I just got to the conclusion that we simply cannot understand each other...

I just got to the conclusion that we simply cannot understand each other, the day when nationalism will take power in Europe will come, but it is will come with a price, i wish our nations could work together, but there are people that simply do not want that, they just want their nations to dominate and want to hurt other fellow Europeans, which is sad, but that is how it is, a vicious cycle of envy and hatred among neighbours (and not only).

Jumping to the subject, Italianbros, are you interested in such a partition of the Balkans, what do you think, i want to discuss, can we have good relations and work together since we do not really have the same territorial claims and ambitions (or at least for the most part)?

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>i wish our nations could work together, but there are people that simply do not want that, they just want their nations to dominate and want to hurt other fellow Europeans
same desu
>Italianbros, are you interested in such a partition of the Balkans, what do you think
I'd support an adriatic union with all of this territory united as a single federation.

You want analbania ?
>i feel almost sorry for you
bring back Venice republic reeeeeee

rip us

Albania is just a territory begging to be used. Just imagine the potential for infrastructure and telecommunication investments.

you know hot to handle mafia better than us (see Mussolini)
they are European after all, you can assimilate them using a little force.

serbshit boomer is soooo triggered by Croatian Dubrovnik HAHAHAHAHA

Europeans could maybe work together if “working together” didn’t require millions of Muslims flooding your country and sharing one currency.

i would make a more structured response, but memeflag
it is funny how Croatia think that if Hitler won they would end up in the winning side, lmao, Italy wanted Dalmatia, how is losing Dalmatia a win in Croatia's eye and isntead gaining Bosnia is beyond me, but ok, each to their own

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I see the Serbs want the Kings landing so hard

>no can't do...

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>are you interested in such a partition of the Balkans,
>what do you think
border gore

>Meme base image xdfddddfffffffffffdddddff trololiloolioooolollollollo


cuck lol

It ll be impossible, Di Maio had already been infected. Now its only down to Salvini.

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In all honesty I just want to keep what we already have, but we are getting replaced.

Also, I would like to give asylum to some gorilla and having them in my small village in the appenine region.

Watching them to have regular jobs (such as train operator, because they would look dope in that uniform) I would like to wake it the morning and see one of them to say hi with the hand while riding a bicycle.
All of us will dress like in the 50's I am going to have a small house with a negligible wife and some very blonde daughters.

I know they are not mine, but I still love them as my own, even if deep inside me It hurts like hell.

But I got a gorilla friend backing me up(he works as tree cutter) from time to time me and Gobba(this is his name, Gobba) go smoke togheter and drink some beers.

Gobba is single, he is not gay or anything he is just a very solitary person.

Attached: sad.jpg (419x387, 24K)

this is a heartwarming story :')

Not so fast faggot

And you think the locals will let you ''invest'' like you do in Italy, kek.

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I firmly believe that Albanians can be redeemed in a few generations. The ones that settled in Italy after the Ottoman conquest stayed relatively calm and peaceful, and they even gave us one of our most patriotic prime ministers back in the XIX century, pic related

Attached: 441px-Francesco_Crispi_crop[1].jpg (441x600, 56K)

I have slept 5 hours in 2 days it is safe to say that I am tripping.

like they need your approval, lol

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Pic related still best Italia.

Attached: Grande_Italia.jpg (1306x714, 506K)

Thanks, doc

so i assume that you are interested?
ammmm, huh? for what?

This, I came to this conclusion just watching my people and the Northern Macedonians fighting about a name. Instead of making a step towards Balkan cooperation some people seems to stuck on their ethnic ambitions, which is good but they are doing it with the wrong way. I think they can't understand the concept of cooperation and giving something in order to achieve prosperity

Gib back Kosovo. It's legitimate Romanian clay.


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no,we should leave the balkans altogheter
we should just build statues in honor of the native italians that lived there and that's it.

Albania will be a state-satellite of Greece sit and watch.

I think that pic is way more mentally sane than the whole EU, not to mention euro/eurozone.

jej, you cant even deport your 500K negroes and elected controlled opposition. ITALY IS DONE.

kek canadian education,stick with your faggot leaqder

>annexing analbania
No please. We have enough albozergs as it is.
Ignore flag I'm in Italy but my carrier is French

easy there leaf
the government just got to power
let's see what happens

I love Italy and I wish we shared border with them ,not some, ugh, western serbians

You can have Alb*nia.

Attached: Albania nuclear holocaust.jpg (900x506, 56K)


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Its gonna be imposible to divide land like that as long as the UN exists

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Albania is Greek.

Albanians have all been living in Italy for a while anyway, we wouldn't see the difference

Only since the 90s. It's like saying niggers can stay.
Albozergs have to go back

and you want more of them?

Memeflag we took Dubrovnik so fast we were shooting our own guys in the back

I'd rather have more alb*nians than more niggers, that's for sure
Ideally I'd rather have none, but since I don't see that happening, I'll take the lesser of the two evils

I genuinely don't think albanians are better than niggers. Every single one here in Milan looks indistinguishable from a moroccans, both in terms of looks and behavior

we should fuck more and have more babies and stop any kind of immigration and emigration

no immigration or emmigration, but only exportation
also checked

In current year it's happening that albanians are return back and some take italian friend with them. Sad to see Italy in this shape.

We stoped being part of Turkey long time ago Mehmet

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why should the weak serbs have any part of former dalmatia or moesia?
Itally should have all of it.
fuck the barbarians

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anything is better than niggers

except gypsies, of course

I would gladly live and die for Roman Empire 2.0

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I'd support it with a united customs area (like Schengen) except for Albania.
Albania needs to remain closed off for at least 20 years while critical infrastructure projects are undertaken, so they don't just leave en masse.

The Italian and Serbian ways of life are close enough to be compatible. We both share a general disdain for rules, love of food, etc.
Who knows, having us as the major stakeholder in the union could even get the Albanians to stop bitching about kosovo.

Albania is part of EU, no?

No it's not, it's a candidate but not member yet.

>I will take the "poco cotto" niggers
why salvatore? none is always an option

These are the real balkans borders

Attached: balkans.jpg (2164x1736, 464K)


If i had to chose any ruling power over us I would rather chose Italy before any Slavshit or Greekroach