What do you think about Soviet Union collapse?

What do you think about Soviet Union collapse?

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Commies got btfo’d
What do you think?

I am a wounded side.

Weird how it's already been decades, but all those countries are still shitholes

Happy to see a Free and Independent Estonia untill they fucked that up and joined NATO and EU and became cucked by another (((Union))).

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Gorbachev must be one of the most beta humans to ever exist.

No they’re not, Kazakhstan is the greatest country in the world
All other countries are run by little girls

>alcoholics and town rapists everywhere except the Ukraine

sacha baron cohen is a pedophilic jew

No, what makes you say so?

Collapse of USSR destroyed standards of living for russians and other commies

A good thing for the West because it collapsing destroyed the USSR's ability to fund revolutionaries. If Gorbachev had succeeded in making a more liberal USSR then the Cold War would still be going on and the US would be worse off because of all of the socialists getting funded by the USSR.

Also good is that turks were separated from russians, bad is that turkophiles run your government.

Apart from Romania and a few other things it went surprisingly well. Anything could have happened and I think what did was in hindsight a good outcome.

My family lost a lot of whelth, country in general suffered an industrial decay and education degradation. "90-'s gap of birth" is thretening and i am a part of it. And this kind of bullshit is all over the world. Thats fucked up, I thought better of the west, and it appeared to be the same crap.

>Soviet Union tried to outjew and outtech the US shortly after we scooped up the displaced Jews and the Nazi scientists.
Ballsy, but increasingly moronic. The “Communism” didn’t help either.

Wait, is Borat a Jew?

Slavic autism run amok.

Wait, your family had a lot of wealth
In Soviet Russia
But I thought commies hate private property

Of course, man, wtf. You never new?
And all your guys obsessed with the race, wow, thats really fucked up.


In the movie he hates Jews

Yeah, but as proletharian or a part of the itellegencia you could yearn and get a lot.
And private property != personal property.

That's the joke.

Why is china part of the Soviet Union

It's probably a map of the "after ww2" red block

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Unfortunately I fear the damage is already done. The universities and institutions are owned and run by marxists now and they're churning out useful idiots at a massive pace.

The Bourgeois merchant caste beat the Proleterian slave caste to perpetuate a dying global civilization. Now the spiritual and warrior elite have to waste away among the ruins of a dead world ruled by kikes and subhumans a little while longer.

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Not even a commie but it's one of the greatest tragedies in modern world history.

You guys don't leave here, you probably feel really nice about yourselves. Cause i saw your content of the 90's, it's your favorite wealthy and living large childhood.
And i am feeling that your bright childhood was payed for misery of my people.

This is almost certainly the case.
Of course our Jewish handlers made sure that the sweet nectar we reaped from our people was mixed with poison.

Retribution for the destruction of my country

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No empire can survive forever. They spend their wealth and strength on expansions, until it becomes unsustainable and they collapse. That was the USSR's problem. They tried to take control of more than what they could afford.

Britian had an empire where the "sun never sets" because it was literally colonies across the entire globe. But to sustain that empire they had to send out engineers to build it, educators and administrators to manage it, and military to protect it. But the colonies couldn't produce enough wealth to keep it going; it was a net loss and after a while they collapsed. Same with Spain, France, etc.

Empires are inherently delusional and an act of self destruction. That's why we, the United States, don't take control of other nations as a general rule. Instead, we install friendly regimes in foreign lands and let them take care of running the place. It's much more sustainable. Things can improve but you must learn from the mistakes of the past.

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Then why we need you in charge? Do you sence that this kind of strategy will lead to global crisis and the world war?
Because it's already happened once. World war one, where all tought guys all over the globe were busy dividing the markets for more colonies?

>dividing the markets and gaining more colonies?

After ussr collasped so did the wages and benefits of the western worker who is replaced by cheap labor and migrants (even cheaper labor) There is no more communist bogeyman to scare the jews into provinding good wages/ worker rights.

That is true. But what about china, vietnam, north korea or Laos? They have socialistic gorenment.

The two world wars were a single conflict, with a temporary ceasefire between them. And yes, their colonial activity is what caused the wars: opposing states fighting over ownership of the same dirt.

The cold war changed this. The USSR continued the same strategy of colonial actions by spending their wealth to take control. There were "pretend governments" that claimed to be in control, like Castro in Cuba, but the soviets controlled everything. The economy, military, etc.

On the other hand, the United States allowed nations to control themselves. Japan, Sourth Korea, etc have legitimate native governments that control their own economy and military. It's much less expensive.

Soros did it.

Like he s trying to make EU the new caliphate.

They lied. The USSR never ended.

You missing the point. South korea, japan and most of the europe occupied and by US. Financually and by shier force - nato military bases and forces who don't answer to the locals.

Ussr ended. The revolution did not.

yкpaїнa deserves to be free. give back кpим

Укpaинa deserves to be free. Give back Oдecca, Днeпpoпeтpoвcк and Киeв.

mmediately after the removal of US bases from Japan

It Shouldnt have ended.I got the chance to talk to former soviets and they thaught me a lot of things i did not know.

We could use another superpower to balance out not just materialism/capitalism but also has the opposition to the U.S.

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As I was saying, this kind of logic getting us nowhere, but towards the armed conflict. And that's really fucked up cause we all gonna die, and all those fucking marvels of the technologies wont save the day.

Why not have fascism to balance out capitalism?

They had no imperial ambitions, has no real international weight and were gladly selling off their labor for western companies.

Thats why China is so admired by western capital (that owns the press) despite having a worse human rights record that USSR or todays Russia.

