trade citizenships?


You can have them all, but first send me one of those bavarian grills with big milkies and a thing for beer.

if you consider fleeing to le 56% land as a german you have to lurk moar newfriend

No givesies backsies tho.

the dream of your Opa comes true: go to Russland.

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Not Poland.

This. America is literally a hellhole compared to Germany. Also, why don't you move rural, user?

Oh shoot, I actually consider moving to Bavaria

It's worth it bro. Very few places on your continent are uncucked. We're a dwindling minority. Gotta prepare for the future. Stay alive another 5 years and apply for citizenship here. It's worth it. Lot of majority white States here with euro culture. You know as well as I do USA's destined to be last white homeland before SHTF. I reccomend West Virginia. Not everyone in your country's like that Bavarian interior minister, if only.

Austria seems like the most natural choice.

I actually can speak russian, but I dunno. They have many slums there, and for some weird reason instead of living in homes, they have some, but only use them for vacation

Nearby? North Italy, Hungary, Czechia, maybe Austria.

Dont listen to them Germany will have a massive civil war and if you are to stay there and have kids they will most likely end up dead or will suffer very much.

Nowhere. Make Germany nazi again.

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>Sei ich
>Fahre ein paar Freunde aus Frankfurt am Main besuchen
>Trinken Skotsch
>Es ist Abend
>Nun wollen sie mir die Disco in der Stadt zeigen
>Sie waren schon lange nicht mehr da, aber sie soll angeblich ganz gut sein
>Betreten den Laden
>Ein Anblick wie aus der Hölle
>Die einzigen Deutschen in dem Laden waren wir, und die deutschen Frauen die dort hin sind um sich über die Neger um Muselmänner herzumachen die dort ihr unwesen treiben
>Überall Untermenschen
>Und früher sah es hier mal so aus (Bild mit Zusammenhang)
>Warum hasst ihr dieses Land so sehr?

Attached: WaffenSS.jpg (825x600, 169K)

>Netherlands (favourite but I fear they might end up as we do)
In the Netherlands about 2/3 vote right right wing. The three biggest parties are:
1. The business lobby / economic right
2. Anti-Islam party / conservative right
3. Christian center right / center right

Nowhere your country as just as cucked as everywhere. Austria maybe considering they speak german and are right wing. You sound very disollusioned so you may aswell just go bash a migrant, thats how my ancestors got shipped to Australia so it might end up well for you.

*Koeniggraetzer Marsch plays in the distance*

We probably are the most bloodlusting Eurofags anyway
In the 30 year war, there were regions where 75% or more of the population had been killed, in Germany

Oh yeah, Australia is also a top contender

Wow 75% just sounds unreal

The minister (Seehofer) is a shill.
He is just making noise and agreed afterwards to a compromise which is
a) not a big success but the media made it sound important
b) almost Not enforceable
C) he did this several times in the last years.

Sold your my backup home now. Let's hope the ocean won't take you.

And how does that invalidates my claim? Also you arent the old germans either but instead a new hybrid.

Hirnwäsche seit anbeginn der weiterführenden Schule, wenn nicht schon früher

Move back to Turkey

sorry kiddo but this country is a chinese colony not "Australia" 500000 chinks arrive each year on a student visa aswell as 200000 premanent residents each year. This is a mix between chink and poo. I am actually making plans to emigrate to Europe and your country my friend is at the top. Its either bavaria/munich or vienna.

It doesn't
It means we thrive in war and we badly need one at this point, in my opinion


More like back to Russia, for some nice slavish pussy

More then welcome here.

People abandoning their responsibilities and fleeing like cowards is what put you in the situation where you're abandoning your responsibilities and fleeing like a fucking coward. Stand and fight, if you're white. If you're not white then go home and get your shit together

Would love to reconquer russia with you guys.

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Wtf how did you fuck that up? English is your main language
*More T H A N welcome here

Come home, white man.

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Es ist wie Napoleon sagte:
Egal wie groß eine Lüge man erfindet, die Deutschen werden sie glauben.

In der weiterführenden Schule wurde uns so unglaublicher Unsinn erzählt.
Selbst zu Hitlers Zeiten hätten sie das Nivau an Lügen kaum überbieten können.

go to sachsen...
-nice big cities, Dresden, Leibzig,
-east germanys strongest Economy
-cheap rent
-based.. 22% afd
-no turks from Gastarbeiter
-only refugees from 2015

> let`s hope the ocean doesn't take you
Bitch, it's the other way around

God what I wouldnt give to be able to firebomb that place.

Fuck off, we're full

How did you guys go from the warriors of europe to suddenly being invaded by some niggers and sandniggers. I mean anglos are a passive people but the rest of europe. germany, france and italy arnt.

Ey Kopf hoch, trainier einfach in der Mukkibude und schon rennen die Frauen dir hinterher, und du nicht ihnen, so kannste dir dann auch die passende suchen. Naja, aber dann sollte man auch ab und zu auf die Signale eingehen, die Frau so geben kann. Mir ist da gestern was echt dämliches passiert

They should march to their death, maybe the world will be a better place when g*rmans are genocided

Austria if you are Catholic and The Netherlands or Belgium if you are Protestant.
America if you don't mind leaving Europe.

>German übermensch
Get a load of this fucking clown.

You shouldn't leave


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Good men create great times, great times create weak men, weak men create bad times

Come to the USA my fren

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an 'ubermensch' wouldn't flee from his own home, dude

Just commit seppuku already. Disgrace to your Landsknecht ancestry

We literally always rise on top, no matter how many times we get annihilated. We`re like a phoenix in that regard

The rest of the world did a number on the German psyche after WW2. But if you watch this movie, you'll see that the Germans are about ready to burst into REEEEEEEarmament.


Foreigners tend to forget that we're still occupied by US troops
We're not a sovereign nation

Yeah right nigger.

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True. I might even stay and move to Bavaria or something

>America if you don't mind leaving Europe.
he asked for an upgrade, not for a downgrade

Id say denmark or norway, thats where im going if SD lose this time

But what if I can make Germany great again from the outside? Otherwise I would have to become a politican or something