These two cunts fucking astound me with their hypocrisy

Attached: 65uu.png (1049x734, 95K)

>twitter + reddit drama
Do Jow Forums a favour and hang yourself.

Jews gonna Jew

Never expect a liberal to have principles. It's why they're "liberals".

Do you not understand the difference between a random citizen blocking you and the official presidential account blocking you?

>some literally who random jew said something on twitter


>Reddit is full of stupid
You have to go back.

Gas ALL kikes

HAHAHAHAHA You just played yourself, nigga.

@realDonaldTrump is his PERSONAL account.

@POTUS is the account that is the official Presidential account.

Attached: ifyoucould.jpg (320x320, 18K)

why is this jew's opinion posted everywhere on Jow Forums
what's his claim to fame