Furrie won his lawsuit guys, what do we do? We can't use Pepe anymore or he will sue us


Furrie won his lawsuit guys, what do we do? We can't use Pepe anymore or he will sue us

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Daily stormer confirmed faggots then.

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Post your Pepes

nice try CIA

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good. its death has been long overdue

We just wanted to shitpost, peace isn’t an option anymore.

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Call Pepe, Pepee and make him a slightly different shade of green.



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You're late to the party, Anglin's gay porn website has been gay since he got yellow fever and ruined the website with his gay shit

Why is pepe holding a jalapeno?

>What is fair use laws
honestly I'd see Furrie having a case against those selling pepe merch but me posting a nazi pepe meme is covered under Fair Use Laws as a Parody hell me posting a regular pepe is covered under fair use unless I'm posting art that Furrie drew himself and I'm claiming it as my own creation. Furrie can eat a dick and try to sue people for memes all he wants but it won't work, there is a reason why they're only mentioning cases he has won in the context of people selling shit that is just plain rip off of Furrie's work with no real alteration to his work because he has no case in any other way, the only reason TDS removed the frog images is because Anglin is a pussy and doesn't know basic copyright laws like Fair Use.

nah as long as pepe is in the context of a parody then it's covered under Fair Use Laws


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Time to post the edgiest Pepe?

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Email him offensive pepes and copies of the fair use doctrine.

The pepes we make look LITERALLY (and i mean S E R I O U S L Y, objectively and NON ARGUMENTATIVE) nothing like the green frog that antifa douche made 10 years ago.

Especially new characters like Easter Toad, rage/red pepe, Trumpepe, or retarded pepe).

He'll still have the ADL or SPLC try and sue you for it because he's a faggot like that and doesn't care about fair use because even if you get sued and it's a bullshit lawsuit, the point of it is to cost you money because trails cost money and that's the point, total kike tier tactics right there though he isn't going to be suing any individual Jow Forums user over a pepe meme, instead he'll try it on the website of Jow Forums for hosting it in order to force gookmoot into making a rule banning pepes, again total kikery

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This is just after I deleted my gig of pepe images. Providential.