God hates Japan. Land of the sodomite damned. The fag infested land of Japan is drowning...

God hates Japan. Land of the sodomite damned. The fag infested land of Japan is drowning. The waters of God's wrath is sending hundreds of those filthy Japanese beasts back to hell.
We in Australia are rejoicing and we are praying for the dear Lord to drown many more Japanese alive.

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Get lost Aussie, the Japs are our rightful allies.

Yeah karma has been taking a huge bite out of Japans ass lately.


Actually the entire world is crumbling, look at Mr Australia's "Great" Barrier Reef. Not just Japan.

Because God doesn't tolerate the existence of sinners and degenerates.

Ah, and why are the orientals sinners and degens any less than blacks or whites?

It goes either way.


Lel. Said the mutt.
Israel's lapdog/war machine, factory and distributer of degeneracy to the whole world and responsible for the world's Salvation through Hitler to fail and become INFESTED by parasites. Destruction and total breakdown of races/nations/identity is now irreversible.

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Japanese are depraved at birth, its in their blood. Whites are corrupted by there degenerate culture.

Japan is poised to be a new empire in the next thirty years as america recedes inwards. Ausfags will be irrelevant as ever, only stepping in to take it up ass from china and Indonesia when war for shipping lanes comes. Meanwhile outside of the receding american international presence, japan has the most powerful bluewater navy in the east. Get ready to be a nip colony.

Aussie chan's tundere :3

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How much did Japan change since WW2 and why? I doubt japanese culture would gone done the drain like it has if good guys had won.
Nukes and hellfire must have collectively traumatised you to no end.

>stay in your island minding your own business
>foreigners barge at your doorstop wanting to get in and see
>'it's your fault the West is corrupt'
Fuck off, Zhou.

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>Japan is poised to be a new empire in the next thirty years
Not with those declining birth rates.

Every developed nation has declining birth-rates. The West is simply filling it with immigrants.

automation and indirect control my friend. Holding actual territory is for suckers.

It depends, Japan needs to wake the fuck up. Fighting willingness is ulra low. They should start listening to mishima.

kys dumb chink
>六四天安門事件 香港獨立

No wonder when we're being collectively mindfucked by (((media))). That's why family is breaking down, mental illness is soaring and abominations of nature walk the earth like never seen before. This is not a natural process. Don't be fooled.

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The Japanese are starting to wake up outback jack dude. HH


Attached: fight for whats right.jpg (2560x1583, 1.95M)

God, racism is such a joke.

This woulda been more effective if written in Japanese calligraphy.

Show real flag, Japbro



Here fag.