Nigger starts nigging

>Nigger starts nigging
>reaches for shit while being cuffed
>gets shot
>makes an entire movie how its not his fault


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And white people like you can't stop crying out in pain. boo hoo.

I was actually laughing in the theater when seeing this trailer

Honestly niggers are only digging their own grave at this point, the more they chimp out and the more they start pushing whitey around it is only a matter of time before they push whitey into a corner where he'll have to come out fighting and it won't be pretty. This applies to the other non-whites too from Jews to Spics

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And what is whitey going to do? Get murdered by us like usual?

The comments are gold.
>t.niggres - The main character isn't black enough. She is biracial and half white. REEEEE

Retards, every last one of them.

>It's about black people, poor people
>Goes to private school, drug parties
>No money, but respectful people
Either the book was poorly written, or they did a poor job recreating it.

>John Green


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The thing go rrrah, rrrah, rrrah, rrrah, rrrah nigga


With no system to keep niggers well fed and housed with paid for heating paid for by whites, they'll starve out and die off pretty damn quick because most whites are cowards anyways unless put into a position where they'll have to fight for their lives. Once that happens, this system will cease to exist and all those depending on it will be dragged down with it including many whites who were too weak willed to begin with.

Nothing is ever good enough to a nigger

Typical shit writing from a numale

We will be better off without the weak white bois anyway. They aren't reproducing anyway, they pump all their loads into another šòybòys shit filled ass. Let them all perish together.

None of that dialogue made any sense

>public school

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>Angie Thomas
Phew just looking her up is cancer.

So you admit to being violent savage monkeys?

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I fucking hate blacks

Op is a

Most of the comments are like this from angry niggers lol

>why she lightskinned?

Me too. They are such a blight on the world.

>Ok but where the dark skinned black girls at tho? It’s always the light skinned ones"

Subtle hatred for people in their own comunity. fucking lol.

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The comments on that youtube video are pure insanity.

A fucking nigger grabs a brush to provoke a cop and gets shot, congratulations, you may retire your Darwin Award.

Good thing this nigger is dead

John "i only eat cheerios touched by dicks" Green


I've been on safari for too fucking long, boys.

>don't mess with white people

This jpeg is so stupid. Every white guy I know is a pussy. Yeah they can fight wars as a regular army, but as individuals, they can't do shit. And no regular army is going to war on behalf of white people because the army's already 60% non-white. The white people had a good run, but that time has passed. Now they suffer from civilizational fatigue and a lack of self-confidence. The white genes will get washed away in a sea of miscegenation. Deal with it.

wtf I can barely understand what they're saying in the trailer
speak proper english fucking hell

Your main export is maple syrup.

If I could get away with saying nigger as often as 69 does I'd be sooo happy...

Keep shooting you and locking your dumbasses behind bars.

how do you even drive that thing, do you move your whole torso when turning or how does t work.

>knows a white guy

What did he mean by this?


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herd de derp let me fuck with my hands near a cop

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John "cum lakes in my conflakes" Green

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