Germany’s soldiers forced to use BROOMSTICK for a gun


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Other urls found in this thread:'no-more-missions-for-german-navy,'-says-armed-forces-commissioner.html

A lot of countries did this during ww2. Pretty pathetic to do it in peacetime, though.

lmao I saw this on drudge. Yall are so cucked.

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>German soldiers using broomsticks instead of boomsticks
And yet there are Germans who want US troops to leave Germany.

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Its almost time to go Brakus

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It was an MG3. It takes literally 4 hours to clean that thing. So some Smartass Schmidt decided to simulate it with a broom so he didnt have to clean the thing.

Then he got caught out, and the higher ups thought that it was a great way to ask for more euroshekels.

It's a nothingburger.

What IS a scandal is the critical lack of spare parts in the Bundeswehr. But nobody talks about that.

The us did this in the 30s when the army was only around 100k strong

And I suppose the Bundeswehr using vans instead of APCs is because you can drive a van through a carwash, am I right?

BWAHAHA what a cheap ass jerk you are

Yeah because who the fuck is going to attack us?! The US soldiers here are still the occupation forces they were after '45

We dont need them here. They turn Germany into a prime target for nukes if anything happens between the US and an other nuclear power.

Well you know a lot of Russian troops in WW2 didn't even get a gun. They just sent them forward and they looked around on the ground for one to fall. I always thought they could have at least given them shovels or broomsticks to whack an enemy if they managed to ever get close.

That's a myth, that would be more true of the Tzarist army of WW1 however.

>Not using Bayonets
It's like you want me to lol at ur life?

We should abandon Germany. I wonder if the Nafris will become Russian citizens also? Russia needs some migrant poison

They are laying the psychological programming to prepare Germans to want a strong military again. This same "soldiers fighting with broomsticks" was used for American soldiers a century ago.

Were they forced at broomstck point?

We will protect you senpai

>We don't need them here
I'm sure Mehmet is terrified of the German army and it's state-of-the-art broomsticks.

German navy managed to blow itself up:

All six U Boats are out of service, there are only three crews if they have boats able to put to sea.
The Navy's helicopter and Orion fleets have half the require air crew, but thats OK because there are no spares to keep them air worthy.
Most of the Typhoons are grounded.
The F125 frigate failed sea trials and the navy refused to accept it.

1/10th of the helicopter pilots are grounded due to lack of flight hours.
The Navy says it can no longer provide ships for deployments.'no-more-missions-for-german-navy,'-says-armed-forces-commissioner.html

Germany is seeing the armed forces neutered so they cannot be a force to prevent the destruction of Germany by the EU and its Kalergi plan.

no you wont

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I guess they aren't far behind us then

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Ottomans were faggots we don't mean no harm to germany now

that is why we cannot let you
if you meant harm you could come

stupid pole. Stop getting between us and the Germans.


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why would anyone need a fully automatic assault broom anyway

Fun tidbit: JK. Rowling based "He who shall not be named" after Hitler.
It's almost as if she thinks he's the devil himself. Very amusing.

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German military shortcomings have became a national laughing stock, with reports of one tank unit forced to use a broomstick as a gun and all six submarines out of service for repairs. Auditors say the true picture is even worse.

Dire shortages of weapons, spare parts and personnel were not properly declared to the Bundestag, the federal audit office said.

Its damning report of the results of years of neglect coincides with Germany becoming the focus of President Trump’s criticism of European penny-pinching on defence. Angela Merkel has been unable to raise spending anywhere near the Nato target of 2 per cent of GDP. Ursula von der Leyen, her defence minister, says that it will reach only 1.5 per cent by 2025.

Merkel BTFO

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>*rapes underage German girl*

Wtf? Why?
It doesn't cost any money to practice weapon handling.

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>being in the top 10 largest/expensive militaries in the world s not enough
>tax people more and buy more weapons goyim

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nothing wrong with that

Next they'll want germany to kill the top whitest countries us and or russia and or uk in another war.

It's the same old scheme.

Get out christcuck

>The Sun

Fun fact: Germany took responsibility for protecting one of the Baltic states from Russia. The other two were taken by US and Canada.

That was a terrible analogy desu

They're trying to make something out of nothing. In the US Army infantry we would sometimes use fake guns called "rubber ducks" and would yell bang to simulate fire. It's not a lack of money or guns. It just makes it easier. You can either 1) Deal with asking for ammo a month prior, wait at the armory at 4 am to draw weapons, then wait for the ammo guys to show up late in a truck who follow you to the training area, then keep track of everything and police brass and come back and clean guns and fill out paperwork. Or 2) show up at 6, grab rubber ducks, head to training area, yell bang bang, and get home early.

That thing looks like it's from WW1

You deserve everything that is coming.

Is this Kraut serious?

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based and redpilled

cringe and bluepilled

t Literal russkie migrant shitpilled by russkie state propaganda

Hopefully Achmed has a new found fear of bristles. The absolute state of Germaninstan.

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Don't fucking reply to my posts you fucking mutt faggots.

You and what janitorial service gonna stop me?

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Germany needs common sense broomstick control laws.

Why? You ll just get sucked dry by Soros in a few years, when Berlin will become the capital of the new Caliphate.
You are important!!

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kinda looks like she's riding a broom

>reddit spacing

Hello NWO shills,
no, we don't encourage globalist views.
Yes, we want an isolationist style government.
No, Americans CAN go kill themselves if they try enough.

I'm not a globalist, faggot. I want our military out of your shithole country and on our southern and northern borders. I just find it sad that you are fine with being defenseless broom wielding pieces of shit.

go deepthroat your mom's nose you jewish kike faggot
don't you have a country full of oil to invade, fucking interventionist piece of fucking dogshit

That news article is ancient, step the fuck up kraut.

You went from these ORIGINAL Chad's of the world to using fucking broomsticks as guns? Fucking l m a o at Germanistan

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ahahahaha anglos are so butthurt and this is there only ammunition



you got much bigger problems then we have missing 4 guns

Sure, just SWEEP it under the rug and call me a kike. All you can do.

You're just mad that broomstick isn't shoved far enough up your ass.

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sweep the refugees you caused to invade europe under the rug first you muslim-loving, israel's-ass-licking, trump-worshipping absolute fat mess.

Uhh, sorry sweetie, we didn't install your idiot politicians with your idiotic immigration policies. You could have turned them away but you're too addicted to that cock.

Your government would have let all of them in if Syria was basically mexico.
You're just a shitstain on my fucking underwear, kid
You are the type of guy to pull out of a chick and bust on yourself.
just get the fuck out of here corporatist zionist swine and give your uncle trump another rimjob

>REEEEEEE the post

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>having any right to say whether something is redpilled


It's a modernized mg42

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ahhhhhhh that's some good salt

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I imagine this headline was written by someone who overheard a soldier using military jargon and literally thought they meant they were using broomsticks. at least in the us Marines, broomstick is a slang term for detatchable grip. Not saying this happened just saying its a funny thought, and not that implausible given the MSM's record with not fact checking "hot scoops" before publishing