Build my whole country, food was high quality everything was better,

Of course it would be preferable user,but Op was specifically talking about the Soviet Union. I would be pretty okay with fascist/marxist regimes existing in contrast with capitalist liberal democracies,has long they were able to get along in some regard(which would be difficult but my point still stands).

Facism is just a variation of capitalism. You have the state that basically picks winners.
You dont need a democracy to have a capitalist market system.

shouldnt have ended just changed some things

What? Ukraine is literally the worst country in the ex bloc

In all seriousness, the USSR sounded like a dogshit place to live that required citizens to lie to themselves to keep the dream alive. millions suffered in gulags as the psychotic government tried to weed out problematic citizens. was it ever going to get better? didn't all nations suffer more together than apart? indeed, many of these nations are still poor and harbor resentment against america and Americans, though would another union fix that? even extra national unions like the EU seem like a bad option

You're hopelessly deluded if you think that economics were the center of fascist government systems.

Please put an end to it. Annex Galicia and cleanse Lwow.


>millions suffered in gulags
from 1918 to 1954 around 2% of the population went through penitentiary system of the USSR.

what about the rest of my questions? sure not everyone was sent but the reasoning for sending people there always seemed paranoid and wrong. what did your ancestors have to deal with under the USSR?

Very good, Russia finally free
Too bad America and China didn't follow, but all in due time
I love the foreign policy of new Russia, true Russia
Thanks for still supporting my Cuban brothers

Im just saying you can have a capitalist system with a totalitarian government. Investors love stability.

The economy is always first. It's the basis. The idea is secondary and serve the need of the basis.

>the economy is always first
You're actually a slave to the current paradigm; worst yet you believe you're wise for believing your falsehoods.

From what I have read about it I know it was a very good thing for some Soviet and Eastern Bloc citizens whose lives improved when communism ended, but in other places it was a very bad thing for others and there were wars. I also think the collapse was inevitable.

That's fair, but fascism != capitalist dictatorship

Wtf man. Your average soviet had his paid off appartment, guaranteed employment and 6 week vacations. A life stable enough to have families and not resorting to importing niggers.

The results of the referendum about keeping Ussr speak for themselves.

The (especially violent) crime rate was much lower under communist rule compared to before and after, not unlike Sharia law lands. I hate commies as much as the next person here but they got something right, it was safe to live there then.

Not much, they had their free education, got a job to feed themselfes right after, made a family and after that things went to hell.

Twas the fault of American outspending us in the Cold War. However, our ideology still prospers today in the hearts of many and the countries of few. We will rise again

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Secobd worst tragedy of the last century

when and how and what happened when things went to hell for them?

Well after soviet union fell the industry fell apart because it wasn't meant to be divided and wasn't made to make a profit. The market prosesses developed large crysis, which destroed the factory of our small town, gaved everyone a job. The i got issues in my family because of that and basically i don't really want to write a biography here.

The mistake of soviet commies was the stupid "brotherely help" to niggers and other international adventures. Sadly at the end the country was run by scenile 80 year olds pushing a dumb rhethoric, then came a cuck and after and a drunk idiot who sold/destroyed whatever was left.

Yeah, and you will collapse again. People have tried to create communism so many times and every time the inevitable reality and consequences of your retarded ideology were the same.

Kek,thats similar to what they told me.That whole "S.Union was living hell" is a meme(post lenin and stalin tho)


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Peaceful coexistence is revisionism

The Nazis and Soviets should have invaded Middle East and China rather than europe and eastern europe. It would have been far more beneficial for everyone.

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I disagree but respect your opinion.

Best thing to ever happen in all of modern history

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if ussr still existed
we never would get flooded w/ your zhidz n uzbeks

USSR should have gone the way of Best Korea

andshould have kept them in soviet ukraine

I'd say in the late 80s it started to get bad.
It got real bad in the 90s where people were not paid their salary and the compensation at best was a box of american spam (humanitarian aid).
So while the russians were at their poorest, guess what the government did? Yes they started privatizing everything! Now try investing into something if you hadnt been paid for 3-6 months.
Add to this local enthic wars in georgia, chechnya and other soviet republics.

Squandered by Bush, along with our golden age.
Greatest traitor in history is George Herbert Walker Bush.

Go suck Stalins petrified cock, you Communist faggot

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Every single commie country ended up ran by geriatrics tho.

I bet you would suck hitlers petrified cock, if he wasn't end up in the shallow grave where he belongs.

Hitler isn't dead anymore. Faggot

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>believes collapse was a good thing


the entire theater of WW1 and WW2 should have been confined to Asia, with Germany, UK Russia fighting proxy wars thru chinks and poos, until none are left, and then split Asia amongst eachother

Thats a tragedy for Russia and the rest of tge world, that still didnt understand it.
Capitalism is cancer with cyberpunk ahead. Communism is future with all-people union and development.

Bad.Because absence of competition leads to degradation.
I hope chinise will develop well enough their space technology to compete with the US and we'll another space race between two major superpowers

ИTT: пидopaшкa 100%

Glad that it happened

NATO doesn't control their economy or native military. It is purely aide sent by USA to support the local government. We have military graveyards all over the world, but not a single colony. This is the proper way to expand; remain separate but allied.

it was pretty funny lmao

Communism is cancer. A bit like your existence. You festering infectious cunt

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Holy Slavic Empire >>> Soviet Union

Not letting MacArthur bomb China was a mistake.
Not letting USSR bomb China was a mistake.
Opening China was a mistake
Those fucking chinks are crawling into every part of the Pacific like fucking ants. Idgaf about flips, but the chinks need to be slapped down. Hope America fucks them up good.