Today is anniversary of Srebrenica

Today is anniversary of Srebrenica

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gimme the quick run down

Literally nothing happened. Those are empty boxes all the supposed dead muslims were smuggled to sweden unironically

also: serbs are niggers.
serbia is the only country on the planet whose PM get stoned when he visits neighboring country

pic related: serbian football

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>Literally nothing happened

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Some Muslim yungins were running up in the Serb neighborhood and popping caps then running back to the UN base so the Serbs formed a militia stormed the base and killed a gang of them ragheads one by one and gave some Dutch söyldiers nightmare fuel for the rest of their days

That was hilarious. A Radical turned pro-EU has to go to Srebrenica after in the 90s he called for 100 dead muslims to 1 dead Serb, not only does he not get his good goy points, the mob tries to stone him to death. LMAO

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they were mudslimes, right? we should be celebrating

happy 11th of July everyone!


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where do these photos come from? is this some /x/ shit?

The takeaway message is that the UN is a joke and they wouldnt had the balls to try that if it was the US military guarding it they're scared of America and they don't want to get bombed. But if you put some literallywho countries with bugmen in charge of a military like the Dutch you get this kinda shit.

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so some lies made up by (((them)))?
kek, think i get now

Whiter than you brainlet cuck

Is this true?

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Srebrenica Genocide Blog
vomit inducing horror show

serbs hate the internet because everything is stored for ever.

Ratko Mladic did nothing wrong

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recordings of Srebrenica executions

>they were mudslimes, right?
mudshits from bosnia are white
>we should be celebrating
we do. we removed serbshits

gif related

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Had the internet been widespread in the 90s we would've won the war since CNN kikes woudln't be able to spread their bullshit about us so easily

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Good times.

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here have some complimentary

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It's called real life.

you know how americans only now realize CNN is fake news? cnn reporters or as we like to call them in the third world CIA agents literally made everything up
no, we love the internet. if there was internet in the 90s the war would never have happened

(((Croat))) literally supporting Muslims over Christians

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Who the fucks care ?

have a nice day serbshit

Yup. Bosnian muslims had a couple of thousand mujaheddin fighting for them during the war.

Soon we will finish what you started, brother. Remove kebab!

Also good luck in the match today, I will be cheering for the only remaining european team

What is supposed to offend me about that video?
They make fun of a wounded man and then take him away

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>wooow it took 10 of you to kill me

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yikes. thanks user

t. Muhammad

Caskets full of rocks, chicken and pig bones

>too pussy to actually invade

Srebrenica was retribution, not random slaughter
Those fuckers were chopping off heads of civillians and cheering for Allah
Same thing in Kosovo, pic related, this is what NATO is protecting in Bond Steel

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Shit boy, all they had to do was invade through Kosovo.
Would have been a motherfucking blood bath.
>mfw no air superiority
>mfw no AA defenses

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RIP, I mean to the martyred kebab removers

Praise every Serb who took up arms to remove Kebab. Every country will follow in their footsteps one day.

If there were a Brampton Massacre tomorrow I wouldn't be the least bit surprised, or upset.

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Nah nah man.
That shit don't count.
You genocided them poor muslims...

>links don't matter prolly

BTW, celebration of Erdogan's victory in Remove Kebab land:

Wedding celebration in Remove Kebab land:

They threatened to turn Belgrade into Dresden 2.0
That's how they got Milosevic to give up
Hopefully one day we get Malmo, Paris and West Germany genocides

To je Novi Pazar degeneriku ustaski

Average day in Croatia, pic related

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So one mercenary from Kosovo put your consciousness in peace for all Bosnian war?


Happy anniversary!

>hmmm this muslim genocide argument thing ain't working out for me
>look at these Serbs, they don't even genocide muslims
Are all croatians this stupid?


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>Novi Pazar is a city located in Raška district of Serbia


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8k dead muslims
womp womp I'm so sad

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Good, it's shameful my country helped these savages.

Also fuck the F-117. Failure of implementation and not technology my ass. Stealthfags btfooooo for all eternity.

you know very well it's a muslim city. bait harder

Dok srbenjare biju boj po internetu ko jadnici kakvi jesu, Kosovo je još malo pa ćao, pa vi pišite mitove a svijet će nastavit da vas kara u vaše tursko dupe.

Uvalili smo vam našu lezbaču za premijerku, imate pičkoustog doživotnog predsjednika ko zadnja banana država, arapi su vam nakaradno sjebali Beograd, ostatak smo vam kupili mi, Todorić je vlasnik pola Vojvodine, od vašeg jadnog priglupog i nepismenog naroda se uzima lova da se potplati Fiat da ostane u Kragujevcu, Kolubara ili kako se zove ona rupčaga je prodana, rudnici su prodani, migranti su vam bili i bit će po selima, vi ste jedan totalan kurac od države.

Vaši veliki spartanci, Crnogorci, su u NATO. Ne postoje veći gubitnici u geopolitici u modernoj povijesti.

Idemo dalje.

Well, guess my mother is a muslim shill jihadist. I sure am glad that we have woke people like you who bring us the real truth.


she literally is

>reče hrvat
>ne shvatajući da hrvatska nije suverena država
stavrno jeste retardirani

i find it amusing that croats post this when they do exactly the same shit

Literaly a fight between the Serbian army and islamists volunteers from around the world. Jihadees lost WOMP WOMP

ajde odjebi ne vrti se svet oko srpsko-hrvatskog konflikta idi nadji sebi nekog drugog neprijatejlu jebo te babbies first independence war

Cime se vi ponosite jebote

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Sure boi, those faggots go register in some british newspaper before fighting in some sand-lands

stop i can't handle your wokeness

Njihovo celo postojanje se vrti oko srpsko-hrvatskog konflikta.
Nije njima lako.

The Croat has no self awareness

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I have a strong suspicion (you) might be one of the people from this pic

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Штo cи ce тoл'кo нaпaлиo, Cpбијa и Хpвaтcкa cy иcтo cpaњe, caмo јe јeднa бoгaтијa.


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That conflict is still only remotely comprehensible too me, why was it so fucked up?

Croatia stop bashing k-bab removers I wanted to root for you today

>everyone who don't agree with my cherry-picked memes it's a albanian

every time

ma bogatija moj kurac. kurac od drzave gde svaka sekretarica koja je radila u zagrebu od '91-95 ima ratne beneficije. tri "branitelja" kampuju ispred vlade, vlada padne odma. depopulacija gora nego srpska. guse se u dugovima. a ovaj ustaski napaljenko mi navodi kako neki njegovi tajkuni kao su vlasnici nekih nasih sranja. koliko plavotabletast moras biti.

>Nož, žica, Srebrenica
Glory glory hallelujah


a-ali BDP je visok!

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pls remove more kebab, based serbs

sorry for our meddling but at least we cucked out when you actually got to killing kek

Regarding the plight of croat and "bosniak" civilians during the war, look no further than their own civilian leadership who sacrificed them to gain media attention.

>kad se boriš za tisućljetnu kulturu
>I na kraju sve zasereš

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Difference is we don't have notoriety on net for representing ourselves as kebab remover so hypocrisy hits you 10 times harder. Now go sing to Osman Shah Agha and then sing about destroying mosques.

I have been in both Serbia and Albania, you’re both niggers fighting each other who is the niggiest. Scum of Europe

You literally added foreign grammar to your language because you were butthurt
Instead of writing "Džon" you write "John"
0 pride in your own culture and heritage
And don't fucking come back

And today they will lost their shot at the World Cup. Today is like Croatia's 9/11.

>proceeds to brag about his quisling gifts (which he only sees on tv)
lel jednom konjušar, uvek konjušar

No I won’t, but don’t pretend you’re any different

Theres a huge difference between Slavs and Albanians, in every aspect.
You are full of shit

We were once a country but then everyone decided to chimp out
Now we have to remind them that they are all butthurt retards so we can fix this shit

Croats are by far the most deluded of the Balkaniggers

we won't

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Maybe if you krukfags would have the same attitude europe would not be flooded by the masses of third-world

>it's always others fault

What a shitshow
Of the balkan boogaloo all serbs were convicted and mudslimes walked free from the hague
Imagine my shock

Hahah kakvi ste vi jeftini klošari, prošetaj se selima uz more i selima oko Beograda i bit će ti dovoljno da shvatiš ko bolje živi.

A to da mi nismo suvereni, to je tragično glup komentar, da pogodim mi smo bečki konjušari jel ta priča?

Bitno da ste vi suvereni i samostalni i da baš zato jer ste 100% samostalni tražite da rusima pušite njihov kurac, baš ste našli pravog saveznika, najjadnika "supersila" na svijetu, debilni degenerici korumpirani još 10 puta više od vas šta je praktički znanstvena fantastika, glume nekakvu svjetsku silu a nemaju muda Siriju riješit nego se nećkaju godinama dole dok im turčin ruši avione hahah....

S trista S trista

Koji ste vi klaunovi jbt.

Mi smo bečki konjušari i njemačke sluge tako je, ali bar smo pred 50 godina tamanili židove, dok ste se vi njima čmarili ko zadnje pičke kakve i jeste. Onda smo vas sjebali pred 30 godina da nas ne "smarate" sa vašim teritorijalnim sranjima.

Sad se vidi da smo imali pravo, jer vi o držanju teritorija pojma kurca moga nemate. Još par mjeseci i ode Kosovo a vi kukajte kako smo mi sluge.

Tako je tako je mi smo u kurcu i sluge vi ste suvereni junačine koji će doživit da "Beogradski pašaluk meme" postane real life.

> Radije gazda u svom pašaluku nego rob u veštačkoj vatikanskoj državi

Popušiš mi kurac priglupi papagaju srbski šta ti mozak pun priglupih rečenica iz Informera, Blica i 462726525 milijardi "TV duel" emisija koje vi klošarski jebivjetri producirate.

Nema države na ovom svijetu u kojoj su ljudi toliko opsjednuti da seru o geopolitici i povijesti, samo o tome serete non stop dok vam se država raspada.

Vi ste u biti pravi pobratimi od Rusa, oni su velike pičke a vi prave male pičkice, baš si odgovarate.

Našu je "veštačku državu" stvorio lik koji je negirao holokaust a vi jevrejima pušite obrezani kurac i vaš se "veliki Sloba" sa njima jebo prije nego vam je uzeo zajebavat narod od 1990 do 2000.

Nema većeg memea od vas.

God is a Serb. Kill yourself you filthy Croat.
Croatia - Black Man's Disneyland

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Ali podsetnik da kod vas ima vise Zidova neg kod nas

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srbine sisaj papi i odjebi