Post one Jew you like. I start with Stephen Miller, easily the best member in the White House currently

Post one Jew you like. I start with Stephen Miller, easily the best member in the White House currently.

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Other urls found in this thread:

hes alright

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Julian Tuwim
Stanisław Ulam
Artur Rubinstein

>Julian Tuwim
That was 3 Jews you Jew-lover.

My girlfriend's husband. Mordecai Shekelblatt

Wierd Al Yankovic

Greentexted Julian by accident.

is okay for a jew

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Mel Brooks.

ethan from h3h3

George Soros

t. rapefugee

The Jow Forums song

All the dead ones

Bobby Fischer

Jared Kushner

Judge Judy.

Gary Cohn

Norman Wildberger

Steve Mnuchin

William Shatner. How has no one mentioned him yet?

Sheldon Adelson

David Horowitz. He's a terrible Israel-shilling neoconservative and I should hate him for that, but his frank honesty about the Jewish Left was instrumental to my political development. Read Radical Son.

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Michael Savage is the most based Jew on earth. Literally saved the white race.

Boddy Fischer

Mel Brooks.

Anti political correctness as he said it would stifle comedy.

Alan Dershowitz

>Post one Jew you like.

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Actually, one should read Anthony Horowitz. He did Foyle's war which was basically a scathing review of the Allied powers during WW2. He basically helped me leave the Post-WW2 order.

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Don't be bitter, Ahmed. Love. Not hate.


Larry David will be spared from the coming genocide.

Kyle Broflovski


His movies are fucking awesome. Rabbi Tuckman and his little guillotine was pure gold.

Miller has been solid so far

Rabbi Herschel Lieberman-Bergblattstein

Morton Klein

Not Jewish, oddly enough. Yugo-talian mutt.

Uses libertarianism to hustle gold. Moved to PR for taxes. His dad has been imprisoned for some tax evasion thing. I don't hate him but he is such a fucking heeb.
Stanley Kubrick is goat jew, Miller a close second.

Q user


Ok I know you're a Zionboo.

Norman finkelstein
Stanley kubrick
Bobby fischer
John wilkes booth

seinfeld is a top notch jude/ I dont know which of the other cast is jewish but they are really great actors, I met Jason Alexander in NYC and I was blown away, couldn't believe. I wouldnt give a fuck if I talked to kanye but seeing this guy in person was mindblowing for me

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Why? he’s fuck awful

Larry David
Plays the holohoax card against a crying jewess. Hilarious. Its like jewdo

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Good he's so hateful though, he just vomits vitriol constantly. Some of it is true of course.

Exactly the clip I was thinking about kek

>Uses libertarianism to hustle gold.
What do you mean? Doesn’t he just advice people have hedge some of their wealth in gold


Bibi Netanyahu

>this is even a thread
nu-pol sucks

You realize that killing Lincoln doomed the South to being a shithole for almost a century?

Do Jewesses count?

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Also he wasn't Jewish.

Andrew Breitbart

His mother was like half jewish or something. Some autistic australian was posting yesterday about all the confederate jews. Was pretty entertaining

Larry David
Jordan Peterson

Seeing lots of these threads today, why do you The_Donald niggers even still come here to push your jew loving garbage?

don't people get sick of jew posting yet

Lincoln starting a war with them is kinda what doomed them user. Lincoln was awful

There was heavy Jewish influence backing the Confederacy. I do know a little about American history.

>Jow Forums used to be more hardcore

yeah fuck you, multi(You)-ing people faggot. Seinfeld is a comedian that is fed up with pc culture because it's hard to not offend any lefties while being a comedian and the series was amazing

Trumptards ruined this board

There was heavier jew influence in the north though. The us has been jewed for quite a while

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Lauren Southern

Can't disagree with that.

Woah, you think?

The board was never good. At least it isnt lolbertarian anymore. Those kikes are insufferable

How does Jow Forums feel about this Yid?

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>muh secretary of state
We know nigel. You cant pretend like the north wasnt jewed beyond all reason because a southern politician was a jew. The north started the war and the north forced integration. With jews you lose.

Settle down Jozef, r*ddit is waiting for you

His father was partly Jewish. No one knows how much, all we know is that he used to visit synagogues, had rabbis as friends and said he's got *some* Jewish ancestry. John Wilkes never identified as Jewish.

That faggot is such a Honeypot stirring piece of shit.
>Let's start by writing down all our names then meeting in the same location!!!

agatha is a miracle of the universe

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I know a guy in the IDF I went to highschool with. He's alright I guess.

Looks like a pretty massive faggot to me, whoever it is.

Would gas.

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What is preventing the South from fully Industrializing now with a united government.

Ahmed, please go.

le reddit reply huhu r u n oldfg 2? xaxaxa. I despise the jewish machinations and their usury but seinfeld and a few others will be spared on the dotr

Dont know probably niggers. I live in wisconsin

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Demons are real. The Elite worship them.. they serve the High prince of this world SATAN..
THEIR mission is to destroy your connection to the Creator

>Stay Informed!
You need news about the spiritual warfare around you!!!

Today's News ! TODAYS happenings!!
Brought to you by your resident OldFag Based Bellagio!!!
>you will laugh
>you'll cry
You will be informed on topics such as
>satanic Elites running the world
>corporations exploiting you
And also ways to fix it!!

Defeat the Jewish controlled Negative-Media and Beast system

The AI antichrist is coming... are you ready
The Molechians Hate this Shit!

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>You can't honestly be this stupid famalam.

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Seth Grossman of New Jersey.

There are jews i like but they all have to go back to israel. They have shown time and time again that they cannot be trusted

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>not knowing who some faggy faggot is

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He has done more to spread antisemitism than anyone else alive.

The great one, Mark Levin.

Good goy, die for israel

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>sparing literally Die For Israel: The Talk Show Host

user, it's way too early to be drinking.

Besides yours?
Luke Rudkowski, wearechange.
Any jew that can type or say "thou shall not covet" to a gentile. (I've yet to see one online /years)

Seinfeld is fucking hilarious, but it is ultimate kike-supremacist. Nearly every actor is casted by a jew and nearly every fictional character is written as a jew, even when it has no relevance.
I remember noticing this even long before I was redpilled and becoming suspicious about it.

if (((stephen miller))) is the best thing about this white house then they are more fucked than i thought

kid is a retard. kid is a kid. retard is a retard